"how so?"

"No! No...impossible..."

"Shuai Lin! Where are you?"

"Shuai Lin!"

Xu Zhishuang looked around with widened autumn eyes.

The inside and outside of the third stronghold are full of corpses. Although most of them belong to the barbarian guards, there are not a few Dragon Kingdom soldiers who died in battle.

Seeing this terrifying scene, Xu Zhishuang's heart sank.

Lin Yang didn't know where he was going, if there was something wrong with him, it would be the sky falling!

After all, Long Shuai's identity was on display.

If Long Shuai was killed in battle, it would definitely be a devastating blow to the morale of the Long Guojun.

Xu Zhishuang eagerly searched for Lin Yang's body.

But turned around and disappeared.

And what puzzled her most was why there was no one in the third stronghold?

If the rebels attacked the third stronghold and won, they should have captured it directly and established defenses!

If the third stronghold repelled the rebels, there should also be defenders here.

However, the light curtain could not be opened, and relying on the strength of the third stronghold alone, it was simply impossible to defend this place.

Xu Zhishuang searched and found that there was no one there, so she stopped covering up and boldly searched for clues.

She checked the light curtain mechanism.

"It was destroyed artificially. It seems that the defenders of the third stronghold... most likely have bad luck..."

Xu Zhishuang murmured.

Woo! !

A melodious horn sounded.

I saw a large number of northern border troops appearing outside the third stronghold.

The crowd rushed forward one after another, rushing towards this place.

Like a torrent of steel.

After a while, the entire third stronghold was completely surrounded by the rushing army, and it was completely impenetrable.

"Group Leader Xu!"

Great Master Tong Cheng Shanhe walked over quickly, staring at the corpses all over the mountains and plains, and then glanced at the fragmented Nanshan Peak not far away, and said solemnly: "What is going on here? Where is the third stronghold army? Where is the enemy? "

"Your Majesty, I don't know. When I came, there was no one here except for the corpse."

Xu Zhishuang said in a condensed voice: "Your Majesty, could it be that the enemy suddenly withdrew their troops when they knew in advance that we were going to support this place?"

Cheng Shanhe thought for a moment, then turned his head and said: "Send someone to investigate immediately, and find it for me within a hundred miles. If there is any shadow of an enemy, send me a message immediately, and grab your tongue!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Several troops immediately attacked forward.

"Your Majesty, there is a live one here!"

At this moment, a soldier shouted loudly.

People looked around hastily.

I saw a few soldiers fish out a barbarian guard covered in blood and frightened from the pile of corpses.

The barbarian guard was injured in the abdomen. Although it was serious, it was not enough to lose his life.

The team doctor rushed forward and gave a simple treatment.

The barbarian guards slowed down.

"Where are your people?"

A commander stepped forward and asked fiercely.

The barbarian guard was stunned for a moment, and then the fear on his face became more intense, and he shouted tremblingly.

"Demons...Demons...Among you...there are demons...you are demons...."

Everyone frowned, confused.

"Damn, what are you on the nerves?"

The soldier gave the barbarian guard a slap in the face, then put a gun on his forehead, and roared: "Hurry up and tell me the truth, or I will kill you with one shot!"

Looking at the black muzzle of the gun, the barbarian guard had just regained some sanity, but his whole body was trembling like a sieve.

"I...our people...have been repelled by you..."


Everyone was stunned.


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