Lin Yang frowned slightly, and raised his finger forward a little.


A more pure force of ascension turned into a barrier in front of him.

clang! clang! clang! clang...

These light beams all hit the barrier, but they couldn't tear it apart.


Blood Shark was stunned.

"Captain, the power released by this person seems to be divine power too! And it seems to be stronger than ours!"

A man next to him put down the glasses on his helmet, the glasses flashed with green light, and then said in a concentrated voice.

"you sure?"

Blood Shark turned his head and asked.

"The result of the data analysis is this, his divine power is nearly twice as strong as ours!"

"That is to say, he is at least an angel-level powerhouse?"

Blood Shark is unbelievable.

"This kind of powerhouse is already at the SSS level on the dark web, captain, it seems that your concerns are right!"

The whale shark said hoarsely.

"Don't be afraid, full fire!"

Blood Shark shouted.

Everyone pulled the trigger like crazy.

Terrifying beams of light hit Lin Yang densely like raindrops.

But no matter how these people attacked, the barrier in front of Lin Yang remained motionless, like the thickest shield, defending against all attacks.

Lin Yang walked towards the Skyshark team step by step.

After approaching, he suddenly raised his hand.


The blood shark took a tight breath and shouted loudly.

In an instant, the thirteen people immediately dispersed in all directions.

But at the moment of dispersal.


Lin Yang swung his fist down.

The terrifying power exploded directly, and a vast impact force was vented to the surroundings.

Although the thirteen people avoided Lin Yang's fist, the terrible impact made them unable to dodge in time.


All thirteen people were sent flying by the shock wave.

Even the white gulls, love angels and others in the distance were not immune, they were pushed and fell to the ground one after another, and it was difficult to get up.

"very scary!"

White Gull got up quickly and gasped.

"This attack is at least comparable to a small missile!"

the angel of love murmured.

A random blow has such power!

It's too scary, right?

"Is he from the Dragon Kingdom? When did such a strong existence appear in the Dragon Kingdom?"

Someone questioned.

But no one can answer this question.


Blood Shark stabilized his body in time and shouted immediately.

The thirteen people ran desperately towards the open space behind.

Lin Yang didn't hold back his hands at all, his fists were stirring with terrifying thunder and lightning, and he directly chased after him.


He waved his hand again, and the lightning in his palm rushed out like a dragon, striking at the frontmost whale shark.

The whale shark turned pale with fright, and quickly drew out the dagger at his waist to resist.

How could the piece of iron in her hand be able to stop this astonishing attack?

"Get out of the way!"

At this time, the tiger shark rushed over and closed its arms towards its chest.


Its arms burst out with blue light, and quickly overlapped together, turning into a translucent blue shield.


The lightning struck heavily on the blue shield and exploded immediately.

Blue Shield exploded on the spot.

Tiger Shark was blown away by the lightning, his arms were instantly turned into ashes and shattered, and he also flew out, falling to the ground with Whale Shark.


The others paled in horror.

They understood how terrifying the strength of the tiger shark's actinic blue shield was, but facing Lin Yang's attack, they couldn't hold it for even a second.


The blood shark's eyes tightened, and he shouted in a low voice.

Everyone nodded, pulled out their weapons, and stabbed at the ground.

The whale shark also quickly got up and stabbed the dagger heavily on the ground.

Just as Lin Yang was about to continue attacking, he suddenly felt something was wrong, so he looked down.

Only to find that the ground was lit up with bursts of golden light.

A series of strange lines appeared centering on himself, and the golden light bloomed!

"This is... array?"

Lin Yang said in surprise.

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