Seeing the confident appearance of Jin Qiang and others, Su Tai suddenly felt guilty.

Could it be that these people are not afraid of Miracle Doctor Lin?

Lin Yang also frowned.

In the entire Jiangcheng, no one dared to oppose Yanghua.

Even people who don't live in Jiangcheng understand what Miracle Doctor Lin means to the people of Jiangcheng.

But they dare to be so arrogant...

What is their reliance?

"We settled this matter with sincerity, but you don't seem to have the will to reconcile. If that's the case, let's see you in court."

Jin Qiang didn't seem to want to make any more entanglements, so he chuckled lightly and led them away.

"A bunch of bastards! Conscientious things!"

Su Tai couldn't bear it anymore, and cursed loudly.

Su Xiaoqing cried even more fiercely.

Su Yan's silver teeth were about to be crushed, and her beautiful face was full of anger.

But she didn't say anything.

Although the reason is on Su Yu's side, because of Su Yu's status, the matter must not make a big deal.

"Xiaoyan, take care of Xiaoyu here, I have something to do, let's go first."

Lin Yang said.

"Where are you going?"

Su Yan stared at him and asked, "I'm telling you, don't mess around! I think it's better to ask Director Lin of Yanghua to handle this matter. He must have more ways than us."

"Don't worry, I won't mess around."

Lin Yang smiled and left.

Su Yan glanced at Lin Yang's back, then hugged Su Xiaoqing who was crying into tears, and closed her eyes.

Lin Yang found Song Jing on the first floor of the inpatient department.

"Director Lin!"

In an empty corner, Song Jing quickly bowed, his face covered with sweat.

"Have you checked?"

Lin Yang instinctively took out a cigarette, but considering the surrounding environment, he put the cigarette back into the cigarette case.

"After checking, the main person responsible for this incident is Jin Shaolong, and the Jin family that Jin Shaolong belongs to is an old family in Jiangcheng, but the family's power is not too big. It has been honest and responsible all these years, but..."

"Just what?"

"According to the information given by Mr. Ma, the Jin family is transferring assets outside Jiangcheng. It seems that they plan to move their family out of Jiangcheng..."

"Where are they going to move?"

"Currently... don't know..."

Lin Yang lowered his eyebrows and thought.

It's no wonder that the Jin family has no fear of the name of Miracle Doctor Lin.

They were all leaving Jiangcheng, so they naturally didn't care.

But where does the Jin family want to go?

At this time, Song Jing's cell phone rang.

He took it out to turn it off, but when he saw the caller ID, he couldn't help but startled.

"Who's calling?"

"President Ma..."

"Go ahead."


Song Jing immediately pressed the connect button, but after a while, his face suddenly tightened.

"Dong Lin, the Jin family has already set off for the airport, and a private jet has been arranged at the airport to take them away!"

"Send someone to stop them."

Lin Yang said coldly.


"Let's go and have a look!"

Lin Yang said hoarsely, and immediately restored the face of Miracle Doctor Lin, planning to meet the members of the Jin family in person.

Song Jing immediately contacted Ma Hai.

After a while, Ma Hai's motorcade arrived at the gate of the hospital.

Lin Yang got into the car and drove directly to the airport.

Xu Tian has already led people to the airport one step ahead of time, intending to intercept the members of the Jin family.

"Director Lin, in my opinion, that kid from the Jin family, Jin Shaolong, must have planned to do something to your sister. He probably knew he was going to leave Jiangcheng before he did such a thing!"

In the car, Song Jing said indignantly.

"Call the police and let them come and arrest people. The Jin family can't run away. Not only the Jin family, but everyone involved in this matter must be watched."

Lin Yang said lightly.

Song Jing nodded and was about to dial the number.

But at this moment, Ma Hai's cell phone on the co-pilot's seat rang.

"I'm Ma Hai."

He answered the phone and asked in a deep voice.

But after a while, Ma Hai turned pale with shock.

"What? say it again!"

The people in the car were breathing heavily.

After a while, Ma Hai put down his phone, turned his head with difficulty and looked at Lin Yang in the back row.

"Director Lin, something happened..."

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