This time, Su Tai, Su Yan, and Liu Manshan understood why Jin Qiang and the others were so confident.

They already knew that the person Jin Shaolong beat was Su Yu, a big star, but they were not afraid at all.

Because they knew that Su Yu was on the rise in her career!

When such a thing happened, it would be detrimental to Su Yu no matter who the management word was on.

Nightclubs, brawls, disfigurement...

Putting these few keywords on any public figure is devastating.

Once things get out, many people won't care what the truth is! Don't care who is the murderer and who is the victim!

They only know that a popular star goes to nightclubs late at night, and even fights with others.

Whenever such a label is attached, no matter how good the star's previous moral character is, it will be corrupted.

What's more, Jin Qiang and others are obviously capable.

If they add fuel to the flames at this juncture and invite some unscrupulous self-media to discredit it, then the matter will be even more unclear.

"Mr. Su, I don't think this matter is a big deal at all. Why not make it a minor matter? I brought the children here to apologize. Let's just let this matter go! How about it? "

Jin Qiang said with a smile, his eyes full of amusement.

"never mind?"

Su Tai clenched his fists tightly.

"Otherwise, what do you want? Are you really going to make trouble? We will accompany you!"

A woman next to her pulled a girl and snorted disdainfully.

"Don't think your daughter is a big star, we are afraid of you, to put it bluntly, your daughter is an actress!" The woman on the other end said disdainfully.


Su Yan was about to explode.

Liu Manshan was so emotional that she passed out directly.

Su Tai quickly supported his wife, and growled, "Get out! Get out of here, all of you! Get out immediately!"

"Mr. Su, don't get excited, we are actually doing it for your own good! Your daughter's stardom is still there. In this way, it is not very easy for you to let your daughter rest for a while, deal with the injuries on her face, and then come out to film. Okay? If it breaks out now and damages her image, I'm afraid even the blockbuster films she co-operated with will be affected. Those films are all invested in hundreds of millions of dollars. Once there is an impact, the liquidated damages among them will be astronomical Numbers, I guess your family doesn't want to be in huge debt either?"

Jin Qiang laughed.

Su Tai's eyes widened and he was completely silent.

There is no doubt that Jin Qiang and others must have investigated Su Yu beforehand and knew Su Yu's current situation well.

I'm afraid they didn't show up last night just to find this reason...

Although Su Tai is not from the entertainment industry, he has heard about it.

Although Su Yu has a certain reputation and is considered a household name in China, it cannot be her amulet.

Faced with this situation, it became her weakness.

Jin Qiang and his group took advantage of this weakness to become confident,

Without saying a word, Su Tai tightly hugged Liu Manshan who passed out, almost gnashing his teeth.

Su Yan also remained silent.

Strictly speaking, Jin Qiang is right.

Su Yu is not qualified to negotiate!

Unless...she is willing to give up everything she has now.

"I ask you a question!"

At this moment, Lin Yang suddenly spoke.

Jin Qiang and the others looked at Lin Yang one after another, squinting their eyes with mockery.

"Sir, what do you want to ask?"

"I want to ask, do you know... which brokerage company Su Yu belongs to?"

Lin Yang asked lightly.

When these words fell to the ground, everyone was startled.

They really didn't get to the bottom of it.

"Big stars like this are usually Yanjing Chinese-language brokerage companies, right?"

A young woman spoke.

"Heh, which brokerage company does she belong to? What does it matter? Even if she is the top brokerage company in the world, if something like this happens, she won't be able to get away with it!"

Another middle-aged man sneered.

Lin Yang shook his head silently: "She belongs to Yanghua Brokerage Company!"

A simple sentence made the people present tremble.

Yanghua Brokerage Company is not a top company.

But it has an advantage!

It's in River City...

"Do you know who is in charge of Yanghua Brokerage Company?"

Lin Yang narrowed his eyes and asked again.

People fell silent.

If they don't even know the answer, they are not worthy of being Jiangcheng people.

"Young man, what do you mean?"

Jin Qiang asked coldly.

"I don't mean anything, I just want to remind everyone that this matter will involve Yanghua's brokerage company. Once Yanghua is involved, I'm afraid that person will end in person. I don't know what energy is behind everyone, but once If you offend that person...I'm afraid, it will be more troublesome!"

Lin Yang said with a smile.

When these words fell to the ground, everyone at the scene turned pale with astonishment, and they were all speechless.

"Bastard, are you threatening us?"

A woman was furious, pointing at Lin Yang and shouting.

"If you think I'm threatening you, then pretend I didn't say it!"


The woman was dumb, not knowing what to do.

Su Tai reacted.


Su Yu is under Song Jing's command, and Song Jing is under Yanghua Brokerage Company.

Logically speaking, standing behind Su Yu is the overlord of Jiangcheng, Miracle Doctor Lin!

With Miracle Doctor Lin here, how can the Jin family and other families compete with them?

"Mr. Jin, since you all said that, then I have nothing to say. See you in court!"

Su Tai said with a sneer.

Jin Qiang looked gloomy and was silent for a moment.

He didn't answer, but took out his cell phone, walked aside and made a call.

The rest of the people also looked embarrassed and said nothing.

Now that Lin Yang moved out the name of Miracle Doctor Lin and put it elsewhere, it is still open to discussion.

But if it's in Jiangcheng...who would dare to compete with Miracle Doctor Lin?

For a moment, no one dared to speak out.

But at this moment, Jin Qiang put down his cell phone suddenly, and said with a blank expression: "Sir, I think... Skynet is well restored, and it's not missing! Anyone who committed a crime, no matter how capable they are behind it, should bear it." No one can protect you from the guilt you deserve!"

Lin Yang heard the sound, his brows sank: "What do you mean?"

"Doctor Lin, you can't stay outside the law!"

Jin Qiang smiled directly.

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