This is Yanjing, not Jiangcheng.

Before Lin Yang's plan was implemented, he didn't want to expose his identity.

If we let the world know that Dr. Lin is Lin Yang, it will only destroy his plan, which is extremely unfavorable to the later actions.

Liang Weiguo already has a big business to deal with. Lin Yang doesn't bother to bother him. As for letting Ma Hai move, it's also for Ma hai to do it in secret. At least, he can be named as Doctor Lin, not Lin Yang.

After the arrangement, Lin Yang followed up.

As for Liang Xiaodie, she trembles slightly, lowers her head, and follows her floating sister.

Several people walked into an alley next to the gate.

It is sparsely populated and quite quiet.

But at the end of the alley, there are seven or eight young men and women, all dressed up in fashion, especially the trend.

They are sitting together in twos and threes, one by one with a cigarette in their mouth. They are talking about something. There will be bursts of laughter, and the residents in and out of the alleys are paying close attention. However, if they look more, they will be reprimanded by these men and women.

What a bully!

Some people dare to be angry and dare not speak, while others are too lazy to argue with a group of children.

At this time, those people seemed to see the floating sister and Liang Xiaodie here, whistling and shouting one by one.

"Oh? Here comes our beauty Liang! "

"Hee hee, Miss Liang, do you miss me?"

"I thought I was not worse than those silver spears and wax heads outside. Why didn't you choose me?"

"Ha ha, dead bitch, finally willing to show up?"

Many people yelled and scolded or ridiculed. When they heard these people's frivolous and provocative words, Liang Xiaodie was already unable to move her feet.

She looked at these people in horror, and her heart was full of fleeing.

"Well, what are you doing? Yes? Want to escape? I can tell you, even if you escape to Liang's house, it's no use. Sister Hao, if you want to find you out, I don't know how easy it is. It's impossible for your parents to keep you. Oh, your mother is in danger now. Maybe you'll have to go to your mother's funeral party one day! " Piao elder sister Yin Yang strange gas sneer a way, malign words come out directly.

Liang Xiaodie a listen, and afraid and angry, people trembling staring at floating sister: "you... You talk too much! You can scold me, but not my mother! "

"Too much? Ah, she is still a filial daughter, but what is this? Come here quickly, or sister Hao will be angry and something more serious will come! " Drift elder sister sneer way.

Liang Xiaodie breathes heavily.

"Butterfly, go ahead. Don't be afraid. I'm here." Lin Yang suddenly comforted.


Liang Xiaodie looks at Lin Yang, but there is not much expectation in her eyes...

obviously, she does not intend to put her hope on Lin Yang at all.

In her eyes, it's very good for this rubbish and incompetent guy from the Lin family to follow. Do you still expect her? She would rather expect herself...

the three of them would go deep into the alley.

All of them looked at Liang Xiaodie with a playful eye.

At this time, a cool and pleasant voice came.

"Come here!"

Simple three words like a flash of lightning, hit Liang Xiaodie's body.

Liang Xiaodie's body suddenly became stiff, then walked forward three steps, and then could not move any more.

And the people in front of him also gave way.

But not far away on a step, sat a girl wearing a cap.

The girl was wearing a black vest with hot pants underneath. Her coat was tied on her waist. She looked very sunny and youthful. Her white arms and thighs were exposed, giving people infinite reverie.

Instead of smoking and makeup, she was holding a book and reading it.

The whole thing is full of book breath and intellectual beauty.

Compared with these people around her, her so out of place, is so quiet and wonderful.

Lin Yang looked at the girl curiously.

But Liang Xiaodie is like seeing the God of pestilence. People are full of courage to squeeze out two words from their throat.

"Sister Hao..."

"where have you been these days?" The girl does not lift her head. She looks at the book in her hand attentively and asks calmly.

"I... I didn't go there, i... I went to take care of my mother..." Liang Xiaodie said with some shivering.

"Did you do what I asked you to do?" The girl asked again.

But it has an indescribable deterrent force.

Liang Xiaodie cried out: "sister Hao, I've been looking for Yun Shao for several days, but I haven't found him..."

"is that impossible?" Girl suddenly raised her head, autumn eyes sharp staring at Liang Xiaodie, that eye in the forest cold how obvious.

Liang's legs almost softened."Since you didn't do what I said, I'll do it myself. You guys, don't you want to see Liang Xiaodie's body? Today, I'll satisfy you. Go and take her clothes off for me and throw them to the school gate. I'll see if Yunshao likes a slut woman who is extremely unscrupulous

The girl said calmly, and then continued to look at the book in her hands, her face did not have many waves, as if to say a very slight thing.

But Liang Xiaodie was paralyzed on the spot.

"Stop it. Do you dare? I am a member of Liang family. If you move me, Liang family will not let you go! help! Help Liang Xiaodie screams and resists crazily.

However, those colorful men and women can not dare to see those men one by one throw away the cigarette butts in their hands and come over with a dirty smile on their faces.

Liang Xiaodie is scared to retreat in a hurry.

"Oh, butterfly, don't be afraid. We'll be gentle."

"Don't worry, there won't be resistance for the first time."

"Don't be afraid. Isn't it good to indulge yourself and open your eyes to all the teachers and students in the school?"

Several men said with a smile and came over together.

Liang Xiaodie is almost crazy.

However, at this time, she retreated suddenly, her body was stagnant, and she seemed to have hit something behind her. When she turned back, she found that there was still a person standing behind her.

That man... It's Lin Yang!

"Stop it all."

Lin Yang gently patted Liang Xiaodie's shoulder, to show comfort, spin and light open.

"Who are you?"

A few people seem to notice Lin Yang, but most people don't pay attention to him.

After all, there is a sister Hao supporting here. Who are they afraid of?

"I am Xiaodie's dry brother. I advise you to stop immediately and stop harassing Xiaodie, otherwise... You will bear the consequences." Lin Yang said calmly, but the chill in his eyes was particularly obvious. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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