Dark Swan was stunned.

How is this going?

Why did the night king show such a look when that guy showed him a broken phone?

"After today, Eternal Night will be completely erased from this world! Night King, Eternal Night should not exist!"

Lin Yang said lightly, and then walked towards the Night King.

A supreme spirit emanated from him little by little.

But the Night King wouldn't give up.

He raised his head abruptly, staring at Lin Yang fiercely.

"You won't win! I promise! As long as I catch you and force you to order your men to give up attacking my branch, then everything can be saved!"

Let's go and give it a try. 】

After all, the Night King swung the huge black cloak behind him, and pulled out a long, slender, dark sword from the lower part of the cloak.

The long sword was extremely slender, like an awl, but the awl was dotted with stars, as if it was made of a starry sky.

"catch me?"

Lin Yang shook his head: "You may not have the strength!"

"You dare to come to me alone, I think your means must be extraordinary, maybe it will take some effort for me to deal with you, but this is the City of Eternal Night! Do you think that in this kind of place, you can still have some strength?" How much room for resistance?"

As the voice fell, countless figures rushed over from all directions.

"This is bad!"

Dark Swan's face tightened, and she sighed helplessly at Lin Yang: "Sir, I have already told you to leave with me, but you didn't, and now we want to leave, we may not be able to! We are surrounded! "

"Miss Dark Swan, I told you to block the entrances and exits of Yongye, why don't you go?"

Lin Yang tilted his head and said indifferently, his voice was a little displeased.

"Is this necessary? We are the ones who should run now, not them."

Dark Swan slightly frowned.

She found that she didn't like this genius doctor Lin more and more.

Even if he has the ability to cure his younger brother, but from the current point of view, this guy is so stupid that he is hopelessly stupid!

"No, it's them who should run."

Lin Yang shook his head and looked at the Night King.

The Night King held the sword and walked step by step, with endless heat in his eyes.

He's ready to do it.

"The ants who don't know how to live or die, die for me!"

Ye Wang yelled, and directly stabbed Lin Yang with the cone sword.

The cone sword made like a starry sky draws an extremely gorgeous starlight in mid-air, which is dazzling and extremely beautiful.

Available in an instant.


A soaring force suddenly descended from the sky, directly suppressing the Night King.

The Night King was caught off guard, and he fell heavily on the ground, his back seemed to be suppressed by a mountain, and he was in excruciating pain.


Dark Swan was stunned.

The masters of Yong Ye who came from all directions also trembled in unison, with expressions of disbelief.

They desperately attacked the barrier that Lin Yang had placed, trying to rush into the barrier to help the Night King, but no matter how they attacked, it had no effect.

The enchantment that Lin Yang cast was so strong and thick that it was unbelievable. A group of people attacked for several minutes, but the enchantment did not appear to loosen in the slightest.

Dark Swan's pretty face changed, and she vaguely realized something.


At this time, a more shocking scene appeared.

Lin Yang stepped forward and crushed the night king's awl sword with one foot.

The cone sword exploded, and the fragments splashed around.

Everyone opened their mouths in disbelief.

This cone sword is the treasure of the Night King, and it is said to be made of meteoric iron!

But under Lin Yang's feet, it's so fragile! To be crushed so easily...

The Night King was also shocked.

He stared blankly at the burst fragments, and fell into a daze.

But at this moment, the Night King suddenly noticed something, and suddenly raised his head, only to see that the sole of his foot had already stepped on his forehead fiercely!

Thick and shocking power roared between the soles of the feet...

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