Hearing Lin Yang's words, several people frowned.

"Boy, it's not your turn to tell us what to do when we do things!"

The man snorted.

"So, then you can find someone else, I don't have time to waste time with you."

Lin Yang shook his head and turned to leave.

"Bastard, what do you think of us?"

"Stop! Brat!"

Several people were furious and rushed forward to hold Lin Yang's shoulders.

But as soon as they approached, City Lord Nanli grabbed their wrists and immediately exerted force.


The sound of bones breaking resounded.


The miserable voice resounded.

"My lord, we promise, we promise!"

"Let us go! Please let us go!"

Several people shouted tremblingly, their faces full of pain.

"now it's right."

Lin Yang waved his hand, and Nanli City Lord let go of his palm.

"My lord, we are only ordered to harass Yong Ye. Since you want to do something to them, I will contact our boss now!"

The man spoke tremblingly.

After a while, a group of people wandered towards here.

Wherever this group of people passed by, the faces of passers-by all changed, as if avoiding the plague god.

This is the Desert Leopard!

Overlord of Tanenque City.

But because of Yongye's presence, the desert leopards wanted to drive them away all the time.

"Hound, you better come to me with something urgent, or I'll put your head in your ass, I promise!"

A strong one-eyed man came first.

The burly man was wearing black leather pants, his upper body was bare, and a lifelike yellow leopard covered his body.

"Boss, these people want to join forces with us to deal with Yong Ye, they have some strength!"

The man calling the hound quickly approached and said in a low voice.


The Desert Leopard sized Lin Yang up and said lightly, "In that case, let them blow up Yong Ye's bar first, and let me see what they do."

"I'm going to fry the bar, how about you? Watch here?"

Lin Yang smiled.

"What do you want us to do?"

The desert leopard asked with a chuckle.

"After the bar exploded, a large number of people from Yongye will come to deal with them. I want you to follow my people to stop these people from Yongye. It's best to catch them alive."

Lin Yang shrugged.

"I think you are crazy! Yong Ye's people are very cunning, it is very difficult for them to catch people alive, if they want to do it, they can only kill them!"

"I just want to know your answer."

"Oh, it's kind of interesting, okay, boy, if you go to blow up the bar, I'm willing to deal with Yong Ye with your people. I can't guarantee if I can catch them, I can only guarantee that they will lie here."


Lin Yang nodded, and said to the city lord towards the south: "You watch them here, and gather around for help later."

"Leader, many of us are already in this city, why not use their power? Instead, look for these cats and dogs?"

The city lord Nanli frowned.

"Our people have other tasks, and there is a shortage of manpower at present, so we can only bear with it for now."


"Get ready!"

Lin Yang said calmly, turned around and walked towards the bar with the package in hand.

The desert leopard squinted at Lin Yang, with the corners of its mouth slightly raised.

"Boss, what should we do?"

"Isn't it good that someone wants to stand out? Call all the brothers. Today, let the bastards in Yongye know who is the king of Tanengke!"

"Yes, boss!"

"By the way, old man, the people from Yong Ye will come later, you go to me first, understand?"

The desert leopard rushed south and shouted to the city lord.

"I go first?"

City Lord Nanli frowned, and stared at him expressionlessly: "Are you sure, you're right?"

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