"Shuai Lin...wait for me! Shuai Lin..."

Xu Zhishuang was gasping for breath while running vigorously.

She has increased her speed to the extreme.

The whole person surpassed the cheetah and moved among the rugged mountains.

But even so, he still couldn't catch up with Lin Yang's pace.

Lin Yang soared into the sky like a beam of light, falling towards the edge of the sky.

After the Grand Master rejected Lin Yang's request to go to the third stronghold, Xu Zhishuang planned to go back to her room to rest, but happened to see Lin Yang leaving the military tent, and Xu Zhishuang followed quietly.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yang rushed directly to the third stronghold.

Xu Zhishuang immediately understood Lin Yang's intentions and immediately chased after him.

But Lin Yang didn't mean to wait for her at all.

After a while, Xu Zhishuang could no longer see Lin Yang.

Xu Zhishuang realized that the situation was not good, and quickly took out her mobile phone to contact Da Zuntong.

With her authority, she couldn't talk directly to Da Zuntong, and the call only went to the headquarters.

"I am Xu Zhishuang, the leader of the banned team. I have an emergency to report. I just saw Lin Shuai going to the third stronghold alone. I request to send reinforcements immediately to protect Long Shuai!"

"Group Leader Xu, Da Zuntong has brought 20,000 people to the third stronghold. They are already on their way. We just got the news that the third stronghold is under enemy attack. The situation is not optimistic!"

There was a voice from the headquarters.


Xu Zhishuang was dumbfounded.

"Group Leader Xu, please follow Long Shuai immediately and ensure his safety!"


Xu Zhishuang responded immediately, hung up the phone, and looked into the distance.

Only then did she realize that the seriousness of the situation had far exceeded her imagination.

Taking a deep breath, Xu Zhishuang mobilized her energy again and rushed towards the third stronghold.





A violent explosion spread.

The third stronghold on the top of the mountain is full of fire and smoke.

The soldiers held the latest plasma machine guns and fired at the enemies rushing towards them all over the mountains and plains.

But the number of opponents was too large, and the firepower was so dense that the first line of defense could not even last for 5 minutes before being broken through.

Without the protection of the light curtain, bunkers like sandbags alone are useless at all, and the opponent's firepower is enough to penetrate any defense.

"Hold on! Hold on to me! Wait for reinforcements, no matter how much you pay, don't lose your stronghold! Hold on to me!"

A celestial leader held up the battle flag and shouted with all his might.

"Commander! Get down! Get down!"

The soldiers next to him rushed towards the leader in a hurry.

As soon as the commander was thrown down, a blade of air cut across his head, cutting off the automatic machine gun behind him.

"Grandmaster warrior?"

The face of the level commander changed suddenly that day.

"Commander, the enemy has sent at least 30,000 people to encircle and suppress, and there are countless masters. It is impossible to hold the stronghold with only us!"

The soldier got up and said with red eyes.

"If we can't defend it, we have to defend it. If something happens to our stronghold, the entire defense line will be affected! Listen, even if you die here today, you must not retreat!"

The celestial commander roared, his face was filled with a look of resignation to death.

The soldier was startled, then gritted his teeth and charged forward with his gun in hand.

They are the most loyal fighters, and also the most valiant fighters.

Behind them is the country.

They will never allow any foreign bandits to set foot in the sacred and inviolable territory of the motherland.

But just as the soldiers at the third stronghold were bravely defending against the incoming enemy, several figures had quietly sneaked into the crowd.

"Never retreat? Well, you can die here!"

A faint laugh burst out.

The super commander was taken aback for a moment, and immediately pulled out the battle sword on his waist and looked at the dirt bag beside him.

I saw a man with long hair floating in a leather jacket staring at him coldly.

"who are you?"

"Me? Yong Ye! Yu Lang!"

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