Everyone stood around the golden formation, circled it around, stabbed at the edge of the formation with weapons as the medium, and continuously injected energy into the weapons, and the energy sank into the formation along the weapons.

The tiger shark with both arms broken also climbed up, bit the saber on its body with its mouth, and slammed it on the edge of the formation, pouring all its strength into it.

In an instant, the light of the big array became more and more surging.

The turbulent power began to rise.

"The door to destruction is open!"

"The power of the dimension, come!"

"The light of judgment will shine on every evil corner!"

Blood Shark, Whale Shark and others shouted one after another, as if they were chanting some spell.

As their words fell out, the intensity of the large formation on the ground became more and more intense, and the energy was vented crazily.

Lin Yang looked around calmly, and stepped out of the formation.


Suddenly, a big golden hand popped out from the side formation, and hammered towards Lin Yang fiercely.

The big hand was full of muscles, vigorous and powerful, and when it hit with a punch, it was like hitting a hill, and its strength was astonishing.

Lin Yang frowned, moved his steps lightly, and dodged skillfully.

However, just as Lin Yang dodged this punch, a large number of terrifying golden hands sprang out from all directions.

There are hundreds of them densely packed.

They either attacked Lin Yang, or grabbed Lin Yang's hands and feet, intending to imprison him.

With so many hands popping out suddenly, Lin Yang had no place to dodge.

Soon, Lin Yang was grabbed by these terrifying big golden hands, and all kinds of fists and palms came to him.

Lin Yang snorted coldly, shaking his whole body away with the force of ascension.




The surrounding big hands were all shaken into powder.

But in the next second, circles of circular beams of light rose from Lin Yang's feet and went straight into the sky.

Lin Yang frowned, and immediately released all the power of ascension in his body.

The members of the Sky Shark Squad were all shining with golden light at this moment, as if all their vigor had been poured into the formation, their bodies were trembling wildly, their tendons were bulging, and they seemed to have reached their limit.




They roared in unison.

The circle of light around Lin Yang became more intense.

In the end, only the roar of the blood shark was heard.

"Light of Judgment! Clean it up!"


The power of the entire formation was concentrated at the soles of Lin Yang's feet, and then turned into a golden light that soared into the sky and went straight into the sky.

The endless destructive power surged wildly at this moment.

The surrounding ground sank wildly.

A hundred li in a radius started to vibrate.

"Back! Back away!"

"My God! What kind of method is this?"

"Is this the strength of the Sky Shark team?"

"It's terrible! It's terrible!"

Bai Gu, Love Angel and others were frightened and retreated like crazy.

That force is directly vented to the surroundings.

Everything around was destroyed.

Stones were crushed into powder, and vegetation turned into smoke.

The sky is filled with a golden halo.

White Gull, Love Angel and others hurriedly mobilized their forces and set up defenses.

Everyone worked together to barely withstand the impact.

After the impact slowly dissipated, people raised their heads and looked over there.

The halo is slowly dissipating.

The big formation also gradually stopped operating.

As for Lin Yang, he was submerged in the halo and could not see any trace at all...

"do you died?"

Love Angel asked blankly.

"have no idea...."

White Gull shook his head.


At this moment, Blood Shark and the others all fell to the ground, panting heavily.

They are exhausted!

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