
The Night King let out a miserable cry, and immediately rolled over to the side.


Lin Yang stomped down hard with the sole of his foot, but he missed the ground, and the sole of his foot shattered the ground, creating a terrifying shock wave.

Even though the Night King avoided this kick, the shock wave generated couldn't be avoided. He was thrown into the air by the shock wave, fell heavily off the throne, and hit the outer barrier before stopping.

Dark Swan's autumn eyes were wide open, and she looked at the embarrassed Night King behind the barrier in disbelief.

She never thought that this high and mighty existence would have such a downcast day...

"Quick! Open the barrier and let me out! Quick!"

The Night King hurriedly got up, and while attacking the barrier, he screamed at the people outside.

His mouth was covered in blood and he looked very scary.

But the people outside didn't dare to attack the barrier anymore.

Looking at the miserable appearance of the Night King, they all backed away tremblingly, and then...


I don't know who yelled, but turned around and fled.


The Night King froze.

Dark Swan was also taken aback, but soon she came back to her senses and rushed out immediately.

At this moment, she finally realized what she should do.

If she didn't do any of the things Lin Yang told her, then the matter of letting Lin Yang heal her brother would be in vain.

The speed of the dark swan is not comparable to these people.

Almost as fast as lightning, she rushed towards those entrances and exits, intending to close them immediately.

As for the Night King, it seems that he has reached a dead end.

He felt Lin Yang approaching step by step behind him, turned around suddenly, leaned on the barrier, and looked at Lin Yang with a pale face.

"Mr. Lin, I think we can talk!"

The Night King hurriedly shouted: "I surrender to you, and I will serve you! As long as you let me go, I swear that I will serve you for the rest of my life, okay?"

"I don't need you to work. I have nothing to talk to a man who doesn't believe in it."

Lin Yang shook his head and said.

He had let Dread Night and Rattlesnake go, but the Night King still chose to let Rattlesnake and the rest of the wolves help Fabo to deal with the northern army.

That being the case, the words of the Night King are naturally not worth considering.

When the Night King heard the sound, the despair in his eyes grew stronger.

But at this moment, he suddenly let out a mournful roar.


Lin Yang was startled, but saw the Night King's arms snapped off suddenly, and blood spurted out.

What is this for?

Lin Yang was at a loss.

But for fear of causing trouble, he left and rushed towards the Night King.

But at this moment, black liquid suddenly sprayed out from the broken arms of the Night King, and the original blood seemed to turn into pitch black and become corrosive.

He poured all the corrosive liquid down the bottom of his feet.


Almost instantly, the floor under his feet was melted through.

Lin Yang snorted secretly, and immediately rushed to catch the Night King.

Chi la!

Suddenly, two pitch-black wings sprang out from the broken arms of the Night King, and the wings turned into feather blades, shaking Lin Yang's arms away.

Lin Yang's arm shook slightly, but it was nothing serious.

But the night king's black feather blade was deformed by the shock.

Enduring the severe pain, he burrowed directly into the hole.

After a while, the enchantment was drilled from the ground.

Lin Yang snorted softly, removed the barrier directly, and walked towards the Night King who had just emerged from the ground.

The Night King was panting heavily, with blood all over his body, and ran forward desperately.

"That's it!"

"Sinner! Let's punish him here!"

"Lord Night King, I will protect you!"

"You will never be allowed to defile this sacred eternal night!"

Four voices came one after another.

Afterwards, the four figures rushed here like lightning, and lay in front of the Night King.

Lin Yang looked indifferently.

These are the four night guards of Yongye!

After they appeared, they immediately put on a posture, ready to fight.

But Lin Yang didn't want to waste time at all, so he hit the four of them with a backhand.


The terrifying alien fire turned into a huge wave, covering the four of them.

The faces of the four people changed drastically, and they wanted to rely on energy to resist.

But this kind of strange fire condensed with the power of ascension, can it be parried by ordinary energy?

The strange fire fell, and the four were directly engulfed. After making a few miserable cries, they all turned into ashes and dissipated.


The Night King was frightened out of his wits, and fled forward like crazy.

Lin Yang snorted coldly and raised his finger.


The strange fire was like a ghost claw, grabbing at his feet.

"my leg!"

The Night King let out a miserable cry, looked down, and saw that the strange fire had set his legs on fire.

The Night King, who had already seen the horror of this flame, broke his legs immediately without any hesitation to save his life.

But after losing his legs, it was impossible for him to escape.

Lin Yang looked at the Night King who was lying on the ground and struggling to crawl forward, and walked over step by step...

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