Figures all over the mountains and plains kept rushing towards the third stronghold.

Without the protection of the light curtain, the basic defense facilities of the third stronghold simply cannot resist such a large number of enemies.

And in the stronghold, a large number of killers have already sneaked in quietly, launching a surprise attack on the command layer of the third stronghold.

This is a common beheading action on the battlefield.

The strength of these killers is far superior to that of ordinary fighters, each of them can hide from the shadows, run like lightning, and have incomparable strength.

They only need to cut off the command layer, leaving the team without a leader, then this battle will be over soon.

This is the situation that this heavenly commander is facing now.

He kept resisting with his sword.

Ke Yu's wolf attack was unimaginably terrifying.

After several duels, the celestial commander was completely bruised and unable to resist.

"Quick, protect the Commander!"

"Kill the thieves!"

The soldiers around shouted and rushed to support.

But they rushing here will only attract more enemies to besiege here.

In terms of numbers, the defenders at the third stronghold do not have an advantage at all.

"Master Commander! You go, we will cover you!"

A warrior shouted while parrying the enemy.

"You want me to go? Damn, do you think I'm a coward? Tell me to leave my brothers and leave alone? I can't do it! Even if I die, I will die with my brothers!"

That day's super commander's eyes were red, and he rushed forward holding his sword tightly.

Hearing the sound, the soldier turned around abruptly, stopped the super commander that day, grabbed him by the collar, and glared angrily: "Commander, now is not the time to be arrogant, we can't hold this stronghold at all, if you don't prevent everyone from leaving, just It will only increase the number of unreasonable sacrifices, you must keep your vitality! In the future, you will reunite with the Great Master to regain the third stronghold! Do you understand?"

"I lost my stronghold! Abandoning my brother, what face do I have to meet Da Zuntong?"

The heavenly commander roared.

The soldier was emotional and opened his mouth to say something.

But at this moment.


A sharp sword suddenly pierced his chest.

The soldier trembled all over, and a lot of blood flowed from his mouth.


The leader of the sky level was stunned, and looked behind him in a daze.

Only then did he see Yu Lang running through behind him with his sword raised with a ferocious expression on his face.

I saw Yu Lang twist the hilt of the sword, and the spirit on the sword exploded.

Chi la!

The soldier's body was instantly torn apart and exploded on the spot.


The celestial commander was completely enraged, roaring and swiping his sword.

At this moment, he no longer thinks about everything!

His head was almost on fire.

He has only one thought now!

Avenge your brother!

Kill the enemy for the country!

"Die! Die! Die for me!"

The Heavenly Commander frantically swung his battle sword without any defense, as if he was crazy.

But Yu Lang's strength is obviously much higher than his.

No matter how fierce or swift his attack is, Yu Lang can handle it with ease.

In the end, the offensive of the Heavenly Commander slowed down.

He was exhausted and bruised.

Yu Lang seized the opportunity and pierced his body with his sword again.

The celestial commander retreated again and again, clutching the battle sword tightly, and glared at him angrily.

"Are you very angry? Are you helpless? Weak, that's right!"

Yu Lang said lightly, the mockery and disdain in his eyes were no different.

"Asshole, do you think you can win this battle?"

The celestial leader said in a low voice.

"Didn't I win?"

Yu Lang asked lightly.

The heavenly commander lowered his head and said nothing.

Suddenly, he took a step forward and rushed forward holding the sword that had been pierced into his body.


He let out a growl of pain and anger.

The body forcibly pierced through the sword, and approached Yu Lang along the blade.


Yu Lang's breathing was tight, and he was about to let go of his sword and retreat.

But it was too late.


With a sudden surge of true energy, the breath of destruction rose suddenly, and the body of the heavenly commander exploded directly.

It was a self-destruct!

Yu Lang was sent flying by the shock, and fell heavily on the ground, very embarrassed.

"Master Yu Lang, are you alright?"

Several enemy soldiers immediately helped Yu Lang up.

"Kill! Kill me! Kill all the people in the third stronghold! Leave no one behind!"

Yu Lang became furious from embarrassment, got up and drank coldly in a low voice.


With the sound of the melodious horn sounded outside the third stronghold.

The enemy forces have launched an all-out attack.

The defense line of the third stronghold completely collapsed.

The remaining soldiers can only retreat to the inner fort, standing firm and waiting for help.

"Master Commander! We will stick to it like this, I'm afraid we won't be able to wait for reinforcements to arrive! The defense in the fortress won't last long!"

"If you can't hold on, you have to hold on! At the moment... there is no better way!"

"Commander, we can send people to attract some of the enemies and reduce the defensive pressure here!"

"Attract away?"

"Yes, I propose that I lead the team to break out of the fortress, and then rush up to the mountain in the south. We can use the advantage of the mountain to deal with the opponent. This time, the opponent is rushing to destroy us and occupy the third stronghold. If we all defend Here, they will only be taken by the opponent, and their firepower must be dispersed!"

"No, it's too dangerous! Now that the outside is surrounded by iron barrels, it's impossible to rush out!"

"Don't worry, Commander-in-Chief, I have a solution! As long as you agree, I will lead people to fight out, and I guarantee that we will reach Nanshan Peak! At that time, we will form a corner, and it will be easier to defend!"


Before the commander-in-chief of the third stronghold agreed, the soldier who raised his opinion had already shouted loudly: "Which brother who is not afraid of death is willing to fight out with me? Stand up!"


"I'll go with you!"

"And I!"

The soldiers went on and on.

"Okay! Brothers, I can fight side by side with you, my life is worth it! Let's go!"

The soldier laughed loudly, and walked out of the fort with his sword and gun in hand.

"Leopard! How do you break out of the encirclement?"

The commander-in-chief of the third stronghold felt that something was wrong and immediately shouted.

But the soldier named Leopard didn't even look back, and rushed out with his men.

The commander-in-chief of the third stronghold realized that it was too late, and immediately shouted: "Fire cover! Help them get out!"

After all, he also rushed to the opening with a gun to shoot.

But it wasn't long before the bullets poured out...


The violent explosion sound spread again.

The whole fort shook.

The commander-in-chief of the third stronghold stared at the blood mist not far away, completely petrified.

It turns out that the way Leopard said to break through the to rely on his self-destruct...


The third stronghold commander's eyes were blood red, and he roared to kill him.

"Commander, don't be impulsive!"

"We must stick to this place!"

The soldiers next to him hurriedly stopped him.

"Hit me! Hit me hard!"

The commander screamed horribly.

Everyone frantically pulled the trigger and waved their energy.

Da da da..

The bullets poured out crazily, and the air blade kept flying.

Under the sacrifice of the leopard, this team miraculously broke out of the enemy's encirclement and rushed to Nanshan Peak. Relying on the defense of Nanshan Peak, it began to attract enemy firepower...


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