
Yu Lang's eyes widened, looking at Lin Yang's pupils, shock and disbelief were written all over his face.

This divine light is definitely not possessed by ordinary warriors.

"Could it be... the aura of the land gods?"

Yu Lang's scalp was numb, his heart was jumping with fear, and a gust of cold air rushed straight to Tianlinggai.

He is from the Dragon Kingdom, and he has heard people mention this legendary realm.

He couldn't believe it.

But at the moment, except for this legendary realm, there is no other realm that can match Lin Yang's current strength.

"No wonder this man calls himself a god... No wonder..."

Yu Lang's lips trembled, his pupils quivered wildly.

He didn't dare to hesitate, backed away again and again, and continued to activate the Blood Demon Forbidden Curse.

A large number of bloody palms split out from the huge blood-red barrier, and slapped Lin Yang fiercely.

But Lin Yang directly ignored these attacking palms, his body sank, and colorful glazed light curtains surged around his body.

These light curtains transformed by the power of ascension are like a body shield, constantly rotating around Lin Yang and the rattlesnake he captured.

Lin Yang grabbed the rattlesnake with one hand, landed in the air, and rushed directly to Yu Lang.

The bloody hand that struck like a devil's claw slammed into Lin Yang fiercely, but it couldn't break through the glazed light curtain at all.

Yu Lang was shocked, retreated again and again, and then cursed blood, sacrificed a large number of bloody hands, forming a bloody hand shield to block Lin Yang.

But this is not a drop in the bucket.

As soon as the Bloody Hand Shield appeared, Lin Yang flicked his finger, shooting out a soaring force, which penetrated instantly.

The power gap between the two sides is too great!

Yu Lang stared wide-eyed, trembling all over.

The blood demon forbidden technique he is so proud of can't do anything to Lin Yang at all...

"No, it must be that the power of the forbidden spell is not strong enough! It must be!"

Yu Lang's lips were pale, and he activated the forbidden spell like crazy.

The blood in the countless corpses in all directions seemed to be attracted by something, and it couldn't stop rushing towards the huge barrier.

The bright red color of the barrier became more and more bewitching, and the power of the blood curse rose wildly.

"Die to me!"

Yu Lang roared and raised his hand to grab it from the air.


A wave of blood sprang out in front of Lin Yang immediately, and the blood wave quickly turned into a big hand, grabbing Lin Yang fiercely.

Lin Yang's eyes turned cold, and he suddenly rushed forward, smashing the bloody hand with his body, and came to Yu Lang in an instant.

Yu Lang hastily pulled out the blade at his waist and stabbed Lin Yang.


The blade made a crisp sound as if hitting an iron plate, and then bent and broke directly.


Yu Lang was dumbfounded.


Lin Yang grabbed Yu Lang's neck and lifted him up.

Yu Lang struggled like crazy, trying to get rid of Lin Yang's restraint, but it was of no avail.

"As a native of Longguo, I don't object to you chasing fame and fortune, but if you turn around and slaughter your own compatriots, I can't tolerate that!"

"Don't kill me! I have important information to tell you! As long as you let me go...whatever you want to know...I can tell you..."

Yu Lang pinched Lin Yang's wrist, screaming with difficulty.

"Sorry, I don't want to know."

Lin Yang said coldly, then suddenly exerted force.


Yu Lang's neck was directly cut off.



His body exploded, and the power of ascension crushed his entire body.

A cloud of blood mist slowly bloomed as Yu Lang's head fell.

Yu Lang, die.

The rattlesnake on the side petrified on the spot.

Endless fear rises in his eyes...


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