Sen Hong has seen Lin Yang's methods before, and knows that this person is very scary.

But he never thought that the people at Yongye headquarters would be so vulnerable in front of Lin Yang...

"Next, it's your turn! Old man!"

Lin Yang turned around and looked at the old woman with a smile on his face.

The old woman backed away again and again in fright, her stooped body almost fell to the ground.

She wanted to resist, and kept waving the cane.

Piece after piece of blood mist flew out of her cane, and there were hideous human faces howling in the blood mist, and the scalp of those who watched felt numb.

But Lin Yang completely ignored it.

This kind of attack is no longer a threat to people of his rank.

After all, Yongye's people don't understand what land gods are, and they don't have access to powerful people at this level.

bang bang bang...

The blood mist hit Lin Yang, and was then shattered by the force of ascension.

The old woman slowly stopped waving the cane.

Her old, bean-sized eyes were already filled with despair.

"Don't kill me...don't kill me..."

The old woman shouted tremblingly, then threw away the cane directly, knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

"Old man, don't worry, I won't kill you."

Lin Yang said calmly.


The old woman raised her head abruptly, overjoyed.

"Of course, but they... I can't guarantee it."

Lin Yang pointed to the people in various strongholds in the blood formation, and said calmly.

The old woman looked over there, her expression suddenly changed.

She tricked these people into the formation, and compressed the blood mist regardless of their life or death, causing more than a dozen people to be melted by the blood mist, and some people were squeezed to death.

It's no wonder these people don't hate her!

If Lin Yang handed her over to these people, all the bones in her body would have to be removed!

Thinking of this, the old woman shivered and was at a loss.

"Want to live?"

Lin Yang asked.

"I want...of course I want to..."

"Want to survive? Then take me to Yongye's headquarters. If you can successfully take me to Yongye's headquarters, I will spare you, how about it?"

Lin Yang smiled lightly.


The old woman hesitated.

"It's okay if you don't want to!"

Lin Yang directly raised his hand, and a strange fire flew out from his fingertips, hitting the blood mist.

In an instant, the blood mist was ignited, and after a while, it was completely burned up.

The people inside are liberated.

Everyone came towards the old woman aggressively.

"I do! I do!"

The old woman was so frightened that she quickly kowtowed and begged for mercy.

"As long as you want!"

Lin Yang immediately raised his head, motioning for everyone to stop.

People didn't dare to oppose Lin Yang, and they all stopped.

Lin Yang glanced at the slumped old man, and calmly said: "Sit here for a while, we will set off later, take me to the headquarters, listen, don't play tricks, because every cleverness of yours may ruin you took his own life!"

"Don't worry, my lord, I will be honest and do my duty, and I will..."

The old woman spoke tremblingly.

Lin Yang nodded.

This group of people still stared at the old man angrily, wishing to tear him apart.

But with Lin Yang around, they didn't dare to act rashly.

"You all stop and listen to me!"

Lin Yang shouted at everyone.

Everyone looked at Lin Yang in unison, knowing that this man was powerful, so naturally they had to listen patiently.

"Everyone, I know that you hate this person very much. You wish to tear her into pieces and tear her into pieces, but you must know that she is just a tool. The one who really wants to kill you is not her, but Yong Ye. !"

Just listen to Lin Yang shouting loudly.

When the voice fell, everyone frowned and their expressions changed.

People are not stupid.

Those who can be recruited by Yongye as members must have some special skills, at least in the ordinary mercenary regiment, they must be at the elite level.

How could it be the old woman who set this trap?

The old woman had no enmity with them at all.

All of this is just a way for the people at the Yongye headquarters to rescue Lin Yang.

They just fell victim to the operation, that's all.

"You've seen it too! Yongye didn't treat you as his own brothers and sisters at all, and didn't treat you as his own flesh and blood compatriots at all! In their eyes, you are just a group of dispensable victims!"

"I think you should be angry. You obviously gave everything for Yong Ye, and you gave everything, but in the end, they want to kill you and take everything from you!"

"Are you willing to do this? Shouldn't you take revenge? Do you want revenge?"

Lin Yang continued to strike while the iron was hot, shouting directly.

The voice fell, and everyone immediately responded.




People raised their arms and shouted emotionally.

"Yes, you want revenge! I came to Yong Ye for revenge. As the saying goes, the enemy of an enemy is a friend, so we should be friends!"

Lin Yang said in a deep voice: "As a friend, I must correct your mistakes! Seeking revenge on this old man is narrow-minded. The people you really want to revenge are those arrogant and self-righteous guys in the headquarters!"

"My friends, if you are willing, please cooperate with me to complete an operation, an operation to ruin Eternal Night!"

"Now, I will be led by this old man to the headquarters of Yongye. Please return to your branch immediately and continue to deal with the matters you should deal with. If the headquarters of Yongye calls to inquire about you, please do whatever you want. You have to cover up all of this!"

Lin Yang said seriously: "You guys, are you willing to fight side by side with me?"

People looked at each other, and then shouted: "We do!"

"Down with Evernight!"

"Victory is ours!"

Everyone shouted excitedly.

"very good!"

Lin Yang nodded, then turned around and handed the phone to the old woman, and said lightly, "Call!"

The old woman bit her lower lip, and finally took the phone and dialed a number.


There was an indifferent voice over the phone.

"My lord, we caught it! The inner ghost from the Dragon Kingdom..."

The old woman held the mobile phone and squeezed out a smile.

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