Jared, Eddie and others ran out in disgrace.

Thinking of the men who died in the box, Eddie gritted his teeth, his heart was burning with anger, but there was still a hint of horror rising up.

West Asia's method is too terrifying.

If he had known that this person was so fierce, he would never provoke him...

"Leader, we can't go on like this anymore. If we are really asked to notify everyone one by one, I'm afraid we will all die!"

"Those guys don't understand the horror of Mr. Yang Hualin at all, they only think that we are humiliating them!"

Several members of the regiment were still in shock and said one after another.

How could Eddie not know this truth?

If it wasn't for Jared, I'm afraid they would have died long ago.

"That's right! Not only will our reputation be ruined if we continue to notify one by one, we may even lose our lives! Jared, we have to stop this stupid behavior!"

Eddie gritted his teeth.

"Then do you have any other better ways?"

Jared frowned at him.

Eddie thought about it, and suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and hurriedly said: "We can find someone, and he will notify these stupid guys on our behalf!"

"Did you mean... a rattlesnake?"

"That's right."

"But this guy eats people and doesn't spit out bones. If he asks him for help, I'm afraid he will charge us an extremely expensive fee!"

"Dude, now is not the time to think about these things. Only by saving your life can you think about the future!"

"Okay! Let's go find the rattlesnake!"

After a whole morning of work, the group finally got in touch with the rattlesnake lurking in Jiangcheng.

After the Ziyaohua mercenary group emptied their family, they successfully let the rattlesnake take the message and passed it on to people outside the territory all over Jiangcheng.

Lin Yang was not angry when he got the news.

Although the means are different, as long as the goal is achieved.

Of course, we can't just let Eddie and the others take the lead, Yanghua also has to issue a statement.

So at noon that day, Zhou Xuanlong cooperated with the Jiangcheng police to post a notice on the official website to control the major entrances and exits of Jiangcheng. At the same time, dozens of patrol cars also played their horns in the streets and alleys of Jiangcheng, announcing the announcement of the half-day closure of the city.

Under the instruction of Lin Yang, Xu Tian posted the news on the dark web.

All of a sudden, all the people received the exercise notice from the Dragon Xuan Legion.

Those outsiders who were dormant in Jiangcheng also got this incredible news.

Lin Yang sat in the academy, waiting for replies from various places while refining the elixir.

Soon, Eddie and others returned to the college to report.

"Mr. Lin! We have followed your instructions and informed people outside the regions of your words. They should all know that Jiangcheng will be locked down this afternoon!"

Eddie said respectfully.

"it is good."

Lin Yang nodded and said expressionlessly: "When the matter is over, I will let you go. In the meantime, you can stay here."


Eddie didn't dare to disobey, so he had to bite the bullet and agree.

At this time, Xu Tian hurried in.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Yang looked at him.

"Director Lin, within three hours after the news was sent out, only a dozen people left Jiangcheng. These people are generally not strong. We have also investigated them, and they have not committed crimes in Jiangcheng."

Xu Tian bowed.

"So, the others didn't leave?"


Xu Tian hesitated, then nodded slightly.

"Yuan Xing, Cao Songyang, are they ready?"

"They are all on standby."

"There are still two hours until five o'clock in the afternoon. Help me contact Zhou Xuanlong and ask him to inform the people of Jiangcheng that the exercise will be further upgraded. After six o'clock, everyone please stay at home and don't go out. The exercise will end after eight o'clock!" Lin Yang Said calmly.

"Director Lin, are you going to make such a big fuss? I'm afraid Zhou Xuanlong...doesn't have such great power..."

Xu Tian hesitated to speak, and said cautiously.

"I will respond to Yandu and let them issue orders to Zhou Xuanlong. In addition, all the people from the Dragon Xuan Legion will be dispatched and stationed at various intersections to deal with emergencies at any time!"

"That's... good."

Xu Tian nodded, and immediately ran down to make arrangements.

Eddie was astonished.

Lin Yang engages in such a big fight....what on earth does he want to do?

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