"What we can't do?" Liang Sheng was stunned and didn't quite understand the meaning of this.

However, at this time, Lin Yang behind the road, bushes, quietly out of many strong figure.

These figures, swollen in muscles, armed one by one, with weapons at their waists and bulletproof vests, came forward in a fierce manner.

All their faces were covered with black masks, only their eyes were exposed.

Each eye is like a wolf, a tiger and a leopard, extremely fierce.


Liang Sheng was shocked.

Lin Yang took up the silver needle in his hand and said calmly, "Liang Sheng, I hope you can keep my identity secret for the time being. I have no malice towards the Liang family. After all, this is my righteous parents' home. I don't want to destroy him, so my parents will be sad. But the injustice has its head and the debt has its owner. As a righteous son, they are wronged, I have to ask for justice for them! I have given my adoptive father three days' time, and your grandfather has given three days' time to the Liang family. Although it seems to me that this is a waste of time, I have done my utmost! So don't blame me

Finish saying, Lin Yang raises a foot directly, toward Liang family door mercilessly kick.


The whole gate burst to pieces in an instant, as if it was a broken glass, and the picture was extremely shocked.

Late at night, Liang's family was boiling at this time.

"What's going on?"

"What's the matter with the gate?"

"Did something blow up?"

Panic calls continued to ring from the interior of the Liangs.

Lin Yang looked at Liang Sheng, who was stupefied. "If you don't want any trouble, go and ask your grandfather that they don't show up!"

With that, Lin Yang stepped on the door directly.

"Mr. Lin! just a minute, please. Mr. Lin! "

Liang Sheng's expression changed, and he ran after him, trying to stop him. However, a strong man next to him seemed to be carrying a chicken and grabbed him and pushed him back.


Liang Sheng sat down on the ground, almost no one turned upside down.

The rest of the strong men poured in and rushed into the Liang family with Lin Yang.

How could he have seen such a battle?

Liang Sheng didn't care that his butt was about to split into half. He got up in a hurry and took out his mobile phone and dialed it to Liang Weiguo.

The main hall of Liang family.

Liang Qingsong, Liang Weiguo and Liang Yu are sitting here.

The people looked serious and seemed to be discussing things.

Liang Weiguo's face was not very good-looking. He had a cold face, and his old eyebrows were wrinkled. He looked worried.

"The Liang family has been preparing for the meeting for many years. This time, we must not allow any loss. We must send the information that the families in Yanjing have inquired about, and pay close attention to those hidden families." Liang Qingsong said lightly.

"Don't worry, uncle. We are ready."

"Second master, there will be news from several big families tomorrow. I will give it to you as soon as possible."

"This time my Liang family will be able to soar in the meeting!"

The people vowed and were in high spirits.

"In short, we still can't be careless. We should be well prepared." Liang Qingsong nodded his head, but his sight fell on Liang Weiguo. Seeing that he looked ugly, he asked, "third brother, do you have anything to say?"

Liang Weiguo glanced at him and murmured, "put aside the meeting in advance. Let's talk about Feng Yan's family."

"Oh? What about brother Yan? Isn't it solved? I have asked Nanfang to apologize, and Qiuyan has also forgiven her. Third uncle, do you have any dissatisfaction? " Liang Yu, smiling, said to the old man.

"What about Lin Yang's wife? What about Lin Yang? " Liang Weiguo said angrily.

Liang Yu still had a smile on his face, but did not answer.

Liang Qingsong, however, snorted coldly and said in a low voice: "Wei state! What do you mean? Is it not clear what I said earlier? Liang family can not lower this head, especially to these small people! Don't you understand me

"But..." Liang Weiguo also wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Liang Yu.

"Third uncle, don't say it. The woman named Su Yan has left. I heard that Lin Yang also left Liang's family. They don't care. What's your anger? Let's call it a day. Now we have to actively prepare for the meeting. Don't be upset by trifles at this time. You are the head of the third room. We should put the overall situation first. If the brothers and sisters of the third room know that you quarrel with us about such trivial matters, they will be very unhappy, will they? " Liang Yu said with a smile.

This is more useful than liang Qingsong's words.

Liang Weiguo was speechless.

Liang Qingsong nods to Liang Yu secretly. He is quite satisfied with the son and intends to give the second room to him to take care of it.

In fact, Liang Weiguo didn't know about it. It was said that it was big or small, but it had been spread all over the Liang family. Many people in the third room also felt that Liang Weiguo was making a fuss. Two people from Jiangcheng, one of whom was a waste discarded by the Lin family, could it be lower? So their faces are not lost?There are already three room people chewing Liang Wei Guo's tongue behind his back.

But Liang Weiguo had a hard time!

What's the Lin family waste?

That's the big dragon of the Lin family!

Liang Weiguo sighed again and again, but his old face was helpless.

At this time, he could only hope that Dr. Lin did not really care about it, and that was the end of the matter.

But then...


A violent explosion shocked the whole Liang family.

"What's going on?"

The Liang family were all shocked and stood up from their chairs.

Liang Qingsong frowned.

"What's the matter? Ah Ho, go and have a look. " Liang Yu sinks to a member of the Liang family standing at the door.

The man named ah Hao ran out immediately.

Liang Weiguo was at a loss. He did not know what had happened.

But at this time, the old machine in his pocket vibrated.

Liang Weiguo was busy taking it out. When he looked at the caller ID, he was surprised that it belonged to his grandson, Liang Sheng.

He hesitated, and then pressed the connect button with some trembling fingers.

"No, grandfather! Dr. Lin has come in! " Liang Sheng yelled at the top of his voice.

Liang Weiguo's old body shook violently. The man immediately stood up and said in astonishment, "what do you say?"

"Dr. Lin has come in. He has come in! Grandfather, you have to think of a way... "Liang Sheng wanted to cry without tears.

"How could that happen?"

With his mouth open, Liang's brain was blank.

At this time...

"Er Ye! Third master! Little praise! No, there are... Someone has broken into my Liang's house! " Ah Hao, who had left earlier, rushed into the main hall in a hurry and cried out in panic...

as soon as this was said, all the Liang family members stood up from their chairs.

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