Xu Zhishuang seemed to be petrified, she stared at the cave in front of her dumbfounded, her mind was completely blank.

She never expected that someone could break through the steel mountain with bare hands!

Moreover, it only took more than half an hour of effort.

She stood at the entrance of the cave, looking at the gravel all over the ground, and the light at the end of the cave, her heart seemed to stop.

"Lin... Lin Shuai really did it?"

Lang Wu came back to his senses, his voice trembling in disbelief.

"What are you still doing in a daze? The fighter plane is fleeting, do you want me to teach you how to kill the enemy?"

At this time, Lin Yang's cold voice came from the entrance of the cave.

Lang Wu was agitated all over, and immediately pulled out his sword and shouted: "Brothers, follow Long Shuai and kill!"


Immediately, five thousand soldiers rushed forward one after another, rushing towards the entrance of the cave.

Although the hole is not big, the distance is not too long.

The soldiers were fit and strong, and filed in. After a while, soldiers from the Northern Territory Army rushed out of the cave one after another.

The defenders of the Anqing Army stared blankly at this scene, all dumbfounded.

"Enemy...Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

"Quick, hurry back to the big tent! The northern border army is coming!"

"Quick retreat!"

Several people screamed, turned around and ran away.

However, within a few steps, he was caught up and cut off by Lang Wu.

Lang Wu glanced at the communication device on one of the soldiers. The light was already on, and he stepped on it immediately.

"Long Shuai, we have to fight quickly!"

"Not urgent!"

Lin Yang said solemnly, and suddenly raised his hand and waved towards the air.

whoosh whoosh...

A large number of Hongmeng dragon needles flew out, spun in the air, curled up in front of a large amount of ascension force, people raised their eyes, as if seeing a golden mad dragon flying above their heads.

"Everyone, take off your shirt!"

Lin Yang drank heavily.

Lang Wu was startled, but he didn't dare to refute, he immediately waved his hands and said, "Take off your shirt!"


The soldiers immediately carried out the order.

"Shuai Lin, should the soldiers also take off their armor? Will this be too dangerous?"

Xu Zhishuang was in a hurry and asked quickly.

The armor of these fighters is made of special materials and has excellent protection.

Now Lin Yang actually told them to take off their clothes and leave their upper body naked. Could it be that they want to fight hand-to-hand with An Qingjun?

Lin Yang glanced at her, and said solemnly: "You watch from behind, you don't need to join the battle."

Xu Zhishuang was startled: "Shuai Lin, I..."

"I have already said, don't question my decision, don't doubt my words, if you can't do it, just go back, don't get in the way!"


Xu Zhishuang was very angry.

But she is a woman, how can she take off her clothes?

Soon, five thousand people were all topless.

I saw Lin Yang moving his fingers.


The 'Golden Dragon' above directly let out a shower of needles.

These are all condensed by the power of ascension, like spring rain of silk, falling down and piercing into the bodies of the soldiers.

In an instant, all the warriors' bodies bulged with blue veins, their strength soared, and their aura rose crazily.


Xu Zhishuang opened her mouth, once again in a daze.

The soldiers looked at their hands in disbelief, moved their shoulders slightly, and there was a crackling sound.

They just feel that they are full of strength at this moment!


Lin Yang drew out the natural knife, took a light drink, and rushed forward.


Lang Wu and others immediately led the crowd to follow.

Xu Zhishuang looked at the figure rushing forward complicatedly, and only now did she realize how superficial and ridiculous her knowledge was.

This person cannot use normal thinking to speculate at all.

She silently took out the communication device and sent a message to the third stronghold:

"Shuai Lin has led Lang Wu's troops to successfully break into the base camp of the Anqing Army!"

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