The conference room fell silent again.

A stack of documents and several bank cards on the table indicated that Li Nongyan and the others had been here.

Su Yan sat on the chair, staring at the bank cards silently, her mind was in a mess.

After Li Nongyan and others swindled the company's funds, they immediately purchased the RV. Although they sold it in time, they lost a lot of price difference in a hurry.

Although this amount of money is not the company's entire payment, it is enough to allow the company to survive the current crisis.

But Su Yan didn't understand, Li Nongyan and the others were obviously successful, and they couldn't catch the other party's evidence at all, but why did they suddenly realize their conscience and came to apologize and surrender?

Someone must have forced them to do this!


It must be so!

This matter must be checked!

With determination in Su Yan's eyes, she got up and walked out the door.

But at this moment, several police officers walked in suddenly.

Then came the newly recruited secretary Xie Qian!

Su Yan was stunned.

Xie Qian's eyes were red, she lowered her head and didn't dare to look at her, she was in a daze, her hands were still in handcuffs.

"Excuse me, is this Miss Su Yan?"

A female patrolman asked.

"It's me, what are you doing?"

Su Yan recovered and asked quickly.

"Miss Su Yan, someone reported that the suspect Xie Qian stole your company's secrets. After our investigation, the suspect confessed to the incident. Now we will take her back for interrogation!" the female police officer said.


Su Yan opened her mouth and was speechless for a while.

What she, the boss, doesn't even know, but others know...

"Who reported it?"

Su Yan hurriedly asked.

But the female police officer shook her head: "I'm sorry, Ms. Su, we must protect the personal privacy of the whistleblower, sorry we can't tell you! We will have someone to contact you later, please cooperate with our investigation at that time!"

After speaking, several people took Xie Qian away.

Su Yan leaned against the wall weakly, a sense of powerlessness and emptiness surged up.

Suddenly, she realized something, rushed out of the company immediately, got in the car and rushed to Yanghua headquarters.

After a gallop, Su Yan came to the Yanghua headquarters building.

"Miss Su? Why are you here?"

"Hello Miss Su!"

"Miss Su, are you here to find Mr. Ma? He is in the office! You can go up to him directly!"

The passing staff seemed to know Su Yan, and they couldn't stop smiling and saying hello to him.

Su Yan squeezed out a smile and nodded in response, but kept walking.

After a while, Su Yan knocked on the door of Ma Hai's office.

"Come in!"

Ma Hai, who was working hard, didn't raise his head.

"Mr. Ma, did Chairman Lin do all of this?"

Su Yan strode in and asked seriously.

Probably hearing Su Yan's voice, Ma Hai poked his head out from the mountain of documents and looked at her strangely.

"Su Dong, why are you here?"

"Please answer my question!" Su Yan shouted.

Ma Hai was confused: "Su Dong, I don't understand what you said."

"Mr. Ma, you don't have to pretend! I don't think anyone but you Lin Dong and Yang Hua can make Li Nongyan and the others submit overnight!"

Su Yan said angrily.

Ma Hai was stunned, and soon understood Su Yan's words, and couldn't help but smile: "Miss Su Yan, so you mean this matter? That's right, this matter was indeed intervened by Director Lin!"


"Miss Su Yan, do you have any dissatisfaction?" Ma Hai asked back.

Su Yan's face changed for a while, but he was speechless for a while.


How could she be dissatisfied that someone else had just stepped out for her and allowed her to keep everything she had?

But for some reason, Su Yan always has an inexplicable sense of humiliation in her heart!

Yes, it's humiliation...

Doesn't that make her seem incompetent? Everything depends on Yanghua? Relying on Miracle Doctor Lin?

The rise of Yueyan International is indeed inseparable from the support of Miracle Doctor Lin, so it also aroused criticism from many people in Jiangcheng.

For this, Su Yan has always been very dissatisfied.

She has also put in a lot of sweat herself, and she has worked very hard to develop the company.

But in the eyes of outsiders, the scale of Yueyan International is all thanks to Dr. Lin.

It's more like she...was taken care of by Miracle Doctor Lin...

Could it be my sweat! My pay! Can't you get a compliment from others in the end?

Su Yan is not a person with strong vanity, otherwise she would not be able to endure Lin Yang for three years.

But this feeling of being completely denied for countless days and nights of hard work made her extremely painful.

"Mr. Ma, thank Dong Lin for his help. I am very grateful to him..."

Su Yan held back her tears, gritted her silver teeth and said.

"Miss Su, you don't need to be polite. In fact, Director Lin is also very interested in your Yueyan International's project in Jiangjiao. The reason why he did this is that he wants to cooperate with you to manage Jiangjiao's project together. Since Miss Su is here, Why don't you sit down and let's talk about the cooperation of this project, how about?"

Ma Hai said with a smile.

"No need!"

Su Yan raised her head suddenly, and said with a serious face: "My project... already has a partner!"

"The Louis family? As far as I know, they are not sincere!"

Ma Hai was quite confused.

Su Yan's heart trembled violently.

It was only then that she realized that Yanghua knew all about the Yueyan Group's situation...

"Mr. Ma, thank you, and thank you, Miracle Doctor Lin. I will keep this matter in mind, and I will definitely find a way to repay you in the future. As for this project... since the Louis family is not sincere, then I... let Come out, let Yanghua do it, and I, Yueyan International, will not participate..."

Su Yan took a deep breath, as if she had made some decision in her mind.

"Miss Su Yan?"

"President Ma, don't bother me!"

Su Yan whispered, turned and left the office.

"Miss Su Yan? Please stay!"

Ma Hai shouted anxiously.

But Su Yan has already rushed into the elevator and left Yanghua.

Ma Hai stared blankly for a long time, then sighed helplessly.

"What? People left?"

Lin Yang stood at the door at some point, looking at the elevator door, and asked calmly.

"Yes, Mr. seems that Miss Su Yan doesn't like you helping her blindly!"

Ma Hai shook his head and sighed.

"I know."

Lin Yang was thoughtful, and calmly said: "I think Yueyan International will cut off all cooperation with us from today on!"

"What?" Ma Hai was taken aback.

"She is a woman who refuses to admit defeat! This time, she should really want to win!"

Lin Yang murmured.


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