Some people bring it into the opera house for free, so of course they don't need Hailey's fake ticket.

Dark Swan made a phone call to Haili, and then followed these people to the opera house with Lin Yang.

The girl in the red dress seemed to have a lot of energy, the two of them had no tickets, and they had no extra tickets, but the girl in the red dress actually asked the staff at the door to let Lin Yang and Dark Swan pass in a few words.

Lin Yang was quite surprised.

You know, even a coward like Haili can only obediently buy a ticket if he wants to enter the opera house.

It can be seen that the origin of the girl in the red dress will only be greater than that of Haili.

"You know them?"

After entering the opera house, Lin Yang turned his head and asked Dark Swan.

"The woman in the black dress should belong to the Zhao family in country Y. I know the family crest she wears on her chest. Yongye has cooperated with the Zhao family before!"

Dark Swan spoke.

"Zhao? Isn't this the surname of the Dragon Kingdom? Why is it called the Zhao family of Country Y?"

"Immigrate the whole family? What the Zhao family entrusted us to Yongye is to let them immigrate to country Y. It is said that the Zhao family has a network in country Y, and their development prospects will be better there. We took 30 million from them and let them You have successfully gained a firm foothold in Country Y!"

Dark Swan Road.

"Yongye's business is quite extensive!"

"As long as we have money, we will do anything."

"So that's it...what is the origin of the girl in the red dress?"

"This... I don't know either, she doesn't wear a family crest, so I can't tell where she came from."

Dark Swan shook his head, and said in a low voice: "But if this girl brings us in, there must be no good things, my lord, be careful."

"It's okay, as long as we do what we need to do well, we don't have to care about them."

"Yes, my lord."

Dark Swan nodded.

Soon, a group of people came to a private room on the second floor.

This seems to be the place where the girl in red and others will watch the show later.

Lin Yang glanced at these people, and told Dark Swan to go to seat 13 and put down the box.

Fortunately, seat 13 is not far away.

"Hey, where are you going? Come in quickly!"

At this time, Zhao Lina glanced at Dark Swan and shouted loudly.

Dark Swan put the box away, walked quickly, looked at Lin Yang, and seemed to be waiting for his instructions.

Lin Yang looked at seat 13, then at the box, and said, "Let's go in."


Dark Swan didn't object.

Next to this box is the public seat, and you can have a panoramic view of everything in the thirteenth position.

There are several sofas in the box, and a large number of exquisite pastries and fruits are placed on the European-style coffee table in the middle.

In front of it is a translucent huge floor-to-ceiling window.

The windows are facing the stage.

Opera performances will have a panoramic view.

"You two, please sit down here!"

At this moment, the girl in red said to Lin Yang and Dark Swan who came in.

Lin Yang was not polite, and sat down on the sofa.

Dark Swan looked at the crowd with some vigilance.

"Miss, thank you for inviting us to watch the show."

Lin Yang smiled lightly.

"We're all friends, it's polite to say that."

The girl smiled slightly and asked, "Sir, can you tell me your names and identities?"

"My name is Lin Yang, and I'm from Dragon Country!"

"What about this one?"

"Oh, her name is... Swan, and she's from Country F."


Zhao Lina over there was slightly startled, and immediately looked at Dark Swan, but the face that could only be described as pretty was very strange, so she shook her head involuntarily.

"Hehe, Mr. Lin, you came all the way from Longguo to watch the opera, why didn't you even buy a ticket?"

"We bought late."

Lin Yang reached out and grabbed an apple and bit it.

"This year's performance is very popular, and it is indeed very popular. It's normal if you can't buy tickets."

The girl smiled, expressing her understanding.

Lin Yang didn't speak.

The girl glanced at the watch on her white wrist, and then looked at an old man with white hair and dressed as a butler standing at the door.

The old man nodded silently, then closed the door.

Dark Swan tilted its head slightly.

But the next second.


The old man suddenly pulled out his pistol and aimed at several blond men sitting across from him.

Bang bang bang!

Several shots in a row shot directly into their hearts.

The four didn't even have time to react and died on the spot.


Dark Swan was stunned.

Lin Yang continued to bite the apple, with an indifferent expression on his face.

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