Sen Hong trembled violently, and looked at Lin Yang in disbelief.

But Lin Yang stared at the blood formation over there and said, "Do you know what that blood formation is for?"

"No...don't know..."

"That is a forbidden blood formation, which is used to block you. Once you enter the formation, you will not be able to get out."

Lin Yang said.

"real or fake?"

Hearing this, Sen Hong couldn't believe it.

He only knows about barriers, but he has never heard that drawing a circle on the ground can trap people inside and cannot get out.

In Senhong's cognition, the so-called enchantment is formed by linings and lasers in the form of light curtains to form a light curtain cage, which is too ridiculous to draw a circle on the ground.

"Sir Senhong, what are you still doing there? Why don't you come over quickly? If you delay the mission, I guarantee you won't be able to eat it!"

Meris standing next to the blood formation frowned, and couldn't help urging.

"I'm coming!"

Sen Hong smiled, winked at Lin Yang, and stood inside.

Lin Yang thought for a while, and then went straight in.

After everyone walked into the blood formation, there were already hundreds of people in the blood formation.

Everyone lined up neatly and looked ahead.

And those who led the way came to stand in front of the barrier one by one.

On either side are figures in cloaks.

At this time, an old woman with white hair and a cane walking out from behind the crowd.

The old woman was also wearing a cloak, and the old face under the cloak was a little green, with pimples all over her face, which looked disgusting like a toad.

She approached here with a weird smile, looking very satisfied at the people in the enchantment.

"Is everyone here?"

"Report to my lord, everything is complete."

"good very good!"

The old woman nodded, then waved the cane in her hand.


I saw blood mist rising directly from all directions of the people.

The blood mist took the form of a blood formation and formed a circle, enveloping everyone tightly.

The faces of the people in the blood mist suddenly changed, and they looked around, all at a loss.

"My lord...this...what is this?"

Someone looked at the old woman in horror.

"Jie jie jie!"

The old woman let out a sinister smile, squinted her eyes and said: "This is my special refining blood mist, whoever touches this blood mist, the place he touches will immediately turn into blood! Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie!"


People are freaking out.

Including Senhong.

He never expected that this blood array was really tricky.

"My lord, what did we do wrong? Why did you do this to us?"

"Didn't you say that the headquarters has a task to give us? We are only here to carry out the task, why should we be treated like this?"

"Are you going to kill us?"

The people in the blood mist were anxious and asked questions one after another.

The old woman explained unhurriedly: "You are right, you are indeed carrying out the mission assigned by the headquarters! In fact, the mission assigned to you by the headquarters this time is to find out the inner ghost hiding in our eternal night. !"

"The ghost?"

Everyone was astonished.

"Listen, now I want you to confess to me the inner ghost among you! Which branch of you has been invaded by Lin Shenyi from Longguo, tell the truth, if you are willing to tell, I will not kill you , if you can’t give me an excuse, I will compress the blood mist until it swallows you all!”

The old woman smiled sadly.

As soon as the voice fell, Sen Hong turned around suddenly, staring at Lin Yang with wide eyes.

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