Into the Liang family?

Who is it? So crazy?

This is the Liang family in Yanjing!

This is a giant of Yanjing!

Even if they are powerful families such as Lin family and Sima family, they dare not make such a rash move?

Who is so bold?

The Liang family felt incredible and thought they had heard it wrong.

However, Liang Qingsong was still sitting in his chair, drinking tea quietly. He looked as if Mount Tai had collapsed in front of him, but he did not change his color. Then he said faintly: "call all the Liangs together, and immediately take down these reckless things. Remember, they are not allowed to call the police. These people need to be dealt with according to the rules of the Liang family!"

"Yes, second master!"

Ah Hao ran down immediately.

"It's true that all kinds of cats and dogs come to my Liang's house to make trouble."

"Where is the madman from?"

"When they are subdued, bring them here and ask them well."

Several Liang family members hum repeatedly, disdain to say.

"Let's go on with the meeting." Liang Qingsong put down the cup and said quietly.

People sat down.

Indeed, although this kind of thing sounds very frightening, the Liang family present are not afraid when they think of where this is.

However, Liang Weiguo's face was extremely white. After questioning, the whole son was still frozen in place, and his old face was full of worry.

"Wei Guo, what's wrong with you?" Liang Qingsong asked lightly.

"Second brother, you should go and have a look. Something may have happened." He was very serious.

As soon as he said this, many people laughed.

"The third master is joking again."

"Big event? In our Liang family, what can happen? "

Liang Yu couldn't help but lift up the corner of his mouth and said with a faint smile: "uncle, what's the matter with you recently? Did you lose your judgment ability after a serious illness? This is the Liang family. It's the Liang family in Yanjing. Although we haven't met such crazy people who break into the Liang family for a long time, it doesn't mean that we don't have any. Why do you have to worry about them? "

"You..." Liang Weiguo's face was flushed and his chest was colic. It seemed that he had some symptoms. He quickly took a few deep breaths, rubbed his chest, and then shook his hand and said, "OK! Good! Since you don't care, I'm not going to say it! "

After that, Liang Weiguo sat directly in his chair, full of anger and silent.

Liang Qingsong was too lazy to take care of Liang Weiguo. He wanted to continue to discuss the conference with the public.

But at this time, the noise outside the hall somehow gradually increased.

People can clearly hear the sound of screams, howls, as well as panic calls for mercy.


Liang Qingsong frowned.

Liang Yu could not help but stand up and looked out of the hall.

Suddenly, several figures came in from outside the hall.

All of them were strong, nearly two meters tall. They walked into the hall with long sticks, masks, knives and even guns.

After entering the hall, they directly stand at the entrances and windows of the hall, completely blocking this place.

Some masters of Liang family have dark eyes.

Although these people are not many, they virtually block the retreat path of everyone in the hall...

"who are you?"

"Be bold! Come on, get these men for me

"Jiawei! What about Jiawei? Are people dead? "

In the hall, the senior members of the Liang family got up in a rage and glared at these people in succession. Some people called for help in a loud voice.

Liang Qingsong's old eyebrows sank.

Liang Yu, with a long face, glanced at these strong men and said angrily, "who are you? What do you do? "

However, Liang's words were ignored.

Until then, a figure came in from outside the hall.

"It doesn't matter who they are, it's what they're doing here!"

As soon as the words came out, all the Liang family members looked at the sound source in unison.

Liang Weiguo couldn't help but take a look at the man. When he saw the man who came in, he sighed.

The visitor is a man in a black suit. His body is very straight and straight, his eyes are bright and his face is like a God. He is not perfect, and his expression is light. But if you look carefully, you can see the coldness and coldness hidden in his eyes at the bottom...

the Liang family are greatly surprised.

"Are you?"

"You may not know me, but most people like to call me Dr. Lin." Lin Yang pulled over a chair beside him, poured a cup of tea and took a sip.

Standing beside him is also a big man, but it was the man who was picked up by Lin Yang in the hotel.

The man is actually the leader of this army king.He was mentioned by Lin Yang as carrying a chicken before. He felt that he had no face. Although he felt that Lin Yang had strength, he was always unconvinced. After all, Lin Yang made himself so embarrassed in front of his many subordinates. How could he bear this tone?

It's just that he can't help it. No matter how angry he is, he has to help this guy finish his work first.

However, this boy is really tough enough to bring us to the Liang family to make trouble. Hey, this time, we'll see how he ends up.

The commander of the army was expressionless, but he was happy and ready to have fun.

Lin Yang's introduction to the fall, the Liang family Qi Qi great consternation.

"Doctor Lin? Are you Dr. Lin? " Someone breathed out.

"Are you the Doctor Lin who cured the third uncle?" Liang Yu looked at Lin Yang from head to toe, and looked at Liang Weiguo, which seemed to be proof.

Liang Weiguo, however, closed his eyes and said nothing, as if he were not involved.

Liang Sheng has told him what Lin Yang said, and he is too lazy to intervene.

When things got to this level, he couldn't control it, and he had to let it happen...

"I didn't expect that the legendary Doctor Lin was really so young. It's true that there are talented people from all walks of life! Dr. Lin, our Liang family has always appreciated you and welcomed your arrival. But is it a bit unreasonable for you to enter my Liang family late at night in this way? " Liang Qingsong looked at Lin Yang lightly and said calmly.

But... Lin Yang ignored Liang Qingsong directly and looked at Liang Yu: "where is Liang Nanfang?"

"Nanfang?" Liang Yu frowned and felt a little bad. He asked carefully, "Doctor Lin, do you know my little girl? What can I do for you

"I'll give you five minutes."

Lin Yang took out his mobile phone, turned on the timing function, and then put it on the tea table beside him. He said calmly, "in five minutes, let Nanfang get here. If he fails to do so in five minutes, he will bear the consequences."

With that, Lin Yang closed his eyes.

The Liang family was shocked.

Is this Doctor Lin threatening the Liang family? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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