On the surface, the strategy of Yongye Headquarters is indeed flawless.

Regardless of whether this trap can kill Lin Yang or Lin Yang's people, at least this strategy can completely lock the position of Lin Yang's current stronghold.

But Yong Ye's people have calculated thousands of times, but they missed a little bit!

If Lin Yang's strength is so strong that he controls the audience and blocks the real information, they still cannot know where Lin Yang is.

As is the case now.

Lin Yang not only paralyzed the people in Yongye headquarters, but also obtained the eyeliner of all Yongye strongholds.

Those surrounded by the blood mist have completely given up on Yong Ye.

As long as Lin Yang promises to make great profits, they will stand by Lin Yang's side without hesitation.

Lin Yang asked Sen Hong to return to Taneng alone.

On the other hand, he used his mobile phone to contact Nanli City Lord and others who were stationed in Tanengke, asking them to strengthen their defenses, wait for his dispatch, and be ready to launch a general attack at any time.

As long as the location of the Yongye headquarters is locked, the all-out attack can begin!

Lin Yang raised his hand.

He has a special mobile phone in his palm.

Lin Yang stared at the phone for a while, then put it in his pocket.

In the open space not far from the river, there is a private plane.

Lin Yang and the poisonous old witch flew straight to the headquarters of Yongye.

After flying across the Gobi for several hours, the plane began to land and stopped in front of a barren hill.

Lin Yang, who had put on makeup, walked down with the poisonous old witch.

At this moment, Lin Yang is dressed like an ordinary Longguo, and there is nothing unique about it.

"This is the headquarters of Yongye?"

Lin Yang asked deeply.

"My lord, we haven't reached Yong Ye's headquarters yet, and we still need to go on foot, because the rest of the road is underground, so we can't call it any means of transportation!"

The poisonous old witch quickly explained.

"I see."

Lin Yang nodded and said in a deep voice, "Then you lead the way quickly."


The poisonous old witch hurriedly walked ahead, leading Lin Yang forward.

After turning over these bare mountains, we saw a huge boulder standing on the Gobi.

There are a large number of ancient texts written in blood on the boulder, which is very mysterious. Judging from the traces, it has a history of at least a thousand years.

And under the boulder, there are a large number of corpses that make the scalp tingle.

Some of these corpses were only bones, and some were just killed not long ago, both men and women, each of them died in a miserable state, which made people shudder.

"Are these people from your eternal night?"

Lin Yang asked.

"Some are, some are not."

The old poisonous witch said in a low voice, and then walked towards the boulder.

The entrance to Eternal Night's headquarters is within the entrance below this boulder.

But just as the two approached the boulder, a figure suddenly and quietly walked out from behind the boulder.

Following the appearance of that figure, the surroundings of the entire boulder fell into a withering and dead silence that could not be explained in words.

The poisonous old witch was startled, as if he realized something, he hurriedly knelt down on the ground, sweating profusely, terrified to the extreme.

"My subordinate...bye...bye bye...bye, Mr. Dark Swan..."

Her voice was trembling, as if her soul could not keep calm at this moment.

Lin Yang was slightly taken aback, and looked over there.

But he saw a slender woman in black walking slowly out of the black mist.

The woman's skin is as white as snow, her facial features are unbelievably exquisite, her silver hair like a waterfall hangs down her slender waist, her lips are bright red, and her eyes are silvery white, in stark contrast to her dark attire.

"Dark swan?"

Lin Yang was rather curious.

Is this someone from Yong Ye?

He had never heard of it.

The woman walked slowly.

Although in the scorching desert, the temperature around her dropped sharply as she approached.

She was wearing a Sinan hat with black roses, standing in front of and behind the poisonous old witch, raised her head slightly, and her silver pupils reflected on the edge of the hat calmly looked at the two of them.

"Madam, can you tell me who this gentleman is?"

She spoke softly.

The voice is very beautiful, like a yellow warbler, but somewhat cold and unbelievably calm.

"Master Dark Swan, this is a prisoner of the Dragon Kingdom just captured by his subordinates. The genius doctor Lin of the Dragon Kingdom is going to do us no favors. Now he has infiltrated our branch. I am ordered by the organization to investigate and arrest him!"

The poisonous old witch quickly kowtowed to answer, respectful and did not dare to make mistakes.

"So it is!"

Dark Swan nodded slightly, walked towards Lin Yang, looked him up and down, then nodded and said: "Sir, you have worked hard all the way."

Lin Yang was taken aback, not knowing how to answer.

"You don't have to worry. Inviting you here is just some normal communication. As long as you cooperate obediently, nothing will happen."

Dark Swan said again.


Lin Yang pretended to be afraid.

Dark Swan stretched out her small white hand and patted Lin Yang's shoulder lightly, as if to comfort him, then turned around and looked sideways at the poisonous old witch.

"Do you know why I'm here?"

When the poisonous old witch heard it, he kowtowed like he was going crazy, and screamed even more.

"My lord, spare my life! My lord, spare my life!"

"I know I was wrong! Please let me go!"

"That's what the organization asked me to do! Please forgive me!"

The poisonous old witch's hair was disheveled, his head was already bleeding when he hit the ground, but he still didn't dare to stop.

Lin Yang was stunned.

But without waiting for him to think about it, Dark Swan suddenly stretched out his hand, pinned down the head of the poisonous old witch, and gently clasped her celestial spirit cap with five slender fingers.

Let's go and give it a try. 】

In an instant, the poisonous old witch's body froze.

She widened her eyes and opened her mouth wide, her expression gradually became ferocious and painful, but the skin all over her body also became dry at this moment.

After a while, the poisonous old witch was sucked into a mummy by the dark swan, and died!


Lin Yang was dumbfounded.

"I don't care about your begging for mercy. I only know that you closed the door and let my brother die in despair. Therefore, you must go down to accompany my brother."

Dark Swan gently stroked the face of the poisonous old witch, and suddenly exerted strength with five fingers.


The shriveled face of the poisonous old witch shattered, and the whole body exploded.

No dead body!

Lin Yang secretly took half a step back.

This woman looks fairy-like and gentle, but in fact... is more terrifying than a devil!

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