This Lin Yang, why didn't he play his cards according to the routine?

Lang Wu was dumbfounded, and quickly recovered his senses and shouted: "Hurry up! Hurry up and protect Long Shuai! If there is something wrong with Long Shuai, none of you can return to the Dragon Kingdom! Hurry up!"

The soldiers who had just been deployed hurriedly got up, and ran towards Lin Yang with guns and swords in hand.

Xu Zhishuang at the back also had a terrible headache.

But at this moment, she didn't dare to question any of Lin Yang's actions.

She was terrified of being slapped in the face.

"Lang Wu, let's go together!"

Xu Zhishuang drank in a low voice, raised her sword and followed Lin Yang closely.

Lang Wu had no choice but to bite the bullet and keep up.

I saw Lin Yang took the lead and rushed into the crowd of An Qingjun, dancing wildly with natural knives in his hands.

At this moment, the Tiansheng knife had no healing effect, and the blade was full of violence. With Lin Yang's continuous dancing, it cut open one enemy after another.

The power of ascension continuously circled his body, and the Hongmeng Dragon Needle hovered above his head like an elf.

Sometimes the flying shuttle goes out and stabs at the enemy, cutting off its lifeline, and sometimes it spins backwards, piercing into the body of the northern soldier to protect his heart vein.

One person with one knife and several needles, unexpectedly unstoppable, rushed away the vanguard of An Qing's army, and killed An Qing who was protected by many masters.

An Qing's breath trembled, with an unbelievable expression on his face.

"This Shuai Lin...why is he so strong?"

he whispered tremblingly.

Seeing that Lin Yang was so young, An Qing once thought that he was a son who relied on his connections for a high position. He must have a giant Buddha in the Dragon Kingdom at home, so he got a false job somewhere.

But he never thought that he completely lost his sight this time.

How did this person get mixed up?

With such means, how could he not deserve his name as the Dragon Commander?

In the final analysis, An Qing still didn't understand the position of Long Shuai.

Who can sit on the throne of Long Shuai, who is an ordinary person?

"My lord, please retreat immediately!"

The commander in front realized that something was wrong, shouted at An Qing, and raised his sword to push forward.

An Qing's face was gloomy, and her teeth were about to be crushed.

How can he withdraw?

As the coach, if he retreats, the morale of the army will be broken.

However, at this moment, a stooped man in a cloak suddenly stepped forward and said in an old and hoarse voice: "Master An Qing, at this point, I don't think you will use that trick anymore. There are other ways to subdue this person!"

An Qing trembled suddenly, and looked back at the cloaked man.

Under the cloak was an extremely ugly old face covered with spots.

An Qing's expression suddenly became extremely gloomy.

This person has been following him all the time, and would not offer advice to him easily.

Once this person offers advice to An Qing, it means that the situation has become uncontrollable, and it is not good for the entire Fabo country!

"What do you mean? Think I can't deal with this person?"

An Qing shouted angrily: "He only has a few thousand people, how can he stop my 20,000 elite army?"

"Although those northern troops are brave, it is naturally impossible to rely on thousands of people to resist your 20,000 troops. But the problem is that they have the leader of the Dragon Kingdom sitting in command! You can't deal with this man!"

The old man raised his head slightly, and stared at Lin Yang with the extremely ugly face under the cloak, and there was a gleam of light in the sunken eye sockets.

"According to my observations, this person's strength is extraordinary. I am afraid that he is above you. You will not be able to kill this person. If you don't use that trick, you will even be killed by this person!"

When these words fell to the ground, An Qing's face was in disbelief.

He knows best what his own strength is.

But now, the old man actually told him that the young man over there was stronger than him.

"How is it possible? You must be old-eyed and misread! How can I, An Qing, be inferior to a brat? You must have misread it!"

An Qing couldn't accept it and growled angrily.

But the old man was neither angry nor angry, he took half a step back slightly, and the old and hoarse voice came out again.

"The decision is in your hands, time is running out, Mr. An Qing, make a decision as soon as possible!"

An Qing was stunned.

He stared at Lin Yang, seeing that he was approaching here with his natural knife waving, and finally roared, gritted his teeth and said, "Do it!"

"now it's right!"

The old man smiled slightly, with a hint of greed in his eyes.

"grown ups!"

The commander next to him collapsed and immediately looked at An Qing.

"Call... the reserve team!"

An Qing watched the soldiers fall one after another, and growled in a low voice.

"My lord, those are all brothers who followed you and died for you! you really want to give up on them?" The leader knelt on the ground and shouted with red eyes.

Distraught and angry, An Qing kicked the commander over, pointed at the fallen soldiers in front of him and said, "Aren't they my brothers who followed me to the death? If you can stop it! Why should I sacrifice the reserve team? Quickly, call the reserve team!"

The leader knelt on the ground, tears streaming down his face.

In the end, he could only grit his teeth and turn away.

After a while, a team of ten trotted over.

"Please give instructions!"

The leader saluted An Qing.

Looking at these familiar faces, An Qing finally took a deep breath and turned her back directly.

Several people looked surprised.

Waiting for their reaction.

bang bang bang...

There was a dull sound of slaps and slaps.

Then all ten people fell to the ground, vomited blood and could not move.

Standing behind them was the commander.

"My lord, what are you...doing?"

The team leader widened his eyes and asked in pain.

"Brothers, I'm sorry! I, An Qing, owe you all!"

An Qing said hoarsely, and then closed her eyes: "Old dog, you... let's start!"

The old man in the cloak let out a deep and ferocious smile, and walked slowly towards the ten people...

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