Lin Yang raised his eyes immediately.

It was not a big plane, and it was in the ascending stage at the moment, because the direction of flight was everyone's side, so Ma Hai could see the general idea.

Everyone looked desperate.

The plane has already taken off, and it is impossible to stop the Jin family.

Ma Hai could only look at the ocean and sigh, suppressing his anger.

"Ma Hai, are you sure this is the plane of the Jin family?"

Lin Yang asked suddenly.

"Yes, Mr. Lin. At this point in time, there will be no other aircraft of this type except the one that came to pick up the Jin family."

Ma Hai said immediately.

Lin Yang looked around, then at the plane slowly rising into the sky, and said calmly: "You all back away!"

Ma Hai was stunned, and immediately dispersed his subordinates.

At this moment, Lin Yang suddenly leaned over, staring at the plane with both eyes, then jumped up and rushed over.


With his take-off, the ground sank more than a few inches, and the ground cracked.

on the plane.

Jin Shaolong stood with his head down in the aisle beside him, not daring to look directly at Jin Hui in front of him.

Jin Hui kept scolding Jin Shaolong, scolding him bloody.

"Okay, big brother, it's not a big deal, so you can stop scolding a few words!"

Jin Qiang stepped forward, couldn't help but said with a smile.

"Third son, isn't this a big deal? This kid is from Yanghua! He is from Director Lin! Is that something we can afford to offend?"

Jin Hui couldn't help cursing.

"Director Lin? What is that? Brother, have you been in Jiangcheng for so long that you lost your courage?"

At this time, in another seat, a man who was trimming his nails said lightly: "I think Shaolong is more courageous than you. At least he sees a woman he likes and dares to do it. He is more promising than you!"

Jin Hui's expression was not natural when he heard the sound.

Jin Shaolong looked at the man happily, and said with a smile, "Thank you, Second Uncle!"

"Brother, I don't think you should be bothered anymore, isn't there second brother here! What is the mere genius doctor of Yanghualin?"

Jin Qiang laughed.

"Yeah Dad, Second Uncle is here, what are we going to do in a hurry to leave Jiangcheng? Second Uncle's martial arts are world-class, and he just happens to be able to compete with that **** Doctor Lin! That bitch Su Yu is relying on Doctor Lin to give me a hand. Does she support her? If Second Uncle loses to Miracle Doctor Lin, I wonder if the Su family would dare to yell at our family!"

Jin Shaolong couldn't help but said.

"shut up!"

Jin Hui slapped Jin Shaolong's face with a backhand, and cursed: "You know nothing! Do you think that Lin Miracle Doctor is just good at martial arts? Others have an official background! Is that something we can mess with? Already! What if your second uncle loses to Miracle Doctor Lin?"

Jin Shaolong almost fell to the ground.

"Ah Hui! You are crazy! He is your son!"

A woman next to him hurriedly hugged Jin Shaolong and screamed.

"You still have the face to say it? If you weren't used to this stinky boy! Why did this boy cause so many troubles for us?"

Jin Hui said angrily.

The woman glared at Jin Hui viciously and didn't say a word, but she was obviously dissatisfied in her heart.

"Okay bro, stop talking!"

At this moment, Jin Yao, the middle-aged man, Jin Hui's second brother, put away the nail clippers and said impatiently, "After everything has been done, why are you blaming Shaolong for it? Besides, you wouldn't think that we The Jin family really can't beat Yanghua, right? If you hadn't insisted on us leaving, do you think this Jiangcheng could still be dominated by Doctor Lin?"

"Brother! You have been away from Jiangcheng for too long, and you don't know what happened in Jiangcheng during this time...that doctor Lin..."


Jin Hui also tried to explain to Jin Yao, but was stopped by Jin Yao.

Jin Hui was taken aback.

Jin Yao was full of impatience, and said with a cold snort: "Brother, you are getting more and more cowardly! I said earlier that your personality cannot lead the development of the Jin family. If you are really afraid, I think you should put Give up the position of Patriarch to the third brother, the third brother is much stronger than you!"

"You..." Jin Hui was speechless.

"Second brother, you must not say that, the position of Patriarch is good for eldest brother."

Jin Qiang laughed quickly.

"Let him sit? Hmph, I was scared out of my wits when I provoked a bedbug. What kind of family leader does this kind of person sit?"

Jin Yao snorted disdainfully.

Jin Qiang smiled and didn't speak.

The faces of Jin Hui's family turned extremely ugly, but they didn't dare to refute.

After all, the current Jin Yao is not what it used to be.

He didn't even pay attention to Yang Hualin's genius doctor.

But at this moment.


There was a loud noise.

Then, the whole plane shook violently.

The people on the plane staggered to and fro, stunned.

After stabilizing their bodies, they raised their heads one after another.

"What happened?"

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