"Quick! Save Your Excellency! Quickly Save Your Sir!"

"What is this? Ah! I'm on fire! Water! Give me water!"

"I'm scalding to death! I'm scalding to death!"

The soldiers of the Anqing Army were ignited by the pitch-black flame, and they all let out miserable wailing sounds.

"Don't use water!"

An Qing rushed down from the car, saw the black flames burning all around, and immediately shouted: "Split your arms quickly, and cover your body with the blood in the blood vessels, so you can put out the fire!"

As the voice fell, the soldiers present immediately followed suit.

Soon, the flames on them were extinguished.

Everyone retreated to the periphery of the fire circle.

The black flame burned for only three or four minutes, and then gradually extinguished.

The fire was not too big, but it put the vanguard of the Anqing Army into a mess.

Lin Yang led people over, staring at An Qing and the others indifferently.

"Which one is Lin Shuai?"

An Qing stared coldly at Lin Yang who came out, and asked in a deep voice.

"I am."

Lin Yang said lightly.

"Heh, boy, you are so brave, you dare to come to my place! Are you so eager to die?"

An Qing narrowed her eyes and looked at Lin Yang, seeing that the other party was indeed as young as the rumors said, she couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief and laughed out loud.

"An Qing, weren't you quite arrogant on the phone before? Now that I have taken over your lair, how do you feel?"

Lin Yang said calmly.

"Shuai Lin, you are amazing, you can actually pass through the steel mountain and surprise my garrison! I admire you for this, but unfortunately, this can't cause any substantial damage to me! The garrison is gone, I will build another That's right! As for these mud fires... are they taken from my warehouse? You use my things to deal with me? Don't you think it's ridiculous? Do you really think these mud fires can burn me to death?"

An Qing smiled disdainfully, his eyes full of contempt.

"I never intended to use them to destroy you! I just wanted to use them to weaken the strength of your troops."

Lin Yang shook his head and said.

An Qing was startled, and suddenly realized something.

In order to extinguish the flames on their bodies, all the soldiers who were set on fire had to break their wrists and force blood out of their bodies to extinguish the fire.

Although this method of extinguishing the fire is effective, the premise is that one's own arm will suffer.

These soldiers don't know any medical skills, and the pills they carry are not enough to make them heal their wounds quickly.

As a result, their combat power will naturally be greatly reduced.

"It's a bit thoughtful, but... how can this change the situation? I only lost the combat power of a few thousand soldiers, and the remaining tens of thousands belong to others. How do you resist?"

An Qing sneered, knowing that he couldn't procrastinate for too long, he waved his hand directly: "Everyone listen to the order, kill me in, capture Long Shuai alive, and whoever can capture this man will be rewarded with glory and wealth!"


The soldiers of the Anqing Army were jealous immediately, and they all went crazy, rushing towards Lin Yang one after another.

That is a handsome dragon!

That's the highest commander in the Dragon Kingdom!

If you can catch it, fame, fortune and wealth will be inexhaustible in this life!

Who doesn't want to soar into the sky?

Who wants to be the bottom for a lifetime?

At this moment, every soldier abandoned their fear, only Lin Yang was in their eyes!

"Shuai Lin, retreat quickly, everyone, fight back immediately!"

Lang Wu shouted, and hurriedly directed the soldiers to attack.

"You don't need to retreat, you follow me to capture An Qing alive!"

Lin Yang stepped forward suddenly, shouted loudly, and then rushed towards An Qing alone.

Lang Wu and others were all dumbfounded.

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