The person in charge is Zheng Yi, who is one of the main persons in charge of the Dragon Kingdom's diplomacy.

Hearing Lei Fu's inquiry, Zheng Yi immediately said: "We have sent someone to investigate, but we haven't figured out the identity of this person yet!"

"What is the identity of the Dick national who was killed?"

"This...Lei Wuchang, we...we didn't figure it out..."

"What do you all do? Why do you know nothing about such a thing? Are you all idiots?"

Lei Fu was so angry that he cursed directly.

"Mr. Lei, this thing happened so suddenly, we didn't expect it..." Zheng Yi said with a full face of grievance.

"Stop making excuses here! Listen, you can ask the Yuan Tong of Dick Country to contact us. It can be seen that the killed Dick Countryman is extraordinary, and the other party can go to Dick Country alone to kill a very important person in their country. It is an existence with extraordinary martial arts skills, and it may be someone who can be of great help to our Dragon Kingdom! I don’t care what method you use, you must find a way to bring him back! Do you hear me?"

Lei Wu shouted coldly.

"Yes Yes....."

Zheng Yi hung up the phone, wiped the sweat from his forehead, then turned his head and said: "Notify our spokesperson, immediately negotiate with the people of Dick Country, and try our best to resolve this matter peacefully! In addition, please contact me immediately Team, investigate the identity of that person! Do you understand?"


Soon, the call came to Xu Zhishuang's cell phone.

At this moment, Xu Zhishuang was packing up her things, preparing to return to the banned group base outside the territory.

This time the task ban team was of no use, it took a lot of time, and the ban team still had a lot of things to deal with.

If it was normal, she would definitely be high-spirited.

But this time, the interest was not very high.

After seeing Lin Yang's methods, Xu Zhishuang's pride and confidence have been completely shattered.

She found that in front of people like Lin Yang, she was no different from a waste!

Do not.

It's not even as good as trash!

After all, trash won't question Lin Yang.

"I didn't expect that the leader of the Tangtang Forbidden Team would drag others back one day!"

Xu Zhishuang sighed, pressed the connect button of the phone, and put it to her ear weakly.

"I'm Xu Zhishuang, what can I do?"

"Group Leader Xu, there is an urgent matter that needs to be dealt with quickly..."

The person on the other side of the phone immediately told the story.

"Dick Country?"

Xu Zhishuang thought for a moment, then nodded seriously: "I see, I'll take someone to Dick's country immediately!"

"Listen, if you have a chance, bring that Dragon Kingdom man back! No matter what mistakes the other party has made, they are citizens of our Dragon Kingdom after all, and we should deal with them!"

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task!"

Xu Zhishuang shouted, then hung up the phone.

"Captain, what's the matter?"

The members of the banned group around asked one after another.

"The higher-ups have temporarily arranged a mission, asking us to go to Dick Country to save someone!"

Xu Zhishuang said lightly, "Let's prepare for the flight."

"What? To Dickland?"

"Oh, I thought I could have a good vacation!"

"Come on, still on vacation? A lot of things are waiting for us! I don't think we will be able to take a vacation before the end of the year!"

"Oh my God!"

The members of the forbidden group complained.

But 'Zero' on one side kept staring at the notebook in front of him, frowning, as if he didn't participate in the topic of his companion.

Both Android and Apple are available. 】

Xu Zhishuang glanced at 'Ling' strangely, and couldn't help but ask, "Ling, what's wrong with you?"

"Team leader, I suddenly discovered a strange phenomenon."

Zero hesitated, and said carefully.

"Strange phenomenon? What phenomenon?"

"All the current news about Yongye...all disappeared!"

Zero raised his head and said very seriously.


Xu Zhishuang's breathing tightened.

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