Bai Gu and the others watched silently, their hearts trembling wildly.

This is the full blow of the Sky Shark team!

This power is probably comparable to a nuclear bomb!

Perhaps the range is not as wide as the nuclear bomb, but the existence in the center of the formation will definitely not survive!

At least it is impossible for humans to survive.

"It's over! It must be over!"

Someone said tremblingly.

"As expected of the super army that the United States spent hundreds of billions of dollars to build, the methods of the Sky Shark team are indeed incredible!"

The angel of love murmured, her head was also buzzing, and she still couldn't recover from the vast and shocking method just now.

"Let's go!"

White Gull took a deep breath and said in a low voice: "This is a place of right and wrong. Since that guy is dead, there is no need for us to stay here!"

Angel of Love nodded, and they immediately turned and left.

But at this moment, White Gull seemed to see something, his breath trembled, and he lost his voice on the spot: "Impossible..."

"What's wrong?"

The angel of love looked sideways.

The halo over there gradually dissipated, and then a figure slowly appeared in everyone's sight.

It's not someone else, it's Lin Yang!


Angel of love is silly.

The entire Skyshark team was also stunned.

They lay on the ground, raised their heads, and stared at Lin Yang in shock, with disbelief written all over their faces.

At this moment, Lin Yang was panting slightly. It seemed that he had consumed a lot of his ascension power, but he didn't have any scars on his body.

The blow just now didn't seem to hurt him at all!

"How could this be? The light of judgment...why didn't it work on him?"

The blood shark's eyeballs were rounded, and he murmured blankly, his face full of disbelief.

"Has God abandoned us?"

Tiger Shark murmured.

"why why...."

The whale shark seems to have lost its soul.

The rest of the people were also devastated and couldn't accept it.

Lin Yang patted the dust on his shoulders, and walked out of the formation slowly.

The entire formation has been completely sluggish due to the overdraft of energy.

The Sky Shark team was also exhausted and could no longer continue fighting.

The blood shark stared desperately at Lin Yang who came out, and then slowly closed his eyes.

Team Sky Shark has done its best.

But the target cannot be eliminated.

They knew that against such an enemy, they had no chance of winning, not even a chance to escape!

There is only death waiting for the Sky Shark team.

Lin Yang walked up to Blood Shark, reached out and took out a mobile phone from his chest pocket.

There is only one number on it.

He pressed it.


The phone rang for a few seconds, followed by a laugh from within.

"Captain Blood Shark, call me so soon, it seems that you have successfully completed the task! Congratulations!"

"Is that Jon?"

Lin Yang made a faint sound.

As soon as these words fell, there was a dead silence on the other end of the phone.

After a long time, Jon's trembling voice came out.

" are that guy? What happened to the Skyshark team? Did"


Lin Yang held his mobile phone and said calmly: "I am not a very good-tempered person, and I prefer to hold grudges. Their failure will not be the end of this matter!"

After all, Lin Yang shook his hand.


The phone exploded immediately.

"Any last words to say?"

Lin Yang watched the blood shark silently, and said calmly.

"It's ironic, this sentence is what I often say to them."

Blood Shark smiled bitterly.

"There is no difference between a hunter and a prey. The loser is called the prey, and the winner is the hunter."

Lin Yang said lightly.

"So, today, we all became prey."

Blood Shark closed his eyes and said with a smile: "It's sad! It's really sad!"

"It won't be very painful!"

Lin Yang said calmly, and directly put his hand on the ground.

Then exert a little force.


A sea of ​​flames rises and engulfs everyone...

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