Even though the An Qing Army had a large number of people and desperately resisted, they couldn't stop Lin Yang at all.

Lin Yang was like a god of war, rampaging through the army, as if he had entered the land of no one.

Surrounded by the power of Ascension, these soldiers of the Anqing Army couldn't get within half a meter of him.

Lang Wu and others were completely dumbfounded.

None of them thought that this young Marshal Long would be so powerful...

It's unbelievable!

However, just as Lin Yang charged towards An Qing like a broken bamboo, a strong smell of blood pervaded the air.

Lin Yang frowned, and looked in An Qing's direction.

I saw ten bloody corpses lying in front of An Qing, and an old man with a stooped figure in a cloak was waving his arms in front of the corpses, and at the same time crushed the paper bag in his hand, and pieces of dust fell from his fingers. It leaked through the cracks and fell on the corpses.

Slowly, the flesh and blood of these ten corpses began to twist and crumble, as if turning into blood.

The people around An Qingjun retreated one after another, staring at this scene with wide-eyed horror.

"It's the art of the blood witch! Commander Lin, get out of the way! Commander Lin! Run!"

Lang Wu also saw this strange scene and screamed mournfully.

Lin Yang snorted coldly, raised his hand directly, and shook An Qing's side.

buzz buzz....

The void in all directions of An Qing immediately sent out violent vibrations.

"not good!"

An Qing suddenly realized something, and immediately rushed to the side like crazy.

And the moment he fled away.


A vacuum burst blooms.

Even the high-level executives of An Qingjun and the old man in the cloak were all killed.

A circle of blood mist bloomed in the center of An Qingjun.

The people around were all blown away by the sudden explosion.

Even An Qing was not spared, she was thrown out and fell into the crowd outside.

He vomited blood, his skin was split, and he was seriously injured.

A group of soldiers turned pale with fright, and hurriedly supported An Qing.

"My lord is injured! Hurry up! Take your lord away! Take your lord away!"

"Cover the adults to retreat!"

"Retreat! Retreat!"

An Qing's army was in a hurry to cover An Qing's departure.

The An Qing army was in a mess at the scene.

Lin Yang's eyes were serious, and he rushed towards An Qing immediately.

But he just moved.


A terrifying sound suddenly came from the blood mist that exploded earlier.

The eardrums of the surrounding people were all shattered by the shrill scream!

Afterwards, a cold and bloody aura pervaded the air.

In the blood mist, there seemed to be something squirming vaguely.

Lin Yang stopped and stared at the blood mist.

And the surrounding An Qingjun were all frightened and fled like crazy, not daring to approach the blood mist at all.

"Not good! Lin Shuai, the opponent's blood witch technique has been completed, let's run!"

Lang Wu screamed.

"Back off!"

Lin Yang drank coldly.

He didn't want to miss this great opportunity to capture An Qing alive.

An Qing is one of the main commanders in the northern battlefield. If he can be taken down, it will be of great benefit to the situation in the entire northern battlefield.

However, just when Lin Yang was about to pursue An Qing.

whoosh whoosh...

Countless tentacles suddenly flew out of the blood mist and rolled towards Lin Yang.

Lin Yang was startled for a moment, and the force of ascension with his backhand shattered the attacking blood-red tentacles.

These tentacles can't pose much threat to him.


At this time, screams came one after another.

one look.

More tentacles sprang out from the blood mist, rolling towards Lang Wu and others.

Lang Wu and the others turned pale with fright, and opened fire quickly.

But the bullets hit these tentacles, and there was no reaction, so they had to use all their strength to resist.

But Qijin's effect is still not enough.

Everyone was engulfed by the tentacles one by one, and it was difficult to resist.

Seeing this, Lin Yang immediately activated the power of ascension, and slashed at these tentacles to rescue them.

However, it wasn't just Lang Wu who suffered at the scene.

Some An Qing troops who hadn't had time to retreat were also rolled up by the tentacles.

The bodies of two of them shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and turned into mummified corpses and fell to the ground.

And the tentacles that absorbed the two corpses became even bigger and stronger.

"Is this the technique of the blood witch?"

Lin Yang frowned, had no choice but to give up An Qing, and rushed over with the Tiansheng knife.

"Shuai Lin!"

Lang Wu was shocked.

With a movement of Lin Yang's arm, the sword light bloomed.

All tentacles were cut off.

Everyone fell to the ground and was relieved, even some Anqing soldiers were rescued.

Lin Yang rushed forward with the knife in hand, and flicked his fingers again.

A mysterious force of ascension struck, directly blowing away the blood mist.

But in the blood mist, there was a lump of strange meat piled together like a mud ball.

The monster is hideous and terrifying, with twenty eyes gathered at the top, staring at Lin Yang.

Such a grotesque scene made people tremble in fright.

"This is made up of the corpses of those ten people!"

Lin Yang fell to the ground, staring coldly at the strange meat in front of him, full of doubts in his heart.

The ten people had been killed by the old man in the cloak, and there was no sign of life at all. Why did the old man make these ten people condense together and endow them with life?

What method did the old man use?

How did he do that?

"Shuai Lin! Be careful!"

Lang Wu shouted.

I saw a large number of tentacles growing out of the strange meat, entangled towards Lin Yang.

But Lin Yang didn't care about it at all, he just raised his finger lightly.

bang bang bang...

All the tentacles close to him shattered and shattered.


Lang Wu was dumbfounded.

Lin Yang walked quickly, raised his hand suddenly, and slashed at the strange meat with a knife.

Chi la!

The strange meat split into two and died completely.

Lin Yang watched the inside of the strange meat, and found that their meridians were connected layer by layer with a very strange pattern, and the connection was covered with a unique substance...

"Bring back!"

Lin Yang pointed at the rotten meat and said.


Everyone was shocked, but they dared not refuse.

But just as they were about to step forward, the mass of rotten flesh suddenly wriggled again, and quickly stretched out its tentacles, spreading towards the corpses of the soldiers who died in battle.

"Long Shuai! Not good! He came back to life! He came back to life!"

Lin Yang's expression darkened, and he immediately rushed forward, stepping on the rotten meat.

However, it was seen that there were bloody lights constantly blooming at the bottom. When I opened it, it turned out to be a magic circle painted with blood...

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