All eyes were on the figure that suddenly descended on the top of the mountain.

People stare in disbelief.

The strong man looked anxiously, and an inexplicable sense of oppression emerged in his heart.

For some reason, his back felt chilly, goosebumps all over his body for no reason, and an inexplicable sense of fear lingered in his heart.


The dozen or so soldiers couldn't help but stop their steps to charge, and looked back at the place where Changhong landed.

I saw a man who was handsome and handsome like a god came over.

He looked at the dozen or so fighters, his pair of serious star eyes suddenly turned cold.

The person who came directly raised his hand, shot out a large number of silver needles, and pierced into the bodies of these soldiers with lightning speed.


Someone shouted.

But the speed was too fast, they couldn't react at all.

When he came back to his senses, the silver needle was long gone.

"What did he do to us?"

"What was that just now?"

The soldiers kept touching their bodies, quite nervous.

But at this moment, someone found that the pain in his body suddenly disappeared, and the gurgling blood also stopped.

It seems that the injuries all over the body have been relieved.

" do I feel so much better than before?"

"My it feeling?"

"What's going on?"

The soldiers were confused.

The visitor stared at the soldiers and asked solemnly, "Where is your supreme commander?"

"who are you?"

The captain asked cautiously.

"I am the third commander of the Dragon Kingdom, Lin Yang! Soldier, tell me, where is your supreme commander?"

Lin Yang took out the token and said in a deep voice.

"What? Handsome Lin?"

The soldiers are stupid.

The enemy soldiers who forced over there were all stunned.

No one ever thought that this person who suddenly appeared on the battlefield would have such an identity...

"Shuai Lin! You...why are you here?"

"Not good! Shuai Lin, why are you here alone? Go! Go!"

The captain almost didn't go crazy, after confirming that the token that Lin Yang took out was genuine, he roared immediately.

The majestic Dragon Commander of a country, unexpectedly appearing in such a dangerous place... It's killing people!

If something happened to Long Shuai, what should he do?

The enemy army here is ecstatic.

"That's Commander Long of the Dragon Kingdom! Hurry up! Come on, capture this person alive, definitely capture this person alive!"

The strong man was very excited, pointing at Lin Yang and roaring.

"Who can capture the commander-in-chief of the Dragon Kingdom alive, be promoted to a noble rank, be rich and honored, and honor his ancestors, just around the corner!!"

The shouts spread, and the eyes of all the enemy soldiers turned red.

That's the leader of the Dragon Kingdom!

If he can be captured alive, everyone knows what it means!


Finally, someone couldn't bear it anymore, and rushed towards Lin Yang with a roar.

"what happened?"

The commanding team watching from the bottom of the mountain looked at the top of the mountain together.

Hearing the shocking shouts of killing, everyone was astonished.

It's just encircling and suppressing more than a dozen enemies, why are you so excited?

But the next second!


A sea of ​​flames soaring into the sky suddenly exploded from the top of the mountain, like a sharp knife, cutting off half of the mountain abruptly.

All the people covered by the flames were instantly reduced to ashes.

The enemy troops all over the mountains and plains were directly divided into two...

In an instant, the command team was dumbfounded.

Countless enemy troops were stunned.

What was even more shocking was the dozen or so soldiers standing beside Lin Yang.

They were stunned, staring blankly at Lin Yang's upraised hand, thinking they were dreaming for a while.


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