"your people?"

The desert leopard was stunned.

"You... who are you?" Sen Hong came back to his senses, staring at Lin Yang and questioning.

"My name is Lin Yang, and I'm from Dragon Kingdom!"

Lin Yang lit a cigarette and said lightly.

"Dragon Kingdom? Lin?"

Sen Hong's pupils trembled, as if he understood something, but soon, he hid the shock in his eyes.

"The people of Eternal Night in the entire Tanengke are here, and now I want to know, who is your person in charge?"

Lin Yang looked at him and said.

"Stinky boy! When will you have the right to speak here? I am the king of Tanengke!"

The desert leopard roared angrily, and rushed forward a few steps, trying to move Lin Yang.

But the city lord Nanli next to him grabbed his collar and flicked him casually.


The desert leopard flew out on the spot, crashed into a nearby tower, and passed out.

Seeing this, the little brothers of the desert leopard all gasped, how could they dare to speak out.

Only then did Sen Hong realize that this was Yang Hua's game!

They deliberately used the hands of the Desert Leopard to stir up trouble in Yong Ye's territory, clashed with Yong Ye, and then quietly helped the Desert Leopard, so that Yong Ye's people could not suppress the Desert Leopard, and kept mobilizing Yong Ye's strong men to stabilize the scene.

With wave after wave of transfers, most of the top Yongye executives have gathered here.

Then, Lin Yang wiped them all out!

But Jason, as one of the persons in charge of the Tanengke Yongye resident, how could he let go so easily?

He stared at Lin Yang for a moment, suddenly spit out blood from his mouth, and then fell down heavily.

"Suicide by taking poison?"

Nanli's face tightened.

At the same time, several other leaders of Taneng Keyongye at the scene also fell to the ground, their necks were crooked, they lost their breath, and their mouths were full of black blood.

"Suicide in front of me? Is this provoking me?"

Lin Yang said with a blank face.

After the words fell, Nanli City Lord and others quickly stepped forward, took out the silver needles, and began to heal these people.

The rest of the Yongye people looked surprised, completely unaware of what Lin Yang and the others were going to do.

It didn't take long, however.

"Cough cough...cough cough cough cough..."

Those who had just lost their breath suddenly coughed violently.

Zong Senhong also opened his eyes again, his chest heaved and heaved, and he came alive abruptly.

"Oh, God...."

"What did I see?"

"It's a miracle..."

The rest of Yongye's people were dumbfounded.

"Why am I not dead yet?"

Sen Hong stared at his surroundings with wide eyes, felt his heartbeat again, and asked in shock.

"With the lord here, it's just an extravagant wish for you to want to die."

The city lord Nanli said coldly, and detained Sen Hong.


On a castle in the sand dunes in the northern part of the Outer Territory, a boy in a black robe with black hair and black eyes who looked no older than a teenager was looking into the distance with his hands behind his back.

His expression was very unnatural, his brows were wrinkled, and he seemed to be preoccupied.

"Master, is there anything bothering you?"

A gray-haired old servant from behind stepped forward and asked with a smile.

"I have a bad feeling."

The young man thought for a moment.

"Young master, your wisdom is unparalleled, your vision is unparalleled in the world, and any ominous things will definitely go away from you." The old servant said with a smile.

"Don't talk such useless nonsense, talk about things when you have something to say."

The boy said impatiently.

The old servant immediately bowed and said respectfully: "Master, I just got the news that the An Qing army was defeated in the northern battlefield. An Qing was almost captured, and more than half of the An Qing army was killed or injured."


The boy turned around abruptly with an expression of disbelief.

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