The sudden appearance of Meris completely disrupted Lin Yang's plan.

Judging from what he said that the headquarters had suspended contact with all branches, Yong Yefang had already realized that Lin Yang was attacking them, and even guessed that Lin Yang might have captured one of the strongholds.

Let's go and give it a try. 】

Meris came here this time not only to find someone to carry out the task, but also to check the rumors here.

He believed that people like Meris had arrived in other strongholds.

Lin Yang frowned.

Yong Ye's vigilance is much more terrifying than he imagined.

He has clearly done things seamlessly without showing his feet, so why does it still arouse Yong Ye's suspicion?

Could it be that Black Emperor did it again?

never mind.

Let's finish the mission with Meris first.

The two walked out of the city, got into an off-road vehicle that Meris parked outside the city, and drove towards the banks of the Ibrahimovic River.

It is more than 400 kilometers away from the Yibu River. It is said that it can be completed in one afternoon. It is impossible to go back and forth without a single day.

"Maris, what task did the headquarters entrust us with this time?"

In the car, Sen Hong was restless.

He really wanted to tell that the person next to Meris was a counterfeit, but considering Lin Yang's strength, even ten Meris couldn't deal with it, so he had to endure it.

"Master Sen Hong, you will know when you arrive."

Meris smiled slightly, grabbed two bottles of beer from the side bag and handed them to the back seat.

Sen Hong was also polite, took it and drank it.

Lin Yang refused.

Meris glanced at Lin Yang from the rearview mirror, raised the corners of his mouth, bit the cap of the bottle with his teeth, and drank gulp.

In a place like this outside the territory, no one will come to check if you are drunk.

After driving for more than four hours, the three finally saw the Ibrahimovic River.

But Meris didn't intend to stop, and continued to drive along the Ibrahimovic River.

"We've reached the Ibb River."

Lin Yang frowned and said.

"It's not there yet, and we still have to drive along the river for three hours."

Maris shrugged.

"Three hours?"

Sen Hong was stunned.

Lin Yang couldn't help being startled.

Suddenly, as if he had thought of something, he took out his mobile phone and opened a satellite map outside the domain, and compared it along the Yibu River, his eyes tightened countless times.

"Maris, how many people are involved in this mission?"

Lin Yang asked deeply.

"Why are you asking this?"

Maris smiled and glanced at the rearview mirror.

"The place you took us to is close to the center outside the territory. I think people from all branches should come?"

Lin Yang said solemnly.

"Haha, you are such a smart kid, that's right! The headquarters not only sent me to notify you, but also sent many people to notify other branches. This task was completed by all branches, and the masters from the headquarters urge!"

Maris laughed.

As soon as these words fell, Sen Hong was shocked, his face was as pale as paper.

Lin Yang was silent.

It turns out that this so-called task is a clearing activity of Yong Ye!

After another three hours of driving along the Yib River, the car finally slowed down.

I saw countless figures appearing on the large open space by the river ahead.

Those are all people who came from various Yongye branches outside the territory.

They quickly got out of the car and quickly lined up in the open space.

And in front of these people, stood two rows of figures wearing black cloaks whose appearance could not be seen clearly.

The figure in the cloak remained motionless, with his head lowered like a statue, and he couldn't even see his face clearly.

"Gentlemen, here we are! Come with me!"

Merris dropped the wine bottle in his hand on the ground, and walked over in a swaggering manner.

"Maris, you are late!"

cried a paunchy man.

"Sorry, there's a traffic jam on the road!"

"Fuck you!"

"Ha ha...."

Meris laughed loudly, and then said to Sen Hong and Lin Yang, "You two, please stand over here!"

Sen Hong didn't hesitate, and was about to step towards the other end.

But Lin Yang grabbed him.

"First... sir?"

Sen Hong was startled.

Lin Yang didn't speak, but stared at the magic circle drawn on the empty ground, and said lightly: "Sen Hong, do you want to live?"

"Sir, what are you talking about? Are you... do you want to kill me?"

Sen Hong trembled all over, and asked tremblingly.

"I don't want to kill you, but Yongye will kill you! They not only want to kill you, but they also want to kill everyone here!"

Lin Yang's face was solemn, and he said in a low voice.

When Sen Hong heard it, his mind went blank.

"You... what did you say?"

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