The other side of Steel Ridge.

"What happened?"

A group of Anqing Army soldiers who were lying on the ground staggered up and down, looking at Gangshanling tremblingly.

"No... I don't know..."

"Could it be an earthquake?"

"It's all right, how could there be an earthquake?"

"Could it be the bastards of the Northern Frontier Army causing trouble?"

"Are you fucking crazy? Doing trouble in Gangshan Ridge? Are they too long-lived? I heard that even the King of Hades can't get over Gangshan Ridge!"

"Let's be careful."

"I think you have a brain problem!"

Several other soldiers lay down again, ready to sleep again.

Available at this time.




Loud bangs came out one after another.

The entire steel mountain was shaking constantly.

The ground shook for a while, and the rocks splashed.

The soldiers of the Anqing Army stationed here were terrified and retreated hastily.

At this time, the communication equipment on a soldier's chest lit up.

"Soldier, tell me what happened in the direction of Steel Mountain Ridge? Why are there successive explosions?"

An angry voice came from the communicator.

"Sir, I... I don't know, it seems to be the sound from the other side of the steel mountain. Now the whole steel mountain is shaking, and... it may be an earthquake..."

"I need you to set up drones to investigate immediately! Quick!"

"Okay, okay sir!"

The warrior immediately nodded to the other companions.

Everyone carried several large boxes and quickly assembled them.

The steel mountain has not only miasma, but also magnetic field.

The communication devices here are the most primitive.

The drones deployed by the crowd are also specially made, expensive, and extremely difficult to fly back. Ordinary drones simply cannot fly over the steel mountains.

About half an hour later, the special drone was finally installed.

Everyone let go quickly.

The jet-black drone quickly flew towards the steel mountain.

But as soon as it approached the top of the steel mountain, the drone shook, and traces of rust appeared on the fuselage.

This is the power of the steel mountain's magnetic field and miasma.

It staggered and flew over with difficulty.

After a few minutes like this, they finally turned over the steel mountain and came to the other side.

Several soldiers of the Anqing Army immediately stared at the screen in front of the joystick.

What is projected on the screen is the picture taken by the drone.

And in the picture, there are 5,000 northern soldiers.


Signal interrupted.

The drone could no longer withstand the interference of the magnetic field and fell straight down.

Lang Wu here seemed to hear the movement, and when he looked over there, his expression changed drastically.

"Shuai Lin, they found us!"

"It's okay. It's a long way from Ma'ergu. Even if An Qing knew about it, it's too late to go back to defense."

Lin Yang frantically urged the power of ascension in his palm, injecting it towards the mountain wall in front of him.

The power of ascension is like a huge drill bit, constantly piercing into the mountain wall.

Click! Click! Click...

A lot of debris splashed.

Lin Yang walked inside step by step.

Lang Wu and the others were dumbfounded.

Xu Zhishuang even stopped thinking.

She never expected that Lin Yang could crush the stones of the steel mountain...

As for the other side of the steel mountain, the soldiers were dumbfounded.

"Sir, the drone captured the picture. On the other side of the Steel Mountain Ridge, there is a Northern Border Army team that has assembled about thousands of people."

"What are they going to do?"

A cold voice came from the communicator.

"do not know..."

"Five thousand people? That's not a lot. Do they want to cross the steel mountain and attack our base camp?"

"Sir, with all due respect, if these 5,000 people dare to go up the mountain and can move ten meters, it will be considered God's blessing! Steel Mountain Ridge is hell, no one can pass through it."

"What you said is reasonable...but you still can't be careless. I will send another team of a hundred people to support you. You have planted traps on the periphery of Gangshan Ridge. If there is any movement, you must report it as soon as possible!"


The soldier smiled slightly and turned off the communication.

"Isn't it a big deal?" The companion next to him said with a smile.

"Executive order, what can I do?"

The soldier also shrugged helplessly.

But at this moment.


A strange sound came out.

All the soldiers froze for a moment, looked forward, and were immediately dumbfounded.

I saw a crack on the rock wall in front of me...suddenly.

Immediately after...


Cracks exploded, rocks flew and dust flew.

A hole with a diameter of two meters appeared.

Then, a figure slowly came out of the opening.

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