Su Yan had a difficult night.

She was lying on the bed, tossing and turning, thinking about everything that happened during the day.

She had never suffered such a big loss in her life.

I never thought that a person who is thousands of miles away can easily instigate a colleague who has been fighting with him for several years, and easily deprive him of everything he has worked hard for!

This gap made her really unacceptable.

If Lin Yang hadn't reported to the police in time today, even this life would have been involved.

At this moment, Su Yan understood the reason why shopping malls are like battlefields.

If you are not careful everywhere, and if you are a little careless, you will end up in eternal doom!

Early the next morning, Su Yan rushed to the company with two dark circles under her eyes.

Although there are a lot of messes going on right now, what needs to go still has to go.

Sitting in the car, Su Yan took a few breaths of fresh air, then stepped on the accelerator and rushed to the company.

Half an hour's drive will arrive at the gate of the company.

However, when Su Yan just parked the car, she saw that the company gate was crowded with people.

Everyone was whispering and discussing, not knowing what happened.

Su Yan was confused and had a bad premonition in her heart.

She hurriedly got out of the car and squeezed into the crowd.

It took a while to squeeze in front of people and take a look.

Su Yan is stupid!

I saw a few figures kneeling at the gate.

It was Li Nongyan and his party.

They knelt on the ground, looking depressed, their faces haggard and ugly, and they were sobbing.

At this time, Manager Wang inadvertently saw Su Yan in the crowd, as if grasping at straws, he shouted anxiously: "Su Dong! Su Dong! You have appeared!"

"Su Dong? You are finally here! Su Dong! I know I was wrong! I have sold the garage overnight, and I have collected the money for you with everyone. Although it did not reach the amount you should have, I beg you to do it no matter what. Forgive us, please!"

When Li Nongyan saw Su Yan, her nose and tears dripped out, and she crawled over crying bitterly, handing the bank card in her hand to Su Yan, while kowtowing.

The others also seemed to be insane, knocking their heads to the ground with all their might.

Even if he knocked his head and blood flowed out, he refused to stop.

When did Su Yan see such a scene? Hastily stepped forward to help a few people up.

"Don't be like this, talk slowly if you have something to say!"

Su Yan glanced at the passers-by who were pointing around, and said in a low voice.

"Su Dong, you have to forgive us, if you don't forgive us, we won't get up!"

"That's right, Director Su, if you won't forgive us, we'd rather die now!"

"Su Dong, please promise us first and forgive us, okay?"

"I beg you Su Dong, please spare us!"

People cried and shouted, one by one kowtow again.

Su Yan didn't know what stimulated these people, but now is not the time to think about it.

"Okay, okay, I forgive you! You all get up, let's go in and talk first!"

Su Yan shouted quickly.

Li Nongyan and others trembled excitedly when they heard the sound, wiped away their tears and snot indiscriminately, and tremblingly said: "Su Dong, we all listen to you!"

"Come in quickly, and close the door!"

Su Yan shouted, she had vaguely seen a few reporters walking here.

The doors of the company are closed.

Following Su Yan to the meeting room, Li Nongyan and others revealed all their crimes, and at the same time produced evidence that could prove their crimes of fraud and embezzlement.

Su Yan was completely confused.

I don't understand what serious illness Li Nongyan and his party have suffered from.

However, after Li Nongyan and his party confessed all their crimes and begged for Su Yan's forgiveness, a group of policemen came to the company and took Li Nongyan and his party away.

Su Yan was dumbfounded.

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