Rose Bar.


There was the sound of a wine glass breaking.

Eddie, Jared and the others standing at the door took a tight breath and looked at the strong men sitting on the sofa.

"What did you say? Tell us to get out of here?"

On the sofa, a man with swollen muscles and wearing a camouflage vest hugged a heavily made-up woman beside him, holding a cigar in one hand, and said with a cold smile: "Eddie! I think you are crazy! If your brain is broken, go to the hospital immediately Look, don't be ashamed of yourself here!"

"Ha ha ha ha..."

The others laughed.

"Bastard! How dare you insult our leader?"

The members of Ziyaohua couldn't stand it anymore, and drew their guns angrily and stepped forward.

But just as their guns were drawn, the other party also drew their guns.

The two sides fell into a standoff.

There was a lot of tension in the box.

The atmosphere is particularly tense.

But at this moment, a strange aura suddenly permeated the entire box.


Click! Click! Click...

A piercing sound sounded.

I saw that the guns in people's hands suddenly broke by themselves.

It seemed to be cut by a sharp knife.

People were taken aback.

Eddie also congealed his breathing, and stared at the bathroom in the box with wide eyes.

A man with long hair and unkempt face came out.

The man was unshaven, unkempt, with a dirty face, and his clothes were in tatters.

At first glance, I thought it was some down-and-out tramp.

But as soon as he appeared, everyone dared not take a breath.

This strange breath emanated from the man.

He stared at Eddie blankly and walked slowly.

Eddie swallowed his saliva, his body trembled slightly, and the fear in his eyes gradually rose...

"Sia! Please don't be angry, we are only following orders!"

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Jared stood up and tried to persuade him.


The man named Xi Ya glanced at him indifferently, and said with a blank expression: "When did you join a team of children like them?"

Jared was stunned for a moment, and said with a wry smile: "Mr. Xiya, I didn't join the Purple Yaohua Mercenary Group, I just...just like Eddie, I followed Mr. Yanghualin's order and came to persuade him to leave Yours..."

"Really? That's a pity!"

West Asia shook his head again and again: "I didn't expect that a guy who has gained fame outside the territory would actually be willing to be a pug wagging his tail at the feet of others when he arrives in the Dragon Kingdom. Jared, you have completely disgraced your motherland!"

"Xia, this Mr. Lin of Yanghua is by no means simple! If there is no other way, how can we surrender to him? Trust us! The best choice is for you to leave, and Jiangcheng will be completely blocked this afternoon. If you don't leave, it will be too late."

Jared was earnest.

However... little effect.

"A frightened rat came to me and told me to run away... Jared, if it was normal, I would kill you a thousand times, ten thousand times!"

West Asia said coldly.

"Mr. Sia..."

"Shut up, idiot!"

Xi Ya snorted coldly: "If it weren't for your father's friendship with me, do you think you can still stand here?"

After finishing speaking, Xi Ya suddenly raised her hand and waved towards the members of Ziyaohua behind Eddie.

whoosh whoosh...

The strange wind directly penetrated the bodies of these people.

The bodies of several people froze on the spot, and then, their bodies split apart one by one, turning into pieces of flesh and dying.


The woman in the box screamed in horror.

Eddie and others were also shocked...

"Go away! Before I change my mind! Listen, if you dare to come and say such rude words to me in the future, I guarantee you will regret being born in this world!"

West Asia directly issued a eviction order.

Jared sighed and looked at Eddie.

Eddie also lost confidence, and was even more awed by the terrible method of West Asia.

Forced to have no choice but to turn around and leave...

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