"Idiots! All are idiots!"

Dick Guoyuan led the people to rush out of the building and rushed towards a tall building not far away.

At this moment, several figures in suits carrying leather bags rushed out of the gate of the high-rise building.

They hurried towards a commercial vehicle parked outside.

Seeing this, Yuan Tong hurriedly quickened his pace, stopped one of them, and said anxiously: "Mr. Jon, where are you going?"

Yuantong just got the news that Jon and his group sent by Meijian were going to evacuate the country of Dick, which made Yuantong unable to sit still, so he hurried over to ask what happened.

"Mr. Yuan Tong, what kind of monster did you provoke in Dick Kingdom?"

When Jon saw Yuan Tong, he was furious immediately, with grief and indignation still in his eyes.

"What... what's wrong? Mr. Jon, did something happen?"

Yuan Tong was stunned.

"It's over! It's over! It's over!"

Jon roared emotionally: "The Sky Shark team failed in their mission, and it's all over! Master Yuan Tong, we don't care about this mess! Take care of yourself!"

After finishing speaking, he got into the car directly and walked away.

Yuan Tong's eyes were dull, as if struck by lightning, he stared blankly at the motorcade represented by Meijian leaving, as if he was stupid.

"How is it possible? God... the Sky Shark team failed?"

The people next to him gasped in disbelief.

These high-level executives are well aware of this famous U.S. firm ace special forces.

This is one of the representatives of America's special combat power. Since its birth, it has never failed in any mission!

But today...they lost!

What does this mean, how can Yuan Tong not understand?

"It's not good! Master Yuantong! Something happened!"

At this time, one of his subordinates hurried over and said in a panic: "Master Yuantong! Our last line of defense has been broken by the enemy! The monster is now coming towards us!"


Yuan Tong shuddered all over and almost lost his footing.

"Where are our armies? Where are our heavy weapons?"

The people next to him hurriedly grabbed the subordinate and asked urgently.

"It's useless at all. The opponent is like a god. Guns can't break his body, and bullets can't stop his progress! No matter how many people we send to stop him, they can't stop him half a step! It's over! It's over!"

cried the man.

When Yuan Tong heard the sound, his hands and feet suddenly became cold.

The people around are full of despair...

"Could it be that... my country, Dick, is in danger of being destroyed?"

Yuan Tong murmured blankly.

"Lord Yuantong, don't worry, we still need a solution!"

At this time, the confidant next to him quickly spoke.

"What way?" Yuan Tong asked anxiously.

"Isn't the Dragon Kingdom delegation still there? Let's go and invite them quickly, and tell them to take this person away!"

Said the confidant.

"Yes, yes, how did I forget this?"

Yuan Tong patted his head and shouted hastily: "Hurry up, send someone to find the Dragon Kingdom delegation!"



At this moment, in the lobby of the hotel.

"Damn! Team leader, there are people from Dick Kingdom outside, they have already blocked us! We can't get out at all!"

Zhao Xiang stepped back abruptly, gritted his teeth and said.

There were still a few bullet holes on his body, if he hadn't been wearing a special protective suit, what would have been left on his body would not be bullet holes, but blood holes.

"I didn't expect the people of Dick Kingdom to be so determined, and they dispatched thousands of people to surround us!"

Xu Zhishuang's face was cold, and she said in a condensed voice: "It seems that they don't want to solve this matter at all!"

"They must want to capture that guy alive, and then hand it over to the international community, so that Meijian can stand up for them and blackmail our Dragon Kingdom!"

Amei gritted her teeth and said, "Leader, if we can't take that guy away in time, the damage to Dragon Kingdom will be immeasurable! We can't delay any longer, we have to rush out!"

"that's right!"

Xu Zhishuang took a deep breath and said coldly: "Everyone, this matter is related to the interests of the country. We must not slack off in the slightest. Even if someone dies here today, we will not hesitate! Everyone immediately follow me and prepare to rush out!"

"it is good!"

The members of the forbidden group shouted one after another, and all drew out their weapons, looking at death as home!

Xu Zhishuang swallowed a elixir, pulled out the equipped plasma long sword from her body, stared at the gate, got up and walked towards it.

The forbidden group followed closely behind.

But just when these people were about to rush out of the hotel gate.


The door of the hotel was suddenly pushed open hastily.

Afterwards, Yuan led a group of armed men into the hotel quickly.


The people in the forbidden group all trembled, and immediately raised their weapons and aimed at Yuantong.

The people beside Yuan Tong also immediately locked their weapons on all members of the banned group.


Yuan Tong shouted.

"Master Yuantong, have you finally appeared?"

Xu Zhishuang raised her hand, motioned for everyone to put away their weapons, stared at Yuan Tong who was approaching, and spoke coldly.

"Group Leader Xu, I'm very sorry. I think this is a misunderstanding. I have already ordered people to lift the armed siege of the hotel."

Yuan Tong said with an apologetic face.

"What? Didn't you instigate this?"

"Misunderstanding! It's all a misunderstanding. How could I make such a decision? It's my people who misinterpreted my meaning! I actually welcome you all very much, and I hope you can help me resolve this matter peacefully!"

Yuan Tong smiled and said quickly.

This change of attitude made everyone unbelievable.

Xu Zhishuang frowned lightly, stared at Yuantong with some vigilance, and said in a deep voice: "Master Yuantong, can you tell me how the current situation is? That Longguo...is he still alive?"

"Alive, of course he is alive, he is very well now!"

Yuantong smiled and said: "I have ordered the withdrawal of all defenses and troops to avoid conflicts with him as much as possible, but he seems to have a lot of resentment towards our Dick country, and he kept destroying our Dick country's buildings along the way, and even A lot of innocent people were killed! Team Leader Xu, I hope you can set off immediately, take that person away, and leave my country of Dick!"

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