Hearing the sound, Lin Yang trembled fiercely and almost didn't stand firm.

"What's the matter with you?" Liang Xiaodie looks at him inexplicably.

"No... nothing." Lin Yang vomited his turbid breath and recovered. His face was smiling: "OK, Xiaodie, it's almost 2 o'clock. You still have classes in the afternoon. Go to class quickly."

"Still in class? Didn't you see what happened just now? What if you come to me again? It's impossible that someone will protect me every time? " Liang Xiaodie was in a hurry.

"This is a school. After entering the school, who dares to do anything to you?"

"I don't care, anyway, I don't go to school, I don't go, I don't go!" Liang Xiaodie said in a huff and puff, some of the same.

Lin Yang frowned and thought deeply: "ganniang's condition is just getting better now. If you don't go to school, ganniang will be angry if you don't go to school. As you saw earlier, she was angry with you and vomited blood. If you didn't go, what would she think? I'm afraid most of the illness is going to get worse. Do you hope that ganniang's illness is not good all the time

This sentence can be said to be poked into Liang Xiaodie's heart nest.

She opened her mouth, speechless, hesitated for a moment, drooped her head and lost her breath: "well, well, I'll just listen to you."

"Let's go."

Lin Yang said with a smile.

Liang Xiaodie is unwilling to follow Lin Yang back to school.

Lin Yang is not at ease, specially into the school gate, intends to send her to the dormitory first.

However, when they arrived at the dormitory building, a burst of noise rang out.

"Coming, coming!"

"Yunshao, here she is!"

"Oh! Here comes the Lord

Cheers and cheers rang out.

Both Liang Xiaodie and Lin Yang were stunned, but they saw a large group of students running over. They all had smiles on their faces and surrounded Liang Xiaodie directly. Some of them cast envious eyes, some full of expectations, others had jealousy on their faces, resentment in their eyes, and all kinds of eyes.

Liang Xiaodie is confused.

At this time, the crowd dispersed, but there was a golden Rolls Royce in front of it. The car was full of flowers. It was dressed very romantic. In front of Rolls Royce, there was a beautiful man in a suit and holding flowers.

The man is very handsome. His face is angular and his eyes are bright. His pupil is very deep. Any woman will fall into it and can't extricate himself. His unique temperament is very charming. Who doesn't love such a handsome and gold man? Many young and ignorant female college students in the crowd have already made a scream.

Many students took out their mobile phones to take photos, and all the passers-by stopped to watch all this.

However, Liang Xiaodie's face is dark, and her look is not good-looking.

At this time, the man came with the flowers in his hand.

"Xiaodie, I have been waiting for you here for several days. You finally show up today!" The man, who is also the cloud commander, handed over the flower and said with a smile, "Xiaodie, I have always liked you very much. From the first sight I saw you, my heart could no longer accommodate other people. I know that you will appear. I also know that we will be together for the rest of our lives. Promise me, Xiaodie, to be my girlfriend!"

Finish saying, is to kneel on one knee, full of expectation looking at her.

"Promise him!"

"Promise him!"


the surrounding college students immediately raised their hands and yelled.

Liang Xiaodie has an ugly face and is very embarrassed.

But at this time, Lin Yang next to him suddenly took Liang Xiaodie's hand and walked out of the crowd.

"Let's go!" Lin Yang light road.

Liang Xiaodie was stunned, but for the first time, she did not resist.

"Ah? Where are you going


the onlookers were stunned.

The smile on Yunshao's face also disappeared.


At this time, the low voice, then see the crowd out of a few young men, directly stopped the two people's way.

"What are you doing? Get out of here Liang Xiaodie denounced.

"Butterfly, you haven't promised me yet."

Yunshao came over with flowers in his hand.

"Promise what? Yes? I said, I have no feeling for you, please don't bother me again in the future, OK? Sima miaohao is so beautiful that you can't find her? " Liang Xiaodie shouts impatiently.

She doesn't have any good feelings for Yunshao. If it wasn't for him, how could Liang Xiaodie be retaliated by Sima miaohao?

But Yunshao did not know, and even was not angry or angry. He just shook his head: "you are different from her! I never look at a girl from her appearance. "

"I don't care so much, I repeat for the last time, I don't feel for you! Would you please stay away from me as if I were begging you? " Liang Xiaodie was so angry that she kept shouting.Don't give cloud less face at all.

Yunshao looked at Lin Yang and asked, "this is..."

"how about my man?" Liang Xiaodie hugs Lin Yang's arm directly. She is very intimate and complacent.

It's a good move to divert hatred.

However, Lin Yang is not angry. His original intention is to hope that his dry sister can be safe in school. If this move can make her once and for all, he supports it.

"Is it?"

Yunshao took a deep look at Linyang. After a moment's silence, he suddenly dropped the flower in his hand on the ground and gently nodded his head and said, "I understand, Xiaodie. In this case, I'll talk about it later!"

The words fell, and the man turned and left.

How smart and neat!

As soon as Yun Shao left, Liang Xiaodie immediately let go of her hand, and secretly glared at Lin Yang and said in a low voice, "you go back quickly, you!"

Then he turned his head and ran into the dormitory building.

Lin Yang smiles, touches his nose and turns to walk out of Yan Normal University.

Back to the Liang family, Lin Yang continued to stay in the small yard, quietly waiting for a reply.

Liang Qiuyan and Su Yan's injuries are also slowly getting better.

Su Yan saw that Liang Qiuyan was not a big problem, but also wanted to go back to Jiangcheng. After all, the company still had a lot of things to deal with.

But in Lin Yang's heart, there is always a pimple.


At this time, the courtyard door was pushed open, and then a woman led two bodyguards to quickly walk in.

Lin Yang, sitting at the door, looked up slightly.

It is to see that this woman is heavily dressed and exposed. At the moment, she is carrying a bag of fruit, with a black face, and quickly walks in.

She cast her eyes at Lin Yang, but she did not know him. She went straight into the room and pushed the door open with one hand.

Bang Dang!

People inside the door were startled.

But listen to the woman shouting: "aunt Qiu Yan, Nanfang has come to make amends to you and apologize!"

The voice is loud. It's not like an apology, it's more like a fight.

When Lin Yang heard the sound, his eyes were cold and he suddenly got up.

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