Hearing Lin Yang's words, Liang Weiguo's heart speeded up a bit. He said quickly, "Lin Yang, don't be angry. Your adoptive father is still fighting for this matter. You can rest assured that we won't let you be wronged!"

"My adoptive father is still fighting for it? How does he fight for it? " Lin Yang asked.

"He has already gone to the owner of the house... Don't worry, your adoptive father said that he will come back to you and your wife in any case, even if it is a small matter! We will all take it seriously. "

"This is no small matter!" Lin Yang frowned and stared at him and said, "my wife has been wronged. Maybe it's just a small matter for my wife. I'll just scratch my skin and forget it. But for me, it's not! My wife has been wronged, even if it is only a little bit more serious than killing me! "

Lin Yang is not exaggerating. He would rather be wronged by himself than by others around him!

"I know..." Liang Weiguo sighed.

"I don't know what way my adoptive father intends to solve this matter, but I don't want my adoptive father to suffer injustice for my wife, but I promised him three days, so I will wait patiently for three days!" Lin Yang closed his eyes and stopped speaking.

At last, he shook his head and sighed, and said to Liang Sheng, "Xiao Sheng, take good care of Mr. Lin. if you have any needs, just tell him! The old man will soon stay

"Master Liang is busy first." Lin Yang nodded.

Liang Weiguo nodded and turned away from the yard.

The hospital restored calm, but Lin Yang's heart is again angry.

However, the adoptive father was there, and there was no place for him to vent his resentment. He could only wait for three days!

"Liang family, I hope you don't let me down." Lin Yang murmured.

Liang Sheng next to him heard a little bit, and he was frightened.


At this time, the door was pushed open again, and then a girl with a LV bag came in.

The girl is very fashionable, with bangs and light makeup on her face. Her facial features are very delicate. She looks like a porcelain doll. She is petite, protruding and backward, and her age is about 17-8 years old.

After entering the door, she was very curious and looked at Lin Yang and Liang Sheng. When she saw Liang Sheng, she couldn't help being stunned: "brother Sheng, how are you here?"

"Little butterfly? You are here. Did you come to see your mother? She's in there Liang Sheng's eyes lit up.

"Little butterfly? Are you Liang Xiaodie Lin Yang was stunned.

"Why? Do you know me? " The girl looked at Lin Yang strangely and asked.

"Of course." Lin Yang faint smile: "my name is Lin Yang, although we have not met, but I believe you have heard."

"Lin Yang?"

The girl was stunned. Her eyes widened slightly, and she looked very cute. But after a moment, she snorted and said coldly, "I thought it was who. It was you! Are you Lin Yang, the dog who was driven out of the Lin family? How could I not have heard of you? "

Lin Yang frowned.

"Butterfly, how do you talk? He's your brother anyway Liang Sheng was in a hurry.

"Brother? He deserves it, too? I don't have such a useless brother Liang Xiaodie's lovely little nose let out a hum. She glared at Lin Yang in disgust and ran to the house.

"Mother! Mom! I've come to see you! "

Looking at Liang Yang, he was embarrassed.

Lin Yang shook his head. He was too lazy to see a little girl.

Liang Xiaodie is still filial at last. He stays in the house to take care of Liang Qiuyan. Liang Pingchao has come twice. When he sees Lin Yang, his eyes are full of hate. But when he sees Liang Sheng accompanying Lin Yang, he doesn't say a word.

These are Liang Qiuyan's own sons and daughters. Naturally, Lin Yang will not blush with them, or pretend not to see them.

"Yang'er, yang'er..."

at this time, Liang Qiuyan's voice burst out in the room, which was quite weak.

Hearing the sound, Lin Yang immediately walked into the room.

At the moment, there are two beds in the room. Several medical staff of Liang family in white coats are infusing Liang Qiuyan with fluids. Su Yan is more than half ready. She is sitting on the hospital bed, handling some business with a mobile phone. She sees Lin Yang come in and nods gently.

Liang Pingchao didn't come. Liang Xiaodie washed the towel for Liang Qiuyan in the washroom.

Lin Yang nods to Su Yan and comes to Liang Qiuyan's bedside.

"Mom, what's the matter?" Lin Yang said softly.

"Yang'er, mom, please do me a favor." Liang Qiuyan said with a smile.

"What's the matter?"

"Well, Xiaodie suddenly doesn't want to go to school. I think something must have happened to her in school. You can go to school with her later to see what happened. If you can solve it, you can solve it. If you can't, you can come back and talk to your adoptive father." Liang Qiuyan was weak.

"Don't worry, mom. No problem." Lin Yang nodded."OK, let me talk to Xiaodie." Liang Qiuyan said with a smile.

A moment later...

"what? Let this trash accompany me to school? Then I have to be humiliated? I don't agree, I don't agree! Don't agree Liang Xiaodie was angry and stomped her feet. She sat on a chair and turned her head aside.

"Xiaodie, be obedient. Besides, he is your brother. You must respect him!"

"I don't have this kind of rubbish, dry brother! What kind of virtue does he have? He deserves to be my brother Liang Xiaodie? Does he deserve it? He doesn't even deserve his wife Liang Xiaodie almost screamed.


Liang Qiuyan was so angry that her whole body was shaking, her face was flushed, and her mood was especially excited.

"Ma'am, you can't be angry. Your blood pressure is very unstable now. If you get angry, you will get worse, madam!"

The medical staff nearby were busy persuading.

But it's useless. Liang Qiuyan still wants to get up and say something. When she gets excited, she spits out a mouthful of blood.

Now, Liang Xiaodie is scared out of her wits.

Lin Yang is also busy, to Liang Qiuyan to a needle, she just settled down.

"Don't be angry, mom. I promise you. Can't I promise you?" Liang Xiaodie wants to cry without tears.

"In the future, you should respect your brother, understand?" Liang Qiuyan's face was pale, but she was very serious.

"Yes..." Liang Xiaodie is unwilling to say.

"Well, go to school with Xiao Yang." Liang Qiuyan lay down.

Liang Xiaodie hung down her head powerless and did not speak again.

When time came, Liang Xiaodie cleaned up and left Liang's house.

However, Liang Xiaodie led Lin Yang to the bus stop on the street. She was waiting for the bus here.

Lin Yang was stunned: "Liang Nanfang drives a Ferrari, but you take a bus? Didn't Liang family give you a car? "

"Did the Lin family give you a car?" Liang Xiaodie retorted.

Lin Yang was shocked.

Feelings Liang Xiaodie's experience and Lin Yang's experience in the Lin family are quite different.

But Liang Xiaodie is not as miserable as Lin Yang.

The 238 bus arrived at the station. After about an hour, they finally arrived at the school where Liang Xiaodie was: Yanjing Normal University.

However, standing at the gate of the University, Liang Xiaodie is hesitant and hesitant to enter the university gate.

"What's the matter? Go in. " Lin Yang asked strangely.

"No... no... I... I want to go home..." Liang Xiaodie said without tears.

"Well?" Lin Yang was shocked.

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