As this team rushed into the South Mountain Peak, the defensive pressure on the fortress was reduced by more than half.

They began to deal with the enemy relying on the terrain and some few defensive devices in the Nanshan Peak.

After a few back and forth, they actually wiped out nearly a hundred enemy soldiers.

"Bastard! What are these bastards doing? Even dozens of people can't deal with it?"

On a high slope in the distance, several figures in black cloaks watched this scene, furious.

One of the men with a beard and a binoculars cursed angrily: "Send me another thousand people to take down this mountain! Hang up the corpses of those Dragon Warriors and hang them in front of the fortress!"

"Yes, my lord!"

The subordinates responded immediately.

Soon, an enemy force began to press towards the mountain.

Facing the tide of enemies, this team of dozens of people has been cornered.

The few defensive equipment on Nanshan Peak lasted only seven minutes before they were all destroyed by the opponent.

Everyone relies on the terrain, fighting and retreating.

But Nanshan Peak is so big, even if they can retreat, where can they retreat?

"Continue to retreat!"

"Captain...we have nowhere to retreat...we will reach the top of the mountain..."

"The top of the mountain? It's okay... the top of the mountain is the top of the mountain! Brothers, let's evacuate to the top of the mountain first, and when we are almost done, we will fight with these beasts! We have bought a lot of time for the commander, I believe... the reinforcements Coming soon!"

Panting heavily, the captain wiped the blood off his face.

"Once the reinforcements arrive, the stronghold will not be lost! We are worth dying for! Brothers, are you afraid of death?"


"You have to ask these bastards if they are afraid of me!"

"Hahahaha, bastards! Come on! Grandpa is here! Don't you want to kill Grandpa? Come on!"

"Come here if you have the ability!"

The soldiers laughed loudly, seeing death as home, with only perseverance and the madness of killing the enemy left on their faces.

But as the tide of enemies kept pouring in, the dozens of fighters dropped sharply to only a dozen or so.

They were all bruised and bruised, retreated to the top of the cliff, and stood on the edge of the cliff.

Some people couldn't stand up straight anymore, but they still held their weapons tightly, their eyes were like torches, and they stared forward.

The sunset on the west mountain, the sunset glow in the sky, just like the blood all over the mountains and plains reflect each other.

The autumn wind was bleak, blowing slowly, like the last elegy for these dozen soldiers.

They let go of the hands supporting each other, and stood up straight again.

They are ready to charge!

The final charge!

Even if they are smashed to pieces, even if they never come back, they must let the enemy know their attitude! Knowing their determination, and knowing the warriors of the Dragon Kingdom, they will not give in to anyone easily!


A strong man with a terrifying breath walked up to the top of the mountain, staring indifferently at the dozen or so warriors who were about to charge.

His strength far exceeds these people, and in his eyes, these people are no different from ants.

"Let me deal with these idiots!"

The strong man shouted lightly, and then walked towards the dozen soldiers with a long knife stained with blood.

Seeing this strong man approaching, everyone suddenly felt pressure doubled.

But they have nothing to fear.

By this time, they have long ignored life and death, and looked down on pain.

They have only one thought in their hearts.

I saw the strong man suddenly raised his knife and raised the blade.


A ray of saber light suddenly appeared, and it was about to slash at these dozen soldiers.

But at this critical moment.


A long rainbow suddenly crossed the sky and fell directly to the top of the mountain.

As soon as the knife light approached Changhong, it suddenly disappeared.


The strong man was stunned.

The world was shocked.

"who is it?"


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