Liang Xiaodie's sudden fear and uneasiness surprised Lin Yang.

However, Liang Xiaodie turned around and cried: "Linyang, let's go back, we'll go back now... Go back, go back!"

Finish saying, also ignore Lin Yang, turn a head to want to run.

Lin Yang stopped it immediately.

"Butterfly, what's going on? You're all at the school gate. Why are you going home again?" Lin Yang frowned and asked.

"I... I suddenly feel uncomfortable. I'll go back to have a rest for a few days. In a few days, I'll come by myself..." Liang Xiaodie stammered.

"Uncomfortable? What's wrong with you? " Lin Yang asked again.

"I... I have a stomachache."

"Have you eaten badly?"

"No... no, I just feel uncomfortable. Maybe... Something wrong with my stomach... I have to go home and rest..." Liang Xiaodie hesitated.

Hearing this, Lin Yang immediately grasped her wrist.

"Ah? You... What are you doing? Let go Liang Xiaodie was in a hurry and immediately wanted to shake off her hand, but Lin Yang's hand was like an iron lock, which made her unable to get rid of it.

She was held by a big man in public. Her small face was red and white. She looked around in a hurry, as if afraid of being seen.

But Lin Yang ignored, raised his hand again and stretched out his finger to feel the pulse for her.

A moment later, Lin Yang frowned and said, "Xiaodie, your intestines and stomach are very healthy, and you don't have any diseases. How can you feel uncomfortable?"

"You... What are you talking about? You say I'm healthy, I'm healthy? You think you're a doctor Liang Xiaodie pulled her hand back and yelled angrily.

"I..." Lin Yang originally wanted to tell Liang Xiaodie that he was indeed a doctor, but he thought that he did not have a medical qualification certificate. I'm afraid Liang Xiaodie would not believe him. As for his position as the president of Jiangcheng Medical Association, he was only a false one, and no license was arranged.

"You're not a doctor. What garlic are you packing here? Don't look at your own virtue and take care of yourself without urinating?" Liang Xiaodie said scornfully.

Lin Yang was dumb.

Liang Xiaodie was too lazy to talk nonsense with him. She waved her hand: "anyway, I have to go back first. If you want to go back, you can go with me, but you have to listen. Don't give me nonsense after going back. When I get to my mother's place, you will say that I am not feeling well on the road, understand? If you chew one more word, I'll cut your tongue off

Speaking of this, her small face is put on a look of ferocity, but her facial features are too delicate, no matter how fierce, it will only give people a feeling of cute fierce cat.

Lin Yang didn't want to eat this. He shook his head and said, "Xiaodie, the ganniang has said that she wants me to send you to school. I must do it. You can't go anywhere. Go in and go back to the dormitory. You still have classes in the afternoon."

"You... You've ignored my words? Lin Yang! I tell you, you were expelled from the family of Lin, you don't want to rely on my mother to enter our Liang family! You're just a homeless dog. Do you want to kick your nose and face Liang Xiaodie is very angry, pointing to Lin Yang and shouting.

"Back to your Liang family?" Lin Yang's face was slightly heavy.

"You think I don't know? Don't you just want to lean on the big tree of Liang family to flatter my mother? Well, you don't daydream! I won't let you succeed Liang Xiaodie yelled angrily.

How hurtful this remark is.

Lin Yang clenched his fist secretly, but after a moment he was still loose.

There's no need to argue with an ignorant little girl.

He shook his head and sighed.

But at this time, there was a strange voice.

"Oh? Isn't this our Miss Liang? Did you finally show up? Eh? And brought a man? Ha ha, sister Hao is right. You are such a whore. You are the kind of thing that thousands of people ride and sleep in. What kind of pure do you usually pack? Now bring your little white face? Now you have nothing to say? "

As soon as the voice came out, Liang Xiaodie's pretty face turned pale. People looked at the sound source with some shivering.

Lin Yang is also quite confused to move the line of sight.

But she saw a little sister standing next to Liang Xiaodie.

Little sister is dressed up in fashion. Her hair is dyed yellow and red at the same time. She is chewing gum in her mouth. She looks careless. She even looks at Liang Xiaodie with the light from the corner of her eyes. Her eyes never pay attention to Liang Xiaodie. How arrogant she is.

However, Liang Xiaodie saw this man, but her body trembled slightly, and her mouth faltered and said, "floating... Sister floating..."

"floating your mother's head, do you still know that my mother is your floating sister? You haven't been to school for days? Do you think you can avoid the first day of junior high school or the fifteenth day? Dead bitch, let's go. Sister Hao wants to see you The little sister called Piao elder sister disdained to call and scold a few words, and then turned around and walked to the side.

Liang Xiaodie's face turned pale in an instant. She was standing in the same place, shivering and unable to move her legs.

Lin Yang's face was slightly heavy, and he was also aware of something.However, the floating sister turned around and saw that Liang Xiaodie was still standing still. She was very angry and scolded Liang Xiaodie: "you motherfucker, are you deaf or stupid? Don't you hear me tell you to come here

This voice is very impolite, and the students around the school heard it. The people looked at each other frequently. One by one, they were stunned and puzzled, and pointed out.

Liang Xiaodie's autumn eyes are slightly red, and her eyes are full of grievances, but she still keeps her head down and follows her.

Lin Yang originally wanted to stop Liang Xiaodie, but after thinking about it, he didn't stop her. Instead, he followed Liang Xiaodie and walked towards sister Piao.

"Oh? Your mistress is very affectionate and righteous! Silly boy, it's none of your business. If you want to go away, I won't stop you. If you don't want to go, there will be a good play in front of you later! " Drift elder sister secretly made make the eye color smile way.

Liang Xiaodie a listen, pretty face more pale.

She shivered and looked at Lin Yang, full of help and despair.

In her opinion, how could Lin Yang, who was expelled by the Lin family, save her?

Lin Yang looked at his sister and said, "since you know her name is Liang Xiaodie, you should also understand that she is a member of the Liang family. Have you never heard of the Liang family in Yanjing? If you touch her and provoke the Liang family, are you not afraid to cause trouble? "

"The Liang family in Yanjing?" The man called sister Piao was stunned and burst out laughing: "ha ha ha ha, you are so funny. Do you think we don't know about Liang family? To tell you the truth, how can we compare with the Liang family in Yanjing? But... Yanjing is not just a Liang family! And what did Miss Liang do in the Liang family? It's just a cold slut

Floating sister's face is full of pride and disdain.

Lin Yang was surprised.

Even this non family woman can see the status of Liang Xiaodie in the Liang family?

Did Liang Xiaodie have such a miserable life in the Liang family?

It looks like it's not easy.

Lin Yang frowned and secretly took out his mobile phone. He wanted to call Liang Weiguo, but after thinking about it, he gave up. Instead, he directly changed to Ma Hai's phone number and dialed it in the past...

in the end, he tried to call Liang Weiguo , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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