Su Yan, who is dealing with the company's affairs in the room, immediately gets up from the chair and sees the visitor. Qiu Mou is angry.

"Is it you?" She bit her teeth.

Liang Qiuyan on the hospital bed was also stunned, but she still calmed down and whispered, "it's Nanfang... You're here..."

Liang Nanfang turned her eyes away from Su Yan and didn't pay attention to her. Instead, she went to Liang NanFang's bedside and threw the bag of fruit on the head of the bed at will. She didn't show any emotion: "Auntie Qiuyan, Nanfang didn't know anything about it and offended you. I hope you won't be surprised Forgive Nanfang

This tone is not sincere at all.

"Child, your temper is too big, you have to restrain some..." Liang Qiuyan sighed.

Liang Nanfang snorted, but did not say anything.

"It's not a big deal. It's all family business. It's no big deal. Since you can apologize, my aunt will be very happy. Come on, sit down and eat an orange."

"No, it's not too early. I should go back. When my third grandfather comes to ask me, you remember to tell him that I'm too modest."

Liang Nanfang said with disdain that he wanted to turn around and leave.


Su Yan here suddenly comes forward, as if to stop Liang Nanfang and ask her for an explanation, but she is stopped by Lin Yang.

"Don't worry. Wait for my adoptive father to come back. I promised him three days." Lin Yang said quietly.

"Three days for your adoptive father? What are you doing? Your adoptive father can't ask her to apologize in three days. What else do you want to do? Will you destroy the Liang family? " Su Yan looked at him with some annoyance and said, "before I said go, you don't go. Now others come here, and you dare not say anything. Lin Yang, what's the use of you?"

She didn't expect Liang Nanfang to bow her head. She just wanted Lin Yang to stand up and scold her. At least, she could make her heart feel better.

But at this moment, Lin Yang still chose silence.

If he had been at the bridge pier and Lin Yang was not there, he had been wronged. No wonder Lin Yang, but now that others are in front of him, Lin Yang still doesn't move. How can it not make people feel cold?

Liang Nanfang looked at Su Yan and Lin Yang. The corners of her mouth rose, and she said with sarcasm: "there is no such thing as a whore with a dog! Ha ha

With that, he left the courtyard.

Su Yan's lungs are bursting with anger.

"Xiao Yan, don't worry. I'll get justice for you." Lin Yang was busy explaining.

"No, I just want to go back to Jiangcheng now. I don't want to stay here for a moment." Su Yan took a deep breath and said hoarsely.

She was too disappointed with Lin Yang.

Lin Yang was silent for a moment and looked at the time of his mobile phone: "I'll book you a ticket for the evening."

"No, book a high-speed rail ticket. It's too expensive to buy a discount ticket. It's more cost-effective to take the high-speed rail to go back. Before that, it was a godmother's situation, which was a special case. However, you should not spend money like before and save money." Su Yan whispered.

Lin Yang was silent for a long time and nodded.

After dinner, Su Yan cleaned up and went to the high-speed railway station with Lin Yang.

"Won't you go back?" Su Yan see Lin Yang did not intend to go through the security check, confused asked.

"I only bought you a ticket, Xiao Yan, you go back first."

"And you?"

"I want to go back later. I'll accompany my godmother. You can go back and deal with the affairs of the company quickly." Lin Yang said with a smile.

Su Yan hesitated, or nodded: "well, I'll go back first, and when you get to Jiangcheng, remember to call me."

"Good." Lin Yang said with a smile.

Su Yan passed the security check and went to the waiting hall.

Lin Yang looked at her back in silence and called out: "Wei Yan!"

"Mr. Lin!" A beautiful woman came out of the crowd.

"Go and protect my wife's safe arrival in Jiangcheng."


Wei Yan nodded and passed the security check.

Lin Yang returned to the Liang family and continued to sit in the small courtyard.

Around eight o'clock, the door of the courtyard was pushed open.

Liang Sheng looked uncertain and came in with a look on his face.

He looked at Lin Yang and hesitated for a long time before he came to Lin Yang.

"No need to say that." Seeing his embarrassed appearance, Lin Yang spoke directly.

"Mr. Lin..." what does Liang Sheng want to say.

"I have sent my wife back to Jiangcheng. Because I already know that there is no result from my adoptive father. After all, Liang NanFang's attitude in the afternoon has explained everything. " Lin Yang said quietly.

"Mr. Lin, please give us more time." Liang Sheng was busy.

Lin Yang looked at him and said with a smile, "give you more time? Is that what Mr. Liang Weiguo asked you to say to me? "


"master Liang must think that time can dilute everything, so he wants to delay it for a period of time. When I get rid of my anger, things will be gone, right?""No, no, no, Mr. Lin, that's not what my grandfather thought!"

"Well, well, don't say much. Where's my adoptive father? I'm going to meet him and return to Jiangcheng. " Lin Yang light road.

"That... Uncle Yan... He... He... He has something to... Go out..." is Liang Shengwei.

"Oh... Did something happen to him, too?" Lin Yang nodded his head gently, and there was no anger on his face.

"He... He didn't have an accident, Mr. Lin, don't think about it..." Liang Sheng said in a hurry.

"Don't be afraid, Xiaosheng. I've already said that I'm going back to Jiangcheng. That's all I've said. Do you want to lie to me? Don't worry, I won't make trouble Lin Yang said with a smile, "you'd better tell me the truth."


Liang Sheng hesitated. It took him a long time to sigh and say in a low voice, "Uncle Yan went to see the great grandfather for justice. However, he knelt down for two days with his grandfather, but he didn't see his face. He was also... He...

" what's the matter with him? "

"I was beaten two times by him, and several teeth were knocked out. My second grandfather scolded him for being ungrateful... He's broken now, so I can't see you..." Liang Sheng whispered.


Lin Yang nodded his head gently, and there was no change on his face.

"Mr. Lin, don't be angry..." Liang Sheng said again.

But at this time, Lin Yang was silent.

He put down his teacup and went into the room.

"Mom, I'm going back first."

"Back to Jiangcheng?"


"Well, be safe on the way and call mom more." Liang Qiuyan also does not detain, she is very guilty to Lin Yang.

Lin Yang nodded and walked quickly to the Liang family.

"Mr. Lin, I'll see you off!"

Liang Sheng followed quickly.

Lin Yang didn't stop it.

Soon, they stepped out of the door of the Liang family.

However, Lin Yang stopped after ten steps out of the Liang family's gate...

"Mr. Lin, would you like me to prepare your car for you Liang Sheng asked.

"No need."

Lin Yang turned around and took out a silver needle and pricked it on his neck.

In an instant, his face turned into the posture of a God, a pair of cold eyes, senhan looked at Liang Sheng's side.

"I still have something to do. After that, I'll go back to Jiangcheng again!"

"Nothing else to do?" Liang Sheng was stunned: "what's the matter?"

"You can't do it!" Lin Yang said quietly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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