"What? You were at the Academy of Mysterious Medicine last night?"

In a shabby hotel.

A sturdy one-eyed man wearing a blindfold turned around and stared coldly at the blonde Tina in front of him.

"Yes, Captain!"

Tina's face was pale, there was still fear in her pupils, and her voice was trembling.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Eddie noticed something was wrong with Tina, and asked with a frown.

"Leader, I think...this Xuanhuang Mine...let's give up! Let's leave here immediately, we have to leave Jiangcheng quickly! Leave Longguo!"

Tina said hurriedly.

"Tina! Did you see something?"

Eddie's face darkened, and he said coldly: "Last night, many people saw a divine light appearing above the Academy of Mysterious Medicine! If you were at the Academy of Mysterious Medicine last night, then what must you have seen? Tell me quickly ! What happened there last night?"

Tina opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but the scene of last night immediately appeared in her mind, and she trembled slightly with fright.

"I'm sorry, Captain Eddie, I....I can't tell you too much! Otherwise...or I'm afraid I won't be able to get out of this Jiangcheng! I...I can only tell you that the Louis family is over! Louis The family has completely disappeared!"

Tina shouted tremblingly, her terrified expression stunned all the members of the Ziyaohua mercenary group in the room.

"The members of the Louis family have completely disappeared? Impossible. I came with Old Louis. He arranged for us to investigate the Xuanhuang mine yesterday. In less than a day, they all disappeared? Tina! What are you kidding? "

Eddie growled.

"Leader! I hope you can listen to my advice and don't stay here any longer. There is a god here! A god that you will never be able to compete with!"

Tina trembled, then turned and walked outside the house.

"Tina, where are you going?"

Eddie asked.

"I'm leaving here!"

"You can't go, our mission has not been completed!"

"Captain, if you insist on not leaving, I can only quit the mercenary group!"

Tina didn't seem to want to waste any more words, she just opened the door and left in a hurry.

"Bastard! That bitch!"

Eddie cursed, but didn't bother to chase after him.

He could see that Tina had been frightened into a fool, she had no fighting spirit, and it would be no different to force her to stay.

Ke Tina's appearance made the mercenary group feel uneasy.

"Captain, maybe we should listen to Tina's opinion!"

A group member stepped forward cautiously and said in a low voice.

"You want to go too?"

Eddie frowned.

"For no reason, Tina wouldn't have such an expression! If the leader doesn't want to leave, I think it's better to contact the Louis family first and ask about the situation!"

The member hurriedly said.

Eddie nodded, thought for a moment, took out his cell phone, and dialed a number.

After waiting for a long time, the call was finally connected.

"Hey! Old Louis! What the hell happened? Are you all right?"

Eddie asked loudly.

But there was no sound from the phone for a long time.

"Old man, what's the matter with you?"

Eddie didn't feel well, so he yelled again cautiously.

Until then, there was no sound from the phone.

"You should be the Ziyaohua mercenary group mentioned by Tina, right?"

"Who are you?"

Eddie's face changed suddenly.

It was a voice he had never heard before.

"I'll give you a chance. If you all go to the Mysterious Medical School now and help me with something, I won't kill you."

The voice on the phone said indifferently.

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