"Hey! Kid! It's you! Stop!"

A flower-armed man with a bare head and tattoos spreading all the way to the top of his head walked over.

The man looked to be in his thirties, with no hair on his body, tall and slender, with dark eyes and a fierce look.

The people around him were generally dressed like this, and everyone had guns and sharp knives pinned to their waists. This was the most basic outfit in Tanenke City.

Most of the city is filled with mercenaries.

They rest here, or accept some tasks, and also meet with their informants.

Everyone has a story.

Of course, the natives are also indispensable here.

The dictator of Tanengke is named Desert Leopard, and he has more than a thousand people under him.

They make a living by charging 'tickets' to enter and leave the city of Tanenk, but will not maintain order in the city unless you pay a high protection fee.

"Is there something wrong?"

Lin Yang looked at these people lightly and asked.

"Are you newcomers? Listen, newcomers to Taneng must pay a protection fee of one million each, otherwise, you can't stay here!"

The bald man in the lead said coldly.

"one million?"

City Lord Nanli frowned: "Your business is getting money faster than robbery!"

"Old man, are you courting death?"

The man drew out his pistol ferociously, pointed it at the city lord Nanli, and said ferociously: "Believe it or not, I will send you to heaven!"

The city lord of Nanli didn't want to talk to these bums, so he wanted to mobilize his strength to do it, but was stopped by Lin Yang.


The city lord of Nanli asked deeply.

I saw Lin Yang said lightly: "Small intolerance will lead to chaos and big plans, so don't make trouble first."

Nanli City Lord had no choice but to give up.

"What? No money? You two poor ghosts also know that you are the one who has no money. In this way, I won't embarrass you. If you do something for us, I won't embarrass you. How about it?"

At this time, the bald man spoke again.

"What are you doing?"

Lin Yang asked.


The bald man took out a package from behind, stuffed it heavily into Lin Yang's arms, and said lightly: "Go, take it to the first basement of Genn's Bar, if you do it, forget about the money!"

Lin Yang glanced at the package, and was about to unzip it, but was caught by the bald man.

"Boy, who allowed you to open it? Listen, you are not allowed to open this package until you bring down the Genn bar, otherwise, I will kill you!"

The bald man approached Lin Yang and said coldly.

Lin Yang picked up the package and smiled lightly: "Is there a bomb inside?"

When these words fell to the ground, the faces of several people changed drastically.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

The bald man drank in a hurry.

"I remember that Genn Bar is a bar opened by the people from 'Yong Ye', you want me to send a bomb to 'Yong Ye'? I think, you should be people from Desert Leopards? Only you group of Tanengke The natives are very upset with Yong Ye."

Lin Yang shook his head.


"Brat, do you want to die?"

Several people were angry and drew their guns directly at Lin Yang's head.

The people next to him unceremoniously shot Nanli City Lord.

In their view, one person must be killed first to make an example to others.

But the bullet flew out of the gun and hit Nanli City Lord, but Nanli City Lord did not move at all.

The shooter was stunned and looked away.

Only then did he see a deflated bullet printed on Nanli City Lord's chest.


The man was dumbfounded.

The others were also dumbfounded and hurried to draw their guns.

It can be next second.

whoosh whoosh...

Several sharp lights flew out from Lin Yang's fingertips, and hit these people precisely.

After a while, everyone froze.

"Leader, I will kill these bastards right now!"

Nanli City Lord said coldly.

"No, I have an idea!"

Lin Yang tapped his fingers rhythmically, thought for a moment, and then said to the bald man, "I can deliver this package for you."


The man froze.

"Of course, but the premise is that you must gather your forces immediately and attack 'Yong Ye'!" Lin Yang said calmly.

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