The surrounding team members all stopped discussing and looked towards Zero.

"Zero, are you sure you didn't make a mistake? For no reason, why can't you find the movements and traces of the Yongye people?"

Xu Zhishuang's expression became tense, and she stepped forward a few steps and asked deeply, "Can't find any contact?"

"Can't find it!"

Zero glanced at the computer, and said in a deep voice: "The activity tracks of all the members of Yong Ye disappeared, and they disappeared at the same time..."

"Oh no!"

Xu Zhishuang's face was more solemn than ever, and she immediately took out her mobile phone and dialed Lei Fu's number.

"Captain Xu, did you find anything?"

Lei Fu asked deeply.

He already knew that Xu Zhishuang was in charge of Dick country.

"Mr. Lei, we just found out that all signs of the activities of the extraterrestrial organization Yong Ye have stopped! Currently, my people can't catch any of their actions!"

Xu Zhishuang said seriously.

"What does this mean?"

Lei Fu asked with a frown.

When Xu Zhishuang heard this, she almost died of anger, and quickly explained: "Mr. Lei, do you know what happened in the northern battlefield before? The reason why the An Qing army was able to easily enter the third stronghold was because there were The people of Yongye are helping them in secret! Now that Yongye is doing such a weird thing, if they do something to cause another accident on the northern battlefield, what should we do?"

As soon as these words came out, Lei Fu finally understood the seriousness of the matter.

"Thanks to Lin Shuai's help before, Yongye didn't succeed, so we didn't suffer too much in the northern battlefield, but Lin Shuai couldn't be on the northern battlefield all the time..."

Lei Fu lowered his eyebrows and meditated, and then said: "Group Leader Xu, don't worry about Yong Ye's affairs, you go to Dick Country to perform the task immediately, I will go to the office immediately, hold an emergency meeting, and discuss a countermeasure on this matter!"

"Mr. Lei, this matter must not be taken lightly. Yongye's threat is greater than the ever-large army!" Xu Zhishuang exhorted.

"Don't worry, I understand!"

Lei Fu nodded: "Your tasks in Dick Country, you must also be careful!"


Xu Zhishuang responded and hung up the phone.

"Captain, what's the matter?"

Amei who was next to him asked.

"I have already notified Chief Lei, and Chief Lei should handle it."

Xu Zhishuang looked towards Ling: "Ling, you have been paying close attention to Yongye's movements during this time, and if you find any signs of Yongye, please notify me immediately!"

"Good team leader, but there is no movement of Yong Ye on the entire network at present... This is too weird! I will go to the dark web to check!"

While Zero was talking, his ten fingers tapped rapidly on the keyboard.

After a while, the URL of the dark web was called out.

Zero browsed silently.

Xu Zhishuang asked someone to arrange to change the ticket, and was going to take someone to secretly go to Dick Country to investigate immediately.


At this time, Zero seemed to have discovered something, with disbelief written all over his face.

"Team leader, come and see!"

Zero suddenly shouted, feeling a little out of control!

"What happened?"

Xu Zhishuang immediately ran over and asked eagerly.

I saw Ling pointing at the screen tremblingly, and tremblingly said: "Team leader! Just now a user posted on the dark web, saying...that someone is killing people in Dick Country.... tens of thousands of people have been killed ...."


Xu Zhishuang almost lost her voice, her heart was beating wildly, and after a while, she hurriedly asked, "Are the troops of Dick Kingdom all idiots? Why didn't they stop it?"

Let's go and give it a try. 】

Ling stared blankly at the screen and murmured.

"Can't stop..."


"Because this person... slaughtered the army of Dick Kingdom..."

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