Women's words are so arrogant that they are lawless.

Su Yan's rare good temper is now all polished clean.

"You... You... You... What do you say?" Su Yanqiu's eyes were wide, angry and angry.

"Bitch, you want to talk back? Get out of here The woman yells again, is a slap toward Su Yan's cheek to fan.

How arrogant!

This is not to Su Yan at all.

But Su Yan is not an idiot. How can you stand in the same place and let others fight? Seeing the woman's slapping, she quickly raised her arm to block it.

The woman's slap in the air. Su Yan wanted to fight back, but as soon as she raised her hand, she thought of Liang Qiuyan next to her. She could only bear the anger in her heart and said angrily, "Miss, that's enough! If you make trouble again, don't blame me for calling the police! Now my godmother's situation is very bad, if she has any problems, you must not escape the relationship! "

"Bitch, are you threatening me? You deserve it The woman seems to be infuriated, regardless of the three seven twenty-one, directly rushed to the past, scratched and scratched, and pulled her hair.

Su Yan was shocked. She didn't expect that the woman's reaction was so big.

See the other side rushed over, forced helpless, Su Yan can only fight back, two women so wrestle together.

Where did Su Yan fight? Moreover, she is not a shrew. How can she be so crazy as this woman? She can only defend and counterattack passively. However, this woman is obviously a spoiled princess. Despite her madness, her strength is so small that she can't hold down Su Yan's small hand. Su Yan's fingernails are not long and immediately cut the flesh on her arm.


The woman screams out the sound, clearly is only a shallow mark, but seems to be a broken arm pain, that cry is a sad.

Su Yan was stunned, obviously did not expect the woman's reaction so big.

But that's not enough. When the woman screamed, several well-trained female bodyguards dressed in suits rushed out of nowhere. Without saying a word, they pulled the two women away.

"What are you doing? Let go

Su Yan was also caught by these bodyguards. No matter how she struggled, she couldn't get rid of the bondage of these bodyguards.

At this time, the woman has been standing up, angry toward Su Yan.

"Chen Ying! Hold on to her The woman yelled at the bodyguard.

Seeing this, Su Yan realized that it was not the woman's strength that was hurt by herself, but that she deliberately let herself hurt.

Because she knew that only if she was hurt, the bodyguards would rush out to help herself.

Now, her purpose has been achieved.

"Bitch! How dare you fight against me The woman issued a sharp scolding, without saying a word is a slap directly fanned on Su Yan's cheek.


Su Yan's cheek immediately bright red, the hot pain let her not help but take a cool breath.

However, this is not enough, a woman grabbed Su Yan's ink like hair and pulled it madly, as if to tear off her scalp.


Su Yan uttered a cry of pain.

"Do you know how good I am? Do you know? Bitch! bitch! Thousands of people ride on the blue pool where thousands of people sleep! How dare you fight against my mother? Ha ha ha, do you know you are afraid now The woman gave out a crazy laugh, and her face was full of hearty laughter.

However, despite this, Su Yan's eyes are still firm, no only, she endured the pain, glared at the woman.

"Stop... Stop it!"

At this time, the frail Liang Qiuyan did not know where the strength came from, suddenly rushed up, a hug the woman, want to let her stop.

"Go away, you old bitch! Get out of my way The woman threw Liang Qiuyan away.

Liang Qiuyan was caught off guard and fell on the ground. The back of her head hit the ground heavily. She was in a coma and didn't know whether she was alive or dead.


Su Yan's eyes were wide open and cried out in a hurry.

But Liang Qiuyan has lost consciousness.

Seeing this, Su Yan's eyes are full of tears, and her heart is extremely sad.

Although she didn't meet Liang Qiuyan a few times, she was her own godmother in the end.

And a good living person in front of themselves, suddenly become this way, who can bear it?

"What? Get angry? Pain? Heartache? This old bitch deserves more than her death! And don't worry, the more interesting thing is still to come The woman loosened Su Yan's hair and stroked her delicate chin, squinting and laughing.

"A man like you can't die easily! You're going to hell Su Yan gnawed her teeth.

"Hehe, no matter how hard I am to die, I will die behind you! But you'd better think about how to go back later! " The woman said with a smile.

Su Yan breathed and felt something was wrong. She quickly called out, "what do you want to do"Ha ha, what do you want to do? You'll find out later. " The woman said with a smile, then waved her hand: "go, strip this bitch for me, and then throw it to the city center!"

"Miss, it's not very good. If it's too big, the top will blame it." A female bodyguard carefully said.

"What are you afraid of? Just say it's a female psychosis. What's the matter with us? If you do it quickly, I will bear the consequences! " The woman insisted.

Those female bodyguards have no choice but to start.

"No, stop it!" Su Yan was extremely sad and angry.

At this moment she even thought of death.

But in these female bodyguards to start the moment, a cold voice sounded.

"Liang Nanfang, if you really make a move and discredit our Liang family's reputation, I think that when you don't die, you have to take off your skin. Don't think that nobody knows about your business! If you are not afraid of punishment, you can continue to move this young lady and try! "

As soon as the words fell, all the female bodyguards stopped.

Liang Nanfang frowned and looked at the sound source.

A look, but see a car did not know when it has stopped beside, Liang Hongying is fast from the car to run down.

"Oh, you cunt, too?" Liang NanFang's face was not natural, but she still refused to admit defeat.

What else does Liang Hongying want to say? She suddenly sees Liang Qiuyan in a coma on the ground. Her face changes suddenly, and she immediately goes forward to pick up Liang Qiuyan.

"Aunt Qiuyan! Aunt Qiu Yan

She cried out in a hurry, but Liang Qiuyan didn't answer.

"Did you do it?" Liang Hongying suddenly raises her head and stares at Liang Nanfang.

"This... This has nothing to do with me. She fell down herself. I tell you, Liang Hongying, don't slander others out of thin air." Liang Nanfang looked unnatural and stammered, "I have something else to do. I won't waste my time with you bitches. I'm gone!"

With that, the man got into the Ferrari and left.

Those female bodyguards also let go of Su Yan, got into the car parked on the side of the road and left together.

Su Yan sat on the ground powerless, dishevelled and embarrassed.

Liang Hongying looks at all this silently, and her expression is particularly lost.

"Miss Su Yan, are you ok..." Liang Hongying looked at Su Yan and asked.

But Su Yan lowered her head and did not answer her.

"Am I still... Late?"

Liang Hongying has some self reproach.

"Xiaoyan, I've got the medicine!"

At this time, a burst of rapid shouts sounded, and Lin Yang trotted towards this.

But as he ran, his pace slowed.

The medicine in my hand... I don't know when it's spread all over the place...

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