dying person?

Night King was stunned, and then snorted coldly: "It seems that Mr. Lin is very confident in his own strength! Do you know where this is? This is the City of Eternal Night! It is my site of Eternal Night! It is my domain! You Don't you think you can do whatever you want here with the help of a bitch like Dark Swan?"

After speaking, the Night King activated some device.


A melodious voice spread throughout the entire dungeon.

Then the ground began to shake slightly.

A horrible aura came towards this shroud.

"She activated the highest assembly order! Now the masters of the entire Yongye are rushing here! Doctor Lin, if you want to survive, follow me immediately, and I will take you out of here!"

Dark Swan's face became tense, and he turned his head and shouted.


Lin Yang shook his head and said calmly: "Miss Dark Swan, I will give you a task. I hope you can leave now and seal every entrance and exit of this dungeon!"


Dark Swan was taken aback: "What do you want to do?"

"Cut the grass and roots, kill everything!"

Lin Yang said hoarsely: "Since I chose to set off against Yongye, I am already ready to uproot him! In order to prevent any fish from slipping through the net, please do as I said and block all entrances and exits." ...."

"Ha ha ha ha..."

As soon as these words came out, the Night King burst out laughing directly.

Dark Swan also stared at Lin Yang with the eyes of an idiot.

She shook her head, her small face was like frost, although her voice was still gentle, it revealed her unwillingness to hate iron for nothing.

"Doctor Lin! You don't understand at all! Yong Ye, you can't be killed! You can't be destroyed!"

"Why do you say that?"

Lin Yang asked lightly.

"Because Eternal Night spreads all over the world, and Eternal Night's members can be found in any corner of the world! You can't kill Eternal Night at all. As long as one Eternal Night's person survives, Eternal Night will not be wiped out... "

Dark Swan shook his head and said hoarsely.

Yong Ye will never put all eggs in one basket.

Even if Lin Yang took over the lair here, in the eyes of Yongye people, at most, he lost a stronghold!

Let's go and give it a try. 】

They will build a new stronghold in a short time to create a new eternal night!

"Doctor Lin! I admire your idea, but I have to say, your idea is too naive, let alone whether you can kill me! Even if you can kill me, as long as you never die, you and your family and friends Even the country will suffer eternal night's revenge forever!"

Ye Wang squinted his eyes and smiled and said, "Master Lin, you made a very stupid decision! This decision will make you sleepless and sleepless for the rest of your life! Hehehe..."

The Night King smiled triumphantly, his eyes seemed to be looking at a poor guy.

Dark Swan also frowned, and began to wonder if he should really trust this person.

But at this moment, Lin Yang suddenly and slowly took out a mobile phone.

Night King's smile gradually froze, and he stared at the phone in confusion.

"Do you know what this is?"

Lin Yang asked calmly.

"What is it?"

The Night King frowned.

Lin Yang didn't speak, just pressed the button, and then threw the phone towards the Night King.

Night King was confused, reached out to catch the phone, and then looked down.







At this time, the mobile phone vibrated continuously, and one message after another flashed on the mailbox of the mobile phone.

Ye Wang's pupil was shocked.

From the simple words displayed on the mailbox, he saw a place name.


That is the location of a stronghold of Yongye!

He hastily clicked on the mailbox.

He saw a series of neat information displayed in his line of sight.

"Received, the third team of the Annihilation Domain immediately launched an attack on Yongye'Grumman's garrison!"

"Received, the seventh team of the Annihilation Domain immediately launched an attack on the Yongye 'Lemans' garrison!"

"Received, Yanghua's fourth team immediately launched an attack on Yongye'Heigangyan" garrison!"

"Received, the third team of the Annihilation Domain immediately launched an attack on Yongye's 'Grey Sea' garrison!"


Almost all information is of this specification.

And all this information was sent at the same time!

The Night King's scalp was numb, and his brain was about to explode.

All of these points are true!

All of them are branches of Yongye....


This person...has seen all of Yong Ye's seats?

Trembling, he clicked on the message at the top.

That message was exactly what Lin Yang had just sent.

Click to open it.

Only four words!

"Full attack!"


The phone slipped directly from the Night King's palm.

The Night King took a few steps back and sat down on the chair, his whole body seemed to have no strength left...

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