Dark Swan couldn't sit still and stood up abruptly.

But in the next second, her shoulder was held down by a small white hand.

With a slight effort in his little hand, he wanted to push her back to the seat.

But Dark Swan is not afraid of this force, just about to fight back.


Lin Yang suddenly shouted.

Dark Swan was taken aback, then glanced at Lin Yang.

He shook his head secretly, then put down the apple.

The owner of the little hand is Zhao Lina.

She pushed Dark Swan back to its position, and said with a sneer, "Bitch, be honest, or the next bullet will go right into your heart!"

"What are you doing?"

Lin Yang asked lightly.

"I invite you to watch a show. You help us solve a few troubles. It should be equal, right?"

The woman in the red dress laughed.

"Shall I help you out of trouble?"

Lin Yang looked at her curiously.

But the old man over there wiped the fingerprints on the pistol, pointed the pistol at his arm, and then pulled the trigger.


The bullet went into his arm.

The old man fell to the ground in pain.

Seeing this, Zhao Lina screamed immediately, opened the door and rushed out.

After a while, a large group of people in suits rushed into the box.

Seeing this, the dark swan suddenly realized.

It turned out that the girl in the red dress brought them in because she wanted them to be scapegoats!


The girl in the red dress showed a panicked expression, ran to the door in horror, and threw herself into the arms of a blond old man.

The old man had a red flower pinned to his chest, combed his hair back, and wore a neat suit, reminiscent of a godfather.

While comforting the girl in the red dress in a low voice, he scanned the scene coldly.

When he saw the young corpses lying on the sofa covered in blood, the blond old man's eyes turned red and he choked up.

"Your Excellency Vito, they killed Mocha and Nan En! They also want to kill me! I'm terrified! Help me! Help me..."

The girl in the red dress changed from her previous poise and gentleness, now she only showed a delicate and delicate appearance, crying while crying.

The emotional performance was simply amazing to see the dark swan.

"Child! Yuesheng child! Don't be afraid! I will make the decision for you, and I will also make the decision for Mocha and Nanen!"

Enduring his grief, the old man stared at Lin Yang and Dark Swan angrily, and roared, "Catch them!"

The people behind immediately drew their guns and rushed over.

Dark Swan couldn't sit still anymore, so he wanted to make a move.

But at this moment, Lin Yang stood up suddenly and said indifferently: "Old man, I think you should investigate this matter, and don't wrong a good person!"

"We really want to investigate, so I hope you can cooperate with us! This is a wonderful opera performance. I have lost several loved ones, and I don't want to ruin this beauty again!"

The old man said in pain, and then waved his hand to signal his subordinates to continue.

"That depends on your abilities!"

Dark Swan snorted coldly, waved his hand suddenly, and several terrifying auras flew out from his fingertips, directly smashing the guns in the hands of these bodyguards.


Everyone was shocked.

The old man frowned.

"I didn't expect this woman to be a practicing family!"

Zhao Lina was secretly startled.

The old man was not polite, and said coldly: "All up, catch them!"


"Listen, don't hurt Mocha's corpses. I'm going to call Mr. Ma in Longguo. I heard that Longguo's medical skills have the effect of bringing the dead back to life. I'm going to send their bodies to Longguo immediately. Heal them!"

The blond old man said in a deep voice.

As soon as these words came out, the face of the girl in the red dress changed slightly.

Afterwards, a large number of men in suits walked towards Dark Swan and Lin Yang.

Everyone is murderous!

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