All in?

Are there more than 100 passers-by crowded in this alley? Is that too fake?

How can there be so many passers-by in this kind of alley? Is this the main road?

What's more, it's not necessary to deal with this immature young man and woman like this.

Lin Yang shook his head with a wry smile and said, "no!" He kicked the cell phone into his pocket.

Liang Xiaodie rarely hard, but gave the girl a great stimulation.

She clenched the book in her hand, and the pages were wrinkled, but she finally put up with it. She snorted coldly: "Liang Xiaodie, don't be complacent. You can't fight me. I warn you, stay away from the clouds. Otherwise, it's useless for you to find more people to help you next time."

With that, he went down the steps and resented to go.

"Who let you go?" Liang Xiaodie seems angry, but her face is dissatisfied and wants to stop the girl.

But at this time, a large number of bodyguards in suits and sunglasses burst in at the entrance of the alley.

These bodyguards are more than 20, directly listed on both sides of the girl, they are also tall, outstanding skills.

Liang Xiaodie's face is white again a few circles, scared, people also have some fear back a few steps.

"What? Our Miss Liang, do you want to come here to have a discussion with me? " The girl looked at the little butterfly path.

Liang Xiaodie said nothing.


The girl hummed coldly and walked towards the entrance of the lane.

Liang Xiaodie bit her silver teeth, but she still didn't make a sound.

The passers-by beat up sister Piao, Lvmao and others, but they also scattered themselves, leaving a lot of wailing men and women. They did not say hello to Liang Xiaodie from the beginning to the end.

Liang Xiaodie also wants to ask them what they want to say, but she doesn't know how to speak.

After a while, the passers-by left.

"Who are these people... Exactly?" Liang Xiaodie asked strangely.

"I don't know." Lin Yang said quietly.

"No, I have to ask." Liang Xiaodie seems to be a little unwilling. Looking at the woman with high-heeled shoes who just turned out of the alley, she immediately chased out.


Lin Yang called out a few times, but he didn't want Liang Xiaodie's speed to be so fast that he ran away.

Lin Yang shook his head and was too lazy to say more.

"Mr. Lin!" At this time, a middle-aged man came over and bowed respectfully to Lin Yang.

"Well done." Lin Yang nodded.

"Mr. Schelling, sir, do you want to... Deal with those people together?" The middle-aged man has a low voice.

Lin Yang naturally understood who the middle-aged man meant, but the bodyguard around the girl.

But it was Sima's family. Although Lin Yang had no feelings for Sima family, he didn't want to provoke them for the time being.

"No, you go back."

"Yes, Mr. Lin. if there is anything else, please let me know." The man nodded and turned away.

At this time, Liang Xiaodie came back.

"Who are you talking to? Who was that man just now Liang Xiaodie asks Lin Yang strangely.

"Nothing, just a passing friend." Lin Yang light road.

"Friend?" Liang Xiaodie's eyes are full of doubts.

"What did you ask?" Lin Yang asked.

"No, those guys are like cold machines after they leave. No matter what I say, they don't pay attention to me." Liang Xiaodie bit her silver teeth: "they are definitely not passers-by, who is definitely sent to protect me!"

"Maybe it's the Liang family."

"How could it be?" Liang Xiaodie gave him a look and snorted, "it's impossible for the family to send someone to protect me. Do you think I'm Liang Nanfang and Liang Hongying

Lin Yang did not speak.

In fact, he also knows some general situation of the Liang family. Strictly speaking, Liang Fengyan is the descendant of the fourth master of the Liang family. However, Liang Fengyan's father died early. Liang Huxiao, Liang Qingsong and Liang Weiguo took care of the three houses of the Liang family. The three houses under the control of these three people are the main vein of the Liang family, and their resources are naturally more inclined to them.

Of course, it's not that Liang Xiaodie doesn't have any preferential treatment. In the past, she was accompanied by a bodyguard. However, since Liang Qiuyan's crime, the status of Liang Fengyan's family in the Liang family has fallen dramatically. Therefore, Liang Xiaodie was bullied in school, and she has no place to defend her grievances.

"Who is that woman?"

Lin Yang changed the subject and asked.

"Who else? Sima miaohao, the eldest lady of Sima family

"How could you provoke her?"

"I don't want to provoke her, it's someone else who provokes me!" Liang Xiaodie's eyes are red, crouching on the ground, holding his knees in both hands, Wei qubaba said.

"What's going on?" Lin Yang asked.

"Have you ever heard of Yunshao?" Liang Xiaodie raised her head.

"Yes, you mentioned it several times in the alley just now.""Except in the alley?"

"I haven't heard of it."

"Hum, I tell you, we Yan Normal University has four school grass, also known as normal university four young, they all look handsome, good character and learning, it can be said that thousands of people are fascinated, and this Yunshao is one of them."


"I've been unlucky for eight years. I just started school, and once I was eating in the canteen, I just ran into that Yunshao. I didn't know what was going on, so he pestered me. Later, the whole school knew that he was chasing me, and Sima miaohao heard that. You know, Sima miaohao always liked Yunshao, which made her jealous Sexual big hair, began to target me, first sent someone to warn me, and then I lost my dormitory bed, my desk and textbooks all thrown away, this is not enough, she also wanted to call people to beat me, if I did not run fast, I would have been beaten into the hospital by her, and then later, she called sister Piao to warn me, asked me to cut off the relationship with Yunshao immediately, and immediately handle the withdrawal, but... I have long refused As for the teacher, it's easy for me to withdraw from the college entrance examination? So I asked for leave, and I didn't want to go to school. You can see the rest today...

Liang Xiaodie said with Qu Baba that the tears of bean size were constantly falling down from my face.

Some of them are not laughing.

After a long time of fighting, it turned out to be the competition between the little girls.

But I think it is. At such a age, how can there be so much hatred?

But Sima miaohao is also vicious. She wants to strip Liang Xiaodie to the school gate. If she does, she can't destroy Liang Xiaodie? It's more serious than killing her...

"it's such a thing, I understand, it's no big deal, Xiaodie, you don't have to worry, but then again, don't you like this cloud less?" Lin Yang asked.

"Less clouds? Cut! Sima miaohao, the woman, will care. I don't like it. I already have someone to like! "

"Who is it?"

"Who else? Of course, he is the famous doctor Lin in China Liang Xiaodie is a little excited and says with the light of autumn eyes.

"What? Dr. Lin? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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