With the death of the remaining wolf, the curse of the blood demon gradually collapsed.

Collapsed with it, and the Rattlesnake.

"You should tell me the truth about everything you know, right?"

Lin Yang looked sideways at the rattlesnake and asked calmly.

"I said... I said everything... I will tell you everything my lord wants to know..."

The rattlesnake's teeth chattered, and it shouted tremblingly.

"very good!"

Lin Yang nodded, and threw the rattlesnake towards the group of soldiers outside the forbidden spell.


The rattlesnake fell heavily to the ground, bleeding from the head.

But he dared not run away.

Yu Lang's death has completely frightened him to death.

He knew that the message in his mouth was definitely not his life-saving talisman.

"It's good to keep an eye on this person!"

Lin Yang said lightly.


A dozen soldiers immediately surrounded the Rattlesnake.

Lin Yang turned around and rushed towards the hillside.

"Not good! Protect the commander!"

"Stop this man!"

"Quick! Stop him!"

The soldiers around screamed again and again, rushing towards the hillside in a hurry.

But facing Lin Yang, who is like a god, no matter how many people are on the other side, it is difficult to stop him.

"Withdraw! Quickly withdraw!"

All the commanders were terrified, turned around and ran away.

But they just jumped off the hill.


Above the sky, a large amount of lightning suddenly fell, and it precisely smashed into the crowd of the command team.

In an instant, the command team was wiped out.

With the death of the leader, the remaining barbarian guards were suddenly leaderless.

The third stronghold army took advantage of the momentum to attack.

For a while, the enemy threw away his helmet and armor, and the slain fell on their backs.

"Follow me to kill the enemy!"

Lin Yang landed on the hillside, turned around and shouted at the third stronghold army behind him.

"My lord, are you?"

The commander-in-chief of the third stronghold hurriedly asked.

"I am Lin Yang, the Dragon Commander of the Dragon Kingdom!"

Lin Yang said solemnly: "Don't hesitate, attack with me!"

"Shuai Lin?"

The third stronghold army was surprised and delighted.

The commander-in-chief hurriedly said: "Commander Lin, our accusation is to guard the third stronghold. Since they have shown their defeat, let them go. If we attack all fronts, they will send people away from the mountain and quietly occupy them, and we will have no way out. ..."

"It doesn't matter!"

Lin Yang said calmly: "The third stronghold can't be lost, even if they occupy it, they can't hold it."

The voice fell to the ground, and he suddenly raised his hand.


A terrifying crescent blade energy that was hundreds of feet long flew out, instantly flattening the mountain in the distance.

The mountain collapsed and the rocks flew, hitting the fleeing barbarian guards.

For a while, the wailing continued.

The soldiers at the third stronghold looked dumbfounded.

"Today's heavy damage to the enemy army, they will never dare to invade the Dragon Kingdom again, follow me to chase Baili, kill them all!"

Lin Yang shouted and jumped forward.

The soldiers' blood was boiling with enthusiasm, and each of them rushed out with their swords and followed Lin Yang...

The commander-in-chief of the third stronghold has also come to his senses.

Lin Yang's strength is so terrifying, so what if he is captured by the enemy? They took it, so what to guard?

This gap in strength is too great!

He breathed out and shouted loudly: "Follow Long Shuai! Go!"


The soldiers at the third stronghold followed suit, chasing and killing them forward.

Soon, the third stronghold was empty.

Apart from dead bodies everywhere, there is no sign of living people.




A panting sound came from the path.

Xu Zhishuang, who was sweating profusely, staggered towards this place.

She hardly stops along the way.

But her physical strength can't be compared with Lin Yang's at all. When she arrived here, it was extremely difficult for her to even stand up.

Xu Zhishuang couldn't hold it any longer, and planned to sit on the stone next to her and rest for a while.

However, just as she sat down, her complexion suddenly changed.

"The smell of blood?"

She looked back hastily, her pupils dilated.

On the slope not far away, trickling rivers of blood flowed down.

"this is...."

Xu Zhishuang's scalp was numb, she hurriedly looked towards the location of the third stronghold, jumped off the boulder, supported her body and rushed towards it.

Soon, Xu Zhishuang gritted her teeth and persisted, and finally came to the third stronghold.

However, the purgatory-like scene in front of her completely shocked her...


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