"Desert leopard?"

A man wearing sunglasses on a motorcycle stared at the desert leopard coldly, his eyes full of disgust: "Did all these bugs do it?"

"Misunderstanding! Master Senhong, this is definitely a misunderstanding! We were just passing by here, and we saw two people making trouble in the bar, so we planned to stop them, but they blew up your bar, we are innocent!"

The desert leopard quickly squeezed out a smile and explained.

When Nanli heard this, the city lord was furious.

No wonder the Desert Leopard wanted him to act first, and his feelings were to use him and Lin Yang as a shield!

In this way, the Desert Leopard not only weakened Yongye's strength, but also blamed Lin Yang and Nanli City Lord.

Obviously, he knew that there must be a force behind Lin Yang and the city lord Nanli, so he planned to let Lin Yang compete with Yongye's snipe and clam first, and wait for both of them to lose, before he took action to completely eliminate Yongye and unify Tanengke City .

The man named Sen Hong obviously wouldn't believe the Desert Leopard's words.

But seeing the two new faces of Lin Yang and Nanli City Lord, they still looked vigilant.

"Who are you two?"

"We are desert leopard people!"

Lin Yang said straight.

"Chop Suey, what are you talking about?"

The desert leopard's face tightened, and it immediately glared at Lin Yang and shouted.

"never mind."

Sen Hong shook his head: "I don't think you can escape the responsibility for this matter. If you dare to blow up our bar, if you don't pay some price today, I'm afraid this matter will not be over!"

After finishing speaking, with a wave of his hand, Yongye's master behind him rushed forward and attacked the Desert Leopard's men.

"Bastards! Are you idiots?"

Seeing that Sen Hong was so decisive, the Desert Leopard could only lead his men to resist.

However, compared with Yong Ye's human strength, his strength was more than a little bit worse. After a few back and forth, he was beaten to the point of fleeing.

"Hey! Boy, what are you still doing in a daze? Why don't you ask your people to come out to help?"

Seeing that the situation was getting worse, the desert leopard immediately turned its head and glared at Lin Yang.

But Lin Yang stood still in the distance, not moving at all.


The desert leopard was short of breath, but there was nothing he could do with Lin Yang at the moment.

Seeing that Senhong was coming again, the Desert Leopard had no choice but to bite the bullet and resist.

But at this moment.

whoosh whoosh...

Several strange rays of light pierced into the desert leopard's body silently.

In an instant, the desert leopard trembled violently, and then an inexplicable force gushed out of its body.

"this is?"

The desert leopard was dumbfounded.


Sen Hong waved a sickle-like weapon in his hand and slashed at the desert leopard.

The desert leopard turned pale with fright, and wanted to shoot, but found that it couldn't resist at all, so it had no choice but to pull out the dagger at its waist to block it.


A muffled sound spread.

The desert leopard closed its eyes subconsciously.

But not long after the sound resounded, he suddenly opened his eyes and felt something was wrong.

When he opened his eyes, the desert leopard was dumbfounded.

I saw that the sickle that was splitting towards me was cut in two.

The dagger he was holding was intact!

Not only that, but there is a faint breath wrapped around the dagger blade!

How is this going?

Why is my power... suddenly so strong?

The desert leopard was dumbfounded.

Senhong is equally unbelievable.

He snorted coldly, threw away the broken sickle, and raised his fist to forcefully attack.

The desert leopard is not used to it, and it fights with it with a dagger.

However, after just seven or eight moves, Sen Hong was stabbed a few holes by the desert leopard, bleeding profusely.

"How is it possible? Your strength... why is it so much stronger all of a sudden?"

Sen Hong's eyes widened with disbelief.

"Haha, it's just a breakthrough in my master's strength! I want you bastards to look good today! Hahaha..."

The desert leopard couldn't stop laughing, and led people to attack Senhong and the others frantically.

Yongye's people couldn't stand it anymore, and Senhong had no choice but to call for help urgently.

Soon, a large number of Yong Ye's people arrived at the scene.

However, to their surprise, the Desert Leopard became more and more courageous in the face of these eternal night experts, and it single-handedly blocked several masters.

This made the desert leopard's subordinates stunned.

Sen Hong and other Yongye masters finally realized that something was wrong.

"The desert leopard can't have such strength! Either this person is not a desert leopard! Or someone has increased his strength!"

"This is very likely to be a trap! Withdraw! Withdraw quickly!"


Yongye's people shouted in horror, wanting to retreat one after another.

But just as they turned to run, they stopped abruptly.

Because around these people, a large number of figures appeared at some point.

They blocked all intersections and surrounded the crowd of Eternal Night.

The desert leopard also realized that something was wrong, stopped, stared at these people with vigilance and asked: "Who are these people?"

"my people!"

Lin Yang said calmly.

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