Now everyone understands.

It turns out that all of this is a cleaning plan of Yongye headquarters!

They sent people to transfer a few people from all the branches of Yongye!

Regardless of whether any of these people belong to Lin Yang, as long as Yong Ye's branch is under the control of Lin Yang, no matter how well it is hidden, at this critical moment of life and death, they will definitely confess Lin Yang!

Sure enough, Sen Hong already had this plan.

It has to be said that Yongye's method is indeed brilliant.

This is much better than checking them one by one.

Sen Hong looked at the terrifying blood mist and knew that the old witch was definitely not joking.

Lin Yang saw through Sen Hong's thoughts, and said calmly: "Think about it, how many times will you die before you expose me?"

Sen Hong shuddered, and smiled and said: "Master, I misunderstood, I...why would I want to expose you? It's's just that the current situation is very unfavorable to us...If you don't think about it, We're all afraid we'll all die here..."

"It's okay, we won't die, we'll live."

Lin Yang said lightly.

"My lord has a solution?"


"any solution?"



Senhong was a little at a loss.

"What? Did no one speak?"

The old woman looked at the hundreds of people below.

Seeing that everyone was pale, trembling and at a loss, the ferocious smile on their faces became more and more intense: "If you still refuse to confess the inner ghost, then I can only rely on myself!"

After finishing speaking, the old woman waved the cane in her hand again.

Hoo hoo...

There was a strange sound of wind.

Then he saw the blood mist all around began to approach the center a little bit.


People screamed in terror.

The people on the periphery kept pushing towards the middle, while the people in the middle were directly squeezed and couldn't move.

The whole scene was in chaos.

"My lord, help... my lord! Help me!"

Sen Hong was also completely frightened, and shouted while hugging Lin Yang's leg.

"It's okay, don't be afraid."

Lin Yang said calmly.


Sen Hong was still frightened, his legs were weak.


"Don't! Don't!"

At this time, there were bursts of miserable cries.

I saw that the people on the periphery had been touched by the blood mist.

But looking at the places where they were touched by the blood mist, it was like melting ice, directly dissolving into bloody water, with no flesh visible.

They squeezed in pain, but there was no room for them, and the people in the middle were crushed alive and their internal organs had long since died...

Sen Hong looked at this scene like a purgatory on earth, his whole brain was blank.

People are howling!

People are screaming!

These are the people who worked hard for Yongye.

On the other hand, those people outside the blood mist.

But they seemed to be watching a play, watching everything inside playfully, as if they were enjoying a unique performance...

Sen Hong suddenly felt so chilled that the fear in his heart was a little less.

"Now, do you know the true face of Yong Ye?"

"Now, I know what identities and positions you all have in Eternal Night, right?"

"In their eyes, you are not even as good as ants on the ground!"

"You are worthless in their eyes!"

Lin Yang said lightly.

Every word is like a knife, piercing into Senhong's heart.

Sen Hong was silent.

Lin Yang glanced at him, then slowly raised his hand and shouted loudly: "I know who the ghost is!"

Hearing the sound, the old woman immediately stopped the movement of the blood mist, and immediately turned her gaze to Lin Yang.

Sen Hong also stared at him in surprise.

"Who is the ghost?"

The old woman laughed bitterly.


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