holy eve.

There will be a grand performance tonight in the largest Maria Opera House in the holy city.

When Lin Yang and Dark Swan arrived at the Opera House, it was already crowded with people.

Men and women in bright and well-dressed clothes walked into the opera house arm in arm.

The rich and famous from all over the world gather here.

As an annual gala in the holy city, the specifications here are unimaginable for ordinary people.

The ticket alone costs 500,000 yuan, and it is not always possible to buy it.

"You two, please show your tickets."

Just as Lin Yang and Dark Swan were about to enter the opera house, the staff at the door stopped them immediately.


Dark Swan was stunned: "We haven't bought it yet, where can we buy it?"

"Miss, our tickets are pre-sold in advance. If you haven't bought tickets in advance, I'm afraid you won't be able to buy them now!"

The staff smiled.


Dark Swan was a little annoyed, but she didn't rush to get angry. Instead, she walked aside and called Haili.

"Master Dark Swan, the tickets for the Opera House are all real-name tickets. I did buy two tickets, but these two tickets were written by my subordinates. I originally planned to let them send flowers. Now that you are here, I temporarily After a while, I didn't have time to prepare..."

Hailey apologized.

"Is there any way to get us tickets?"

Dark Swan asked deeply.

"It's more difficult. The website for buying tickets is a membership system. It is said that you have to recharge 20 million at the Opera House to become a member. Even if you recharge, you will have no tickets at the moment... Master Dark Swan, if you Wait, I can ask someone to make counterfeit tickets now, and I guarantee that the real ones will be authentic!"

"how long?"

"About 30 minutes."

"too slow!"

Dark Swan looked impatient, and said to Lin Yang: "Mr. Lin, why don't we sneak in."

"Let him send you two fake tickets."

Jiang Yan shook his head.

"It takes time to make counterfeit tickets, so the time is too tight!"

"Sneaking in will expose us! You have to know that the Black Emperor is best at hacking technology. If he has already controlled all the cameras in the opera house, if we sneak in, once we are captured by the equipment, wouldn't it be a warning?"

"This... ok."

Dark Swan could only nod.

She said a few words to Haili, then hung up the phone.

"Hey, can you two go in? If you don't go in, get out of the way! Good dogs don't get in the way!"

A cold voice came.

Lin Yang couldn't help but look sideways when he heard the Y language full of Long Guoqiang.

I saw a few people from the Dragon Country walking over with a few blond and blue-eyed people from the Y Country.

The leader is a woman wearing heavy makeup and wearing a low-cut dress and evening dress.

The woman was wearing a huge top hat, and was examining the two with disgust.

In order not to reveal her identity, Dark Swan also put on a little makeup, her appearance is not amazing, and her clothes are the same as Lin Yang's, ordinary.

But their mediocrity, in front of this opera house, looks shabby.

"Miss, are you scolding me?"

Dark Swan's voice turned cold, staring at the woman and said.

The woman was terrified by the eyes of the dark swan, and subconsciously took half a step back, but she still bravely said: "What's wrong with scolding you? Get out of here!"


Dark Swan was furious and was about to strike, but held back.

She glanced at Lin Yang, and knew that she couldn't act foolishly, otherwise she would startle the snake.

"Come on, Lina! Don't say a few words! You have nothing to say to these untouchables!"

A well-dressed girl behind her stepped forward and said lightly.

The girl was very beautiful, with fair skin, fluffy skin, long hair hanging down her waist, and a graceful figure. She was set off by a red dress like a delicate rose.

In terms of appearance, only dark swans can be overwhelmed if they are not easy to tolerate.

"That's true. I've seen people like this kind of people who can't afford a ticket and want to go in to open their eyes. They are as disgusting as the stinky rats in the sewer!"

The woman in black dress smiled contemptuously, her face full of indifference.

Dark Swan's eyes showed anger, but at this moment, she seemed to have noticed something, glanced at the badge hanging on the chest of the woman in black dress, and suddenly said, "Are you from the Zhao family in Country Y?"

The woman in black dress was startled, staring at Dark Swan in astonishment: "You know me?"

Dark Swan smiled lightly, without saying a word, and retreated directly to the side.

The woman in the black dress had an unnatural expression on her face, and looked at the dark swan suspiciously.

But at this moment, the girl in the red dress suddenly thought of something, and said, "Lena, are these two your friends?"

The woman in black dress was taken aback.

"Since they are your friends, how about inviting them to watch the show together?"

The girl in the red dress smiled slightly.

When these words fell to the ground, everyone felt inconceivable.

The woman in the black dress wanted to say something, but she saw the girl in the red dress secretly winking, and couldn't help swallowing the words.

"okay then...."

She exhaled, and glanced at Black Swan and Lin Yang, the disgust and contempt in her eyes remained undiminished, but her mouth became more polite.

"Since you recognize our family's badge, you should be a friend of our Zhao family. You don't have a ticket? It's okay. I'll take you in to see the world, how about it?"

Dark Swan frowned slightly, looking at Lin Yang.


Lin Yang readily agreed.

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